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Good evening!!!!!! I’m starting this article with absolutely no idea what I’m going to write about, so it’s a surprise for me and you!! Enjoy the diary entry-style article that’s going to get me the sweet, sweet TPE.


The CHICAGO PHOENIX are in the CUP FINALS?!?! Holy moly!! When I started on Chicago, I had pretty low hopes. I’ve talked to Geoff about how I was not happy with being drafted to Chicago, mostly because I didn’t get a scouting message and had no idea what was going on with the team. Joining a brand new expansion team in your rookie career is scary - the locker room is a ghost town, the team doesn’t have a brand or identity, and lots of losing is in your near future until you can figure out how to get on your feet.


It takes time to build a team. We all know that, but I don’t think I really knew that. Coming from the Las Vegas Aces locker room, arguably the most active M LR of the time, it was very off-putting and disappointing to join a locker room with next to no activity: no visitors, no friends of the Phoenix, just a few people who popped in every now and again.


It’s wild how far we’ve come. We’ve acquired new players, new friends, and, admittedly, a surprising amount of success. Without much TPA last season, we managed to make a sort of Cinderella run. All of us were relying on good vibes to keep the ball rolling. We caught quite a bit of heat from our competitors for “over performing” - we “didn’t have enough TPA” on our team to perform as well as we did. In my short time in the league, I hadn’t seen any team spark as much chaos and anger until Chicago snuck into the playoffs.


After last season, I truthfully wasn’t sure would come in season 76. I suppose that could be said of just about any season - I have a theory that as soon as you set expectations for a season, you’ll end up disappointed. It’s almost like Simon knows exactly what you think is going to happen and takes it as a challenge. Chicago expected a quiet season 75 and was surprised with unprecedented success. Though I can’t speak for the rest of the Phoenix Chicagoes, I was a bit wary about this season. I thought it’d be too good to be true for us to have another crazy playoff run, but here we are, playing Warsaw in the cup finals.


And, well, wow - Warsaw is going to put up a strong fight, but so are we. The series is going to be hot, but it’s good vibes all around. Though I’m not sure what the vibe is in Warsaw’s LR, I know that Chicago is looking forward to the showdown.


And, well, I have no idea what’s going to happen. As long as the Phoenix Chicagoes put up our best fight, I think I’ll be satisfied. All you can ask for is your best, and if that’s what we’re giving, then I can’t be disappointed. We’ve made it this far, which is definitely an accomplishment in itself!



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