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Medical emergency ends Ryker's short career


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Shortly after their elimination out of the playoffs, The Seattle bears were doing one of their last skates of the season as a team, when out of nowhere Seattle bears forward Ryan Ryker collapsed on the bench, he quickly woke up much to the delight of his teammates, but they instantly knew something was wrong when he couldn’t remember where he was, or who any of them where for that matter.


Ryker was rushed to a unnamed Seattle Hospital where he was diagnosed with a bout of delirium from severe brain trauma, likely due to a severe concussion from a hit last season. Ryker said he felt the headaches but continued to play. He sat out almost all of the playoffs due to undisclosed reasons. For a few days he was in and out, but has ultimately returned home to heal. His doctor and the team doctor both came to the conclusion that due to the severity of his head injury, it’s unlikely he will ever be able to play again for his own safely. He announced his retirement in a short but emotional press conference, where he apologized to the team for letting them down, before stepping away from the Seattle Bears podium tearfully one last time. 

General Manager Blake Campbell expressed his support for Ryker, stating the bears will continue to help support him during this difficult time, and that he will always be a member of the team.

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Hey brother @Jayrad28


Hope all gets better with your situation. Really unfortunate about your situation and we’re very happy that you decided to take time away, retire and focus fully on what you’re going through. We wish you the best! Any time you pop on, feel free to drop me a message. There’s always a spot here for you!


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