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The Bad
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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Not the best result but at least I left them bruised...
  2. My favourite accomplishment was helping to break the curse of Vasteras.. And im still so pissed that they don't exist anymore.
  3. Frack! So close. So so close
  4. Awesome!!! anyway great effort team!
  5. KnightTime #1013 Welcome back to another edition of KnightTime Podcast! I'm your host, Phil Knight. Today we answer questions @gorlab and get a sneak peak at questions from @Tate gets some airtime! Enjoy this edition! KnightTime Podcast Questions Thread Songs: Camaraderie - Ian McNabb This is a division of KnightTime Radio. Run Time: 15 minutes
  6. Wonderful result!! Great sim everyone!!
  7. In fairness... check out how many total shots we've put up - this is far from the first time we've done this this season. We're 3 in the league in Shots for.. and the next game we put up 55.. Great win team!
  8. Marleau's Murmurings #12 This podcast series are for my 3-pointers. Usually an update of whatever strikes Marleau's fancy! KnightTime Podcast Question Thread This is a division of KnightTime Radio. Run Time: 6 minutes
  9. That is a LOT of goals hoooly... unfortunately I did not get on the scoresheet!
  10. Awesome performance by Davos. Well played!
  11. Wonderful win everyone!! Seems like we're clicking!
  12. Halifax Goalie: Fisherman's Wharf Toronto Legion Center: Captain Canada Calgary Wranglers Defensman: Horse Whisperer
  13. Dang. The next time the , we’ll get them? lets keep positive! Doing well overall this season!!
  14. Yay. My first career first star!! We arguably played better. We should get them next time!!
  15. Riga had our number in that game! Bah. Not my best performance either.
  16. What a game! So close! Pretty decent performance by everyone!
  17. D - Jerry Garcia to finish off the draft @Bushito
  18. Malmo - 5 Moscow - 2
  19. This
  20. Ooooo that feels good!!!! What a performance Malmo!!
  21. That first period was fun to watch. Then we went home for the night
  22. Wicked work Johnson!!!! Nicely played everyone
  23. Well... at least we were up 1-0 ?
  24. Beauty of a win!! Great work all
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