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Everything posted by Squinty

  1. Yeah I was just about to say...now what? +/- also has value in this league, but so does goals assists points etc
  2. I'm always logged in on my computer, but on my phone, despite "stay logged in" being checked off, I'm always logged off every time I close Safari. It's quite inconvenient to log back in each time, and that's the only reason I made this thread
  3. Good idea for a thread. I was offered Bobby Ryan for Matt Moulson straight up (i'd receive Ryan). Yes or no?
  4. Pensfan doesn't have what it takes to put the team on his back doe
  5. things like the off topic section and the entire VHL section aren't viewable as a guest, at least for me
  6. Just so that all the forums are visible to guests and not-logged in users? As it is right now, there's a lot of forums that are viewable, but also a lot that aren't and it's really random. Why not?
  7. These guys tried to get into the party earlier in the night but they got turned away cuz no one knew who they were so the left and went down the street. But then my friend and i had no idea that they even tried to get in so we went outside to smoke, then we saw like 8 people walking towards us so we got up and started walking back towards the house but then they started running towards us so we ran then I guess we both got hit once before we made it inside. Crazy night. Also post your story I want to read it
  8. Ugh penalties Whatever good game
  9. Went to cousin's halloween & birthday party thing last night Got very drunk Went outside at one point with friend Got jumped by 8 guys Got punched in face Friend got kicked in chest Cops came Good night
  10. well shit. if you were in vancouver I would've offered you the extra ticket I had
  11. Still don't understand sitting Booth in favour of Alberts. Well I guess I do, since Booth clearly hasn't been working hard enough to get a roster spot. Hopefully we can trade him for some future asset(s).
  12. All 3 Valiq's are dmen now it seems
  13. Lol iam brovy u spell grammer rong
  14. Brovalenko declares he is now ser-gay?
  15. international space station
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