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Everything posted by Big_Dyl

  1. 38. Zyns and Redbull 39. whatever team im playing against (and toronto, cant like that city as a habs fan) 40. I value Halifax and Vegas equally 41. making it to the VHL 42. I'm declining the interview 43. Powers Protein
  2. I liked the malmo green for the record, its unique
  3. It was an honor and privilege to be on the show
  4. Las Vegas Aces Press Conference For week ending 1/19 Answer 3 questions for 1 TPE, or all 6 for 2 TPE! 1. Are there any players that you would like to be paired with or for the forwards is there an entire line you would like to see? 2. which point tasks do you prefer or is there one that you haven't done you would like to try? 3. is there anything you think would be fun to do in the team discord? (IE music league or any other game bots) 4. Tomorrow is international kite day are you celebrating? 5. Who do we do it for? 6. if you had to pick, who would you put on the cover of VHLM 26? (bonus points if you also pick an NHL player to put on the cover of NHL 26)
  5. Las Vegas Aces Press Conference For week ending 1/12 Answer 3 questions for 1 TPE, or all 6 for 2 TPE! 1. have there been any teams that have really surprised you at this point in the season? 2. as of writing we are tied for first in the Western Conference, what do you think we could improve on to secure the #1 spot? 3. so far who do you think has been the most valuable player on this team? 4. if you could create an international holiday what day would it be and what would be celebrated? 5. what would you name the (un?)official mascot of the team (they are in the picture below)? 6. if you could choose any group activity to do with the team what would it be?
  6. Las Vegas Aces Press Conference For week ending 1/5 Answer 3 questions for 1 TPE, or all 6 for 2 TPE! 1. Are there any moves Vegas made this off season that you are most looking forward to? 2. We've had a very strong start but where do you think we will end up towards the end of the season? 3. Are there any expectations you have for the team or is there anything you would like to see us do differently? 4. what is your favorite brand of tea? if you don't drink tea then coffee? 5. what was your pre game meal before the season opener? 6. what's your players preferred brand of hockey equipment?
  7. 1. Gumbo 2. tuxedo t shirt and pit vipers 3. Anything from Garth brooks greatest hits 4. more pit vipers 5. Tried and true gift card to bass pro shop 6. Think fast be fast, that’s what Chad Powers would do.
  8. Las Vegas Aces Press Conference For week ending 12/29 Answer 3 questions for 1 TPE, or all 6 for 2 TPE! 1. did you see where the VHL has a subreddit now? (https://www.reddit.com/r/VictoryHockeyLeague/) 2. what did you think of the charity drive? 3. is there anything that you think should be added to the Vegas discord? 4. if you could only eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life which one would it be? 5. if you could choose to have an extra arm or leg which one would you choose? 6. what's your favorite Christmas movie?
  9. Transaction ID: 63L60068EF1143342 $13.00 CAD For charity auction Player Graphic by Sadie VSN Interview with Will3 Guest Appearance Where You Get To Choose the Topic
  10. Merry chrysanthemum
  11. $6.50
  12. Man I love Christmas
  13. I love christmas
  14. Las Vegas Aces Press Conference For week ending 12/22 Answer 3 questions for 1 TPE, or all 6 for 2 TPE! 1. What did you think of the award ceremony? 2. How do you think Vegas did in the vhlm draft? 3. Is there anything that you are most looking forward to next season? 4. What is your favorite day of the week? 5. Any games, movies or tv shows coming out soon you’re excited for? 6. If you replace every piece of a ship with new pieces but you keep the old pieces and then assembled a new ship with the old pieces are they technically the same ship?
  15. Congratulations @Webberj!
  16. Season 96 Team USA WJC First I would like to say how excited I am to be the GM for this team and how lucky the USA is to have this incredible team representing it. Forwards Bret Weier @Quanack Clapbomb Bardownski III @Eb14 Inker Belle @WildfireMicro Elf Shoes @ELF_SH0ES Jacob Longstreet @Dynamicmlb_42 Micah Cederbaum @MicahC Nathan Blaize @Maple Ocean Codoller @FreshOceanCod Kevin Oconnor @Luke033 Defense Wladyslaw Mintus @mintusaurus Cody Toland @ctoland102 Ray Stanton @horoscope Hugh Neutron @Corco Goaltenders Jon Webber III @Webberj Chad Powers @Big_Dyl I want to congratulate all of you and I am really looking forward to working with all of you. if you aren't already in the discord here is a link to join, https://discord.gg/5tkndPA7 Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you want to discuss anything. The one thing I will promise now is that we will have fun.
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