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Everything posted by OblivionWalker
Some time to herself had been good, but Olivia Walker was bored out of her mind at the moment. Being the assistant general manager of the Oslo Storm had been a good stepping stone as a career as a general manager someday but with the announcement that the VHLE as a league was shutting down, she wasn't sure what her next move would be. Already in Europe, she had decided to take some time and travel. She had visited London, taking in the crown jewels as well as the Tower of London and eating her weight in Cadbury before deciding to move on. Germany had held Neuschwanstein, the castle that the Disney logo was based on in the very south of the country on the border with Austria and naturally, since she was near Austria, she had travelled to the field where the iconic opening of the movie "The Sound of Music" had been filmed. While no singer, Olivia had spun in the meadow and surely scared some sheep and or various birds with her warbling off key. She had taken in Switzerland (for the chocolate, naturally) as well as Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. She had traveled while playing rugby but that kind of traveling hadn't been conducive for truly taking in the culture of the places she was visiting. It was in while back in Germany and in the city of Trier, with the old Roman gates still standing when entering the city, Olivia noted the assistant general manager position posting for the Helsinki Titans on several VHL job boards. She had been certain that she would take a season off, perhaps try again with another team in time since there were many general managers and assistants who were now out of work with the shuttering of the E but something in her was tired of wandering. Taking a job, having a team to work with would mean something of permanence. She could hopefully put some roots down in Helsinki, should she be accepted. Hesitantly, she answered the call for a general manager and while she felt that her interview with Ben Hafkey had gone well enough, she hadn't enough of a sense of things to know for certain if she should start heading to Helsinki and in the meantime, she had even applied for another assistant position with another team just in case. She was sitting on her bed, watching Baywatch in German (which was a trip in and of itself) when her phone rang. Puzzled, she leaned over to grab it and saw a number she didn't recognize right away but opened it anyway. "Olivia Walker speaking." "Olivia! It's Ben Hafkey. There's going to be a lot of things to catch up on, but I'd like to offer you the assistant position in Helsinki with the Titans!" "Oh my god! Thank you so much for calling! I'll get myself up to Helsinki as soon as I can! I'm in Germany right now so give me a day or so to get there and we'll get going." As soon as she'd hung up the phone, Olivia began to fling her clothes into her suitcase, spending part of her frenetic packing session on the phone with her parents to let them know that she would not be coming back to the States any time soon, but she was excited. Ben had seemed like he was going to be a good gm, someone that she would be able to work well with and Olivia was looking forward to getting stuck in and doing what she could to help the Titans have a good draft and get some good prospects on deck. "So long, Germany." Olivia muttered under her breath as she got into her rental car so she could head to Frankfurt and get a flight to Helsinki. "It's been real." (word count: 643)
On ice he sang to me, To practice he came. That voice which calls to me, critiques my game. And do I dream again? For now I find The Phantom of the VHL is there... Inside my mind.
to: rharrington@gmail.ca from: skovalenko@gmail.ca Hey Rivushka, it's me. I hope this finds you well, you're probably out on the ice or at practice with the others. Just wanted to call and let you know that I'm thinking about you. I had a team contact me today about the draft, which means that it's really happening and as we well know, I'm going to be freaking out about it until I'm actually drafted, and it's all said and done. I hope that maybe you and I can be on the same team for a change but if we don't, you're going to be great. I'm rambling, I know but if I don't get all of this out, it's just going to sit in my brain and fester there. Baba and Dido wanted me to tell you hello and good luck for the tournament. I'm pretty sure you're baba's favorite person now, not me, which is rude, but I'll accept an apology in the form of a kiss the next time I see you. I think when we play each other next, my family is planning to come. I apologize now for my sisters; they will embarrass the both of us. I love you always, Slava (word count: 202)
I'll throw my hat into the ring.
1. I'm pretty good! Looking forward to the draft. 2. Hopefully continue to be a presence on the blue line as well as the score sheet. 3. A lot of the Beatles, and also starting to write a lot of things as well. Q1. What's the best movie/show you've seen lately? Q2. What NHL team are you rooting for this season? Q3. What band or singer drives you nuts?
After surveying the hurricane that appeared to have hurtled around inside his room, Slava Kovalenko looked at the very neat duffel bag he had just packed which was very much at odds with his current surroundings. It was going to be a very busy off-season for him, with competing in not only the Junior Showcase Tournament for the second time but this would also be his first time partaking in the Pro-Am Tournament as well, but he figured it was a good way to play with different people and see what skills and tricks he could learn from others before his second full season in the VHLM started. Of course, there was the neon pink elephant in the room of the draft coming up and Slava heaved a soundless sigh. He had no idea how that was going to pan out for him, what teams could potentially be looking at him or not. He had kept his head down, nose to the grindstone this last season in Mississauga and really hadn't been paying much attention to which VHL teams might be in the market for a defenseman after this season. But having come out of his first complete season (since he'd been a waiver pick up and only played 12 games in Ottawa before season 94 had ended) as the VHLM leader in defenseman points. Slava liked to think that he would at least warrant a look from teams. He had been somewhat terrified for the M draft since he hadn't had very good luck with things like that in the past and a surprising number of teams had reached out him, interested in drafting him. He hoped that things would go that way with the VHL draft as well and his track record so far would be able to say good things about him. Making sure that his equipment bag contained everything he was going to want for an extended excursion away from home, Slava carried the two bags over by the front door. His ride was going to be here soon, and he wanted to leave so he could get settled in, maybe say hello to some of the other people he was playing with for the Junior Showcase Tournament. He checked his phone and noted that the general manage had sent the roster to the group chat and he checked it. Slava was both surprised as well as quite pleased to see that three of his Mississauga teammates were on his team for the tournament. It would be good to play with Albin, Jay and Ron again and of course, as he'd played with Brandon Petan Jr. last year on the Rush team that had won, Slava would be glad to see Brandon again as well. It felt like he was at least starting to settle into things a little bit more now. A notification popped up on his phone that his driver was almost there, and Slava got his bags slung over each shoulder before locking up behind himself. It was going to be a very busy off-season, but he was looking toward to it. (word count: 519)
S95 Royals Roster Announcement
OblivionWalker replied to sadie's topic in Junior Showcase Tournament
Let’s get these w’s everyone! -
S95 World Junior Championship GM Application
OblivionWalker replied to LucyXpher's topic in Job Interviews
I'm up for a new challenge! -
I’d be interested
S95 Mississauga Hounds Press Conferences
OblivionWalker replied to mmrs617's topic in Team Press Conferences
1. We're down in our series. No matter how it goes, was this season a success. I would agree with that. We still worked hard and got pretty far so I think we have a lot to build upon. 2. How do you feel about the end of the VHLE? I don't know how to feel about it, honestly. I was looking forward to moving up, but it also makes sense not to have it and I also get to stay here for another season, which I really like! 3. Will your plan for you player change now that the E is gone? Nope. Still going to be grinding and getting that max earning. 4. Which VHL team is best set up for the future? Really hard to say at this point honestly. 5. Which stadium seats are worse, behind someone who's really tall, or way back in the highest seats? Behind someone tall. As a short person, I can attest that it's the worst. 6. What's the best pump up music? Depends on my mood, but if I need to get something done quickly, I usually throw on some Symphonic Metal, like Nightwish, Epica or Avantasia. -
Season didn't quite end how we wanted but we've got a good base for next season. It was always interesting facing you, Philly. Good luck moving forward.
1. Kinda sad that i really didn’t get to experience it as a player but i was the AGM for the Oslo Storm and that’ll have to do! 2. Work hard and get better. 3. By lurking in dark corners and being a max earner. 4. It isn’t but maybe I’m just a genius. 5. Sounds like -you- might be paranoid, pal. 6. Well doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is supposedly the definition of the sanity so I don’t know what to tell you.
Thank you! As @kirbithan can attest, I can always think of something to write about.
It's hard to know where to begin sometimes when things change on a dime. But I wanted to take a moment to say a few words to some people that I didn't have nearly enough time with. To everyone on the Oslo Storm, it was an honor to be the assistant gm this season. Seeing your comradery in the locker room when things weren't going well, or when we were on a winning streak was inspiring to behold. I'm glad that I got to be a fly on the wall and absorb some of that energy and passion for the game. To Mikko, thank you for taking a chance on me as a completely green person to the world of the VHLE and managing a team entirely. Watching you work, how you weighed and considered and did your absolute best to draw everything you could from the team felt like seeing a chess master surveying the board to see what the next move would be. I know whatever you move on to after this, you'll be a success at it. I don't know what the future holds for me, but I'll be rooting for every one of you, wherever you end up going. -Olivia (word count: 204)
With their series already done and dusted (having won four straight games against Houston), Slava figured that it might be nice to give his boyfriend (still a word he was having trouble accepting was the truth) a surprise for their game versus Las Vegas. Unfortunately for the Lynx, their time in the playoffs was up and Slava heaved a heavy sigh. He had been hoping for more for River, Brandon and the others but their roster was just too thin to really make much of a playoff push. But with the announcement of the VHLE closing down and some players bound to return to the M, the next season was going to be very interesting, and he was curious to see how all of it was going to come out in the wash. Still, he was here for a very specific purpose and once the fans of both sides had filed out of the arena, Slava made his way back toward the locker rooms. He saw some faces he knew and once he’d given a little wave to Brandon, who obviously recognized him, none of the security gave Slava a hard time about being there. Of course, given that Slava was also 6 foot 8 and solidly built, he generally wasn’t given too hard of a time. His heart ached when he finally caught sight of River, who was in his street clothes but still looked disappointed as he was gathering his things together. He knew River, knew that he wanted more for the team, but River would take it in stride, look ahead to next season and what he could work on for the betterment of the Lynx. While Slava had hoped to perhaps play with River next season, he looked like he was going to be sticking around Mississauga a little while longer and that was honestly okay with him. He liked his team, liked the general manager and his assistant and he was still the captain of the team for now. He was always going to play his hardest and do whatever he could to grow his game and be there to help. “Hey Rivushka.” Slava said softly, using the little pet name that he had come up with himself for his boyfriend. The way River’s head snapped up almost made Slava laugh but River was looking at him like he could hardly believe that Slava was really there. “What are you doing here?!” River asked, getting to his feet quickly. “I came to see someone that I really miss.” Slava answered simply, reaching out to wind long arms around River and draw him into his embrace. He was distantly aware of Brandon catcalling them, but he just shook his head and sighed. “I see that Brandon hasn’t changed much.” he teased and was relieved to hear River laugh a little at that statement. “Oh, he hasn’t. For better or worse.” River quipped, which got a look of mock outrage from Brandon. Having played with him for the Junior Showcase Tournament last season on the Yukon Rush, Slava had gotten to know Brandon decently well and he genuinely liked him. “I guess time will tell with that one.” Slava agreed practically, giving Brandon a once over as though he was still making up his mind about him. “What do you say we get out of here and find an ice cream cone?” “That would be really nice.” River sighed and Slava kissed the top of his head softly. “Hey. I’m really proud of you. This season wasn’t an easy one for you or the team and you still pushed through as best as you could. What’s done is done. All you can do now is look toward the off-season and the JST. We get another crack at it. Maybe we can make it a repeat.” With his arm firmly fixed around River’s shoulders, Slava guided his boyfriend toward the exit. He’d have his own second round series to play later but right now, all he was focused on was the one person he loved more than anything in the world. Even hockey. Things felt like they were going his way, and Slava had never been more grateful in his life for his dido buying him his first pair of skates. (word count: 713)
Looks like being the AGM of Oslo will be my only experience with the E. The end of an era.
With all 72 games now played in the VHLM regular season, Slava Kovalenko, captain of the Mississauga Hounds, captured first place in defenseman points with 89. Having led the category for most of the season, it may come as no surprise to many that the defenseman was able to hang onto that position, but Kovalenko was modest as always when we reached out to him for comment. "While I'm of course stoked to be the leader in defenseman points, I feel like I wouldn't have gotten there without everybody else on the team. The forwards for scoring when I passed it to them and some of the others for getting the puck to me. Hockey's a team game. I didn't get there on my own and the other fellas stepped up too when it was needed, so they definitely deserve some of the spotlight as well. Ozzy, Albin, Sam, Cody, Clapper, Kurt, Ron, Doc, Jay and Laimdots left their hearts out there and I did my best not to let any of them down." The Hounds finished second in the Eastern Conference and third overall in the VHLM, which means that they will be moving on to the postseason and hoping to replicate their success in hopes of winning the Founders Cup. (word count: 212)
S95 Mississauga Hounds Press Conferences
OblivionWalker replied to mmrs617's topic in Team Press Conferences
1. Definitely exceeded my expectations. I was seriously just hoping to crack 20 points and with Slava not only finishing with 89 but also finishing as the VHLM defenseman points leader, I was for sure surprised. 2. Amazing, inspiring 3. I think we have to continued adjusting to whatever comes our way. when something hasn't worked, we've corrected it, tried something new and the playoffs isn't a time to get complacent. 4. I would have to say Ozzy or Clapper. 5. Slava always talks to his family before each game, be it text or a video call. 6. That's really hard but after having lived in the Pacific Northwest for a long time, some of the things I saw while on the water can't be beat. -
"Slava!" Puzzled at who could be calling out to him across the ice, Slava Kovalenko halted his forward momentum on his skates with a shower of ice and half turned. There, standing at the door to the ice . . . was his older brother, Sergiy. Being the oldest of the Kovalenko children and a pilot, Sergiy was often away and tended to miss family gatherings sometimes. "What are you doing here?!" Slava demanded, flying down the ice to step off the ice and wind his arms around his brother, pulling him into a close and tight hug. From the time they had been small, Sergiy had often said Slava was his little shadow. When Slava had been all of three years old, some older boys in the neighborhood had been picking on Sergiy and little Slava had immediately marched over, taking off his jacket so it didn't get dirty in order to help defend his brother. Fortunately, the adults were alerted that something was happening, and the would-be combatants were separated but it had become a story the Kovalenkos often told. If Sergiy was in trouble, Slava would soon be there. But as they had grown up, they had gone their own ways. Sergiy had graduated from college and then gone on to get his pilot's license and of course, Slava had gone to Alaska for college and was now in the VHLM with the aim of moving up to the big leagues someday. They often went for long stretches without being able to see each other and Slava was absolutely delighted to see his brother. "There was a cargo run scheduled in the area and when Mom and Dad told me that you were playing here today, I knew I had to come and see you play for myself. I was able to ask to be assigned this run." Sergiy said, giving Slava a bright smile. A lump formed in Slava's throat. Sergiy didn't have to do that, but it meant a lot to him that his brother cared enough to rearrange his own schedule to be able to come and see a Hounds game. "I'm glad you're here." Slava said honestly, clapping his brother on the back when he finally released him. "It's been too long." "It has." Sergiy agreed, tilting his head slightly. As tall as Sergiy was himself at six foot two, he still had to look up at his younger brother. "All of us are dashing here and there. But all of us are proud of you, Slava. Especially Dido and Baba. Everyone in the neighborhood has been following you. You've been doing so well but knowing you, you're already looking ahead." That was an astute observation. As well as Slava had been doing already in the M, emerging as the leader in defenseman points fairly early on and remaining there, he was always considering what he could do better when he moved up to the E, what things he wanted to work on and improve. "I won't get to the VHL if I sit on my butt." Slava joked lightly, which drew a snort from Sergiy. "The only time you sit on your butt is if you're on a bus, a plane, or you have a good book." he said knowingly and Slava shoved his arm, knowing darn well that Sergiy was correct in that assessment. With a rather wicked smirk, Sergiy arched an eyebrow. "Now. How's this boyfriend of yours?" (word count: 575)
S95 Mississauga Hounds Press Conferences
OblivionWalker replied to mmrs617's topic in Team Press Conferences
1. I feel like we've really gotten some good guys to fill in some of the gaps that we had, if our record recently is anything to go by. 2. I'll never say never but Las Vegas is really looking strong. 3. Las Vegas for sure. They've had our number a lot of the time. 4. Blue Gatorade 5. Definitely model him off of the guy I use for his face, Colton Parayko. 6. Depends on the game. A Shea Weber slapshot would hurt but if it was the difference between winning a trophy or not? I'd do it. -
The psychic vibes are strong with her. She predicted a Formula 1 signing too. Maybe we should get her to give us the lottery numbers soon.
We're coming into the last little bit of this season and it's honestly flown by for me. As a first gen and coming into this only knowing Kirby, I really wasn't sure what I was going to find or if this was going to turn out well for me. I figured it was at least worth a shot and with Season 95 set to wrap up soon I can honestly say I'm very glad that I took the plunge and decided to join the VHL. By nature, I'm usually more of a quiet person. I can get anxious pretty easily and at first, all of this was a bit overwhelming. But as time went on and I started to get to know some more people, it became easier and now I can honestly say that I really look forward to coming home and logging in every day to see what's happened in the world of the VHL, especially with how my boy Slava is doing. Seeing my creation do so well was not something that I was expecting at all, which has made it feel that much nicer. I just hope I can continue to build on the success he's been having in Mississauga and potentially turn out a good player at the VHL level. Many thanks to those I've been in locker rooms with and also just take a second to like my writings. I'm not good at graphics so that's why I concentrate my efforts to written word only pretty much but hey, at least I have something. Many thanks again to those who've made this something that really brightens up my day. (word count: 275)