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About koty_k

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  1. 1. did not expect anything less 2. definitely will win 3.any of them, we arent scared. we will beat anyone 4. well Miami has 100% chance so no one else. 5.I played football in high school 6. summer is too hot, lets go fall
  2. 1. absolutely, that is what he is born to do 2.all of them will make a huge impact 3. Dog Jagr is peeing on everyone, he needs to be taken out more 4. doesnt matter, we are going to win. 5. baseball, the game is so beautiful 6. Steelers, no other choice and always will be watching
  3. 1. Mid Season MVP goes to the GMs. Great job fellas. 2. Dynamic's player, because he is a class A person. 3. Dog Jagr is hosting and they are planning a pool party by the ocean with some babes. 4.All others besides Miami because they lose. 5. Dog Jagr like to go to a park with a pond and run around and swim. 6. Technically own my business and do customer service work. Want to get into the Psychology field soon which I have a psychology masters degree.
  4. thanks for the kind words man. i appreciate it.
  5. 1. I am really excited to be apart of this team and the sky is the limit. 2. To be honest, i have no clue. But I know, they will help the squad tremendously. 3. Everyone that is not Miami. Because it is Miami against the World! 4. Some dog food and some water. and a treat if he plays well. 5. This would be my third sim league technically. Honestly, i heard about it through PBE. Never thought i would join but here i am. 6. TV person but im always good for a good horror film.
  6. 1. im really excited for Miami's chances to win it all. 2. continue to do what they have been doing. full support from me with management. 3.always be humble 4. im definitely not a late night person. barely an early morning person. i just want to sleep. 5. Make sure they are rotten before we leave it outside their locker room or better yet, put it inside their lockers. 6. My fiance. enough said.
  7. 1. I think Ricer and the gang did well. Ready to raise the cup/ 2. Me, I think defense wins championships. 3. hahahahahah. ummm, no comment. 4. PBE is my favorite. Its not favourite. Canadians, am I right? 5. Kayaking, we are having a flood event, so kayaking. 6. Pens, Pens, Pens, Pens, Pens, Pens.
  8. 1. I have no clue what is going on. Do not know if E or M is the more experienced league. So yes to answer the question. 2. I have full faith in my GM. 3. Hitting up the beach to find my self a big bo...... 4. easy, a pirate. a man or woman dressed as a pirate. 5. its been hot. so stay inside. 6. fishing pole, hatchet, big pile of steak in a cooler.
  9. 1. Honestly, I can wait to be back in Miami with the nightlife. 2. I bet they have a good locker room and a good group of users. 3. I think they can be definitely, just have to make the right picks. and i believe in the GMs. 4. I think the locker room interaction is huge. I think GMs need to pick based on their locker room and updates will come after that. 5. I am a diehard Pirates fan. they are actually over .500 right now. 6. Technically self-employed. Dont like what im doing but I have a masters in Psychology. Hoping to get in my field sooner rather than later.
  10. 1. The streak is going to last the rest of the season. 2. 1st, no one is going to beat us. 3. doesnt matter, we are winning 4. I think he is a cheater and should get a lifetime ban. Unless he is on our team because i dont know all of my teammates yet. 5. dont shave and grow the beard out. drink more beer. 6. fire those cannons.
  11. PHYSICAL Dog Jagr has a physical presence on the ice as a player and even as a dog. At six foot, eight inches tall and weighing in at 250 pounds, Jagr has a towering presence over the other players on the ice. Jagr is uses his size to bruise up other opponents to put the fear of God in them as well. For Jagr’s size, he also is very athletic and is very smooth on the ice. His speed and agility is very surprising for his size and he is also very durable and does not have much of an injury risk at this time. MENTAL Dog Jagr enjoys the mental side of the game on the ice. Jagr knows he is a physical specimen and is very unique so he uses those traits to his advantage. Jagr is a very intelligent ice hockey player and loves to use his senses and his intuition on the ice. Jagr considers himself a leader in the locker room and tries to encourages his teammates whenever he can. Dog Jagr is a very selfless person and put the teams needs over his own needs or wants to help the team win. DEFENSIVE Dog Jagr’s defensive prowess is top tier and he strives to be the greatest defender in the league. He is also very aggressive and there will be a lot of hits that are given out by Jagr. Jagr is not afraid to put his body on the line to block shots and to initiate contact on any player that has the puck. He is also smart to avoid any tripping and unnecessary roughness penalties as he plays within the rules but he just brings physicality on the defensive side of the ice. Jagr is also not afraid of a fight and initiates it at the right time to motivate his team. OFFENSIVE Dog Jagr admittedly is not a score first defender. His main focus is the defensive side. However, he does use his intelligence to play a decent offensive defender. Jagr is one of the best keeping the puck onsides and keeping the puck away from the opposing team. Jagr is an intelligent passer and does his best to get the puck to his playmakers. Jagr does not want to do too much to hurt the team since he knows his strengths and weaknesses. Instead of shooting to score, Jagr is shooting to either get a deflection to go into the net or get a promising rebound, and if the puck goes in the net, he will be just as happy.
  12. Hi, my name is Jagr and I am a dog and now a professional hockey player. They call me dog Jagr. My human thinks I can play hockey. When I was a pup, I had legs and my human would say, “you have hockey sticks for legs”. That is why they named me after Jaromir Jagr. I was only eight weeks old when my human came and picked me up. I was really scared of him at first. But when we got home, he laid me on the bed and I went to sleep. He was setting up my crate but since I fell asleep, he allowed me to sleep in the bed. But, I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I did not know what to do besides like my human’s face. He woke up and then took me outside where I could release myself. He was so happy that I was already potty trained. I was the cutest of puppies, I was told I had a big ol’ head and a small body when I was a pup. But the next day, my human took me to the stupid vet. The doctor was not happy that I weighed so little for my age. Then the stupid doctor stuck me with needles that really hurt. I was not happy. But then, the doctor let me go and I was finally out of that office. My human finally took me shopping because I was hungry. He got me some swag that I could wear and some food, some treats and some toys. Later that day, I went and saw my grandparents, my aunt and uncle who were not humans, they were like me. And I ended up pooping in the garage because my stomach was upset. But, the humans were not mad at me. They were all holding their noses though. They said I was a “stinky puppy”. A few days later, while my human was at work, I had to poop but I was in my create. When my human came home, I could tell he was exhausted, but he could definitely smell the poop that came out of me. It was all over me too because I rolled in it. The human was not pleased. He put my crate outside and then he put me in the bath. I did not like the bath. The water was scary. And I was clean, but I did not like to be clean. The first couple of months were fun with my human. I did not like my human’s roommates. They were nasty with my human and I barked at them. They did not get scared of me because I was small. I thought I was big and powerful since I was part pitbull and lab. But then, we moved to my nanny and pappy’s house. I got to play with my uncle and aunt. They did not like playing with me because they were a lot smaller. My aunt split my ear open with her teeth. I then had to go to the stupid vet again and get staples in my ear. They really hurt. A few months later, I had to go to the vet yet again. I just remember them giving me a shot and I woke up with a cone on my head. I felt pain in my lower body below my tummy. Not sure what they did to me. But my human was laughing at me because I had a cone on my head. After a while, my human brought me over to another human’s apartment. I got so excited and started jumping all over her and licking her and she was giving me butt rubs and belly rubs. Over the next few months, we would go over there a lot. Eventually, we went over there and I am still here. I started calling that other human mommy. I was happy that I had two humans now. However, I forgot to mention the stinky cat mommy has. He does not like me at all. When he sees me, he hisses at me and all I want to do is play with him. When he runs, I chase him and the humans yell at me. I just want to sniff him and play. A few years later, the humans got another dog. They forced her to be my sister. I was not happy because she takes all the attention. She forces herself to get all the pets and leaves none for me. She always wants to play with me and it is so annoying. She has so much energy, it is just too much for me. I am a grumpy dog when she is around. Sometimes I will play with her. However, the one thing I will not compromise on is giving my sister the bed when we all go to bed. She has to sleep on the floor on blankets while I sleep with the humans. My humans said since I am older, I have to get a job. So, I am becoming a hockey player. I plan on jumping on the opposing player with the puck and bite him till he submits the puck to me. I will be the best hocky player ever!
  13. 1. I think adding my player is going to help Miami chances to gain ground on those teams. 2. i think defense. and adding my player as dman is going to be huge. 3. The pens goal song, party hard 4. Jaromir Jagr 5. MMA fights instead of the old fashioned fist fights 6. More than a 9 year career
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