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Claimed:Bern Royals Draft Jody Three Moons


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Controversial Player Drafted 25th Overall by Bern Royals



About 2 weeks ago, Jody 3 Moons was the talk of both the VHL and VHLM. However, it was for all the wrong reasons. The young prospect made waves around the league by stirring up controversy and making claims of how terrible of a league the VHL was and had a lot of work to do before it solidified itself as a real threat in professional sports. It's comparable to this, imagine if a KHL player made the move to the NHL (or vice versa) only to trash the league within their first few weeks there; that is exactly what 3 Moons did and it didn't bode well for his draft stock moving forward.


Draft day rolled around for the Season 39 VHLM Dispersal Draft and despite having solid talent, nobody wanted to touch Jody 3 Moons with a 10 foot pole. Afraid that he would mix things up in the locker room or butt heads with management, GM's seemed to stay far away from the Season 40 draftee who actually has been staying very consistent in his training. 3 Moons was eventually taken 25th overall by the Bern Royals who had 2 solid picks before that in taking Devin Sundberg and Sam Keeler, both 1st round picks in the VHL Draft. At the moment, Jody 3 Moons has logged 65 practice hours while Kayl Kuzie (taken 24th overall) has only put in 34. It seems as though if 3 Moons stays the course the Bern Royals picked up a very solid player for their attempt to make a run at a Founder's Cup.


In order to get a perspective of what it's like to play with 3 Moons, we asked Sam Keeler how he felt about the pick and if he had any issues with what Jody 3 Moons said about the VHL, VHLM, and the entire league as a whole.




"Honestly, I don't really see what the big deal is. It seemed that everyone got riled up on both sides of the fence and it was blown a bit out of proportion. Jody is free to have whatever opinions he wants, and we should have to respect them. He's been a good guy in the locker room and you can see that he has a lot of talent. I certainly am surprised we managed to get him at 25th overall in the VHLM Draft, I didn't think his attitude was that badly that some GM's should've let him fall that far. As long as he brings it in games and in practice, let the kid do what he wants to do. The point of the season is to win and become a better player, he's doing that." -Sam Keeler


Although at first it seemed like most wanted 3 Moons to fail in the VHL, many have now begun to cheer for him because he is showing strides that perhaps he can become a real threat in the VHL if he stays focused on his training. Jody 3 Moons certainly has the talent and has shown he has the work ethic, but one mistake had clearly put him on the blacklist for many GM's in the VHLM. However, if 3 Moons can continue to improve and not stir up and more trouble, don't be surprised if you see him in the high 2nd round of the Season 40 Draft or possibly even the 1st round.


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  • Senior Admin

Content: 3/3

Good read. I didn't really see why people were avoiding him so much in the draft, as he has been quite consistent and has fired off point tasks at a steady rate. I think some GM's will be kicking themselves by the end of the season.


Grammar: 2/2

Didn't find a thing.


Appearance: 1/1

Looks good.


Overall: 6/6

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