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S78 VHL Entry Draft

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On 5/12/2021 at 6:29 PM, Otto Numminen said:

Not the best for sure but with my skills I'm pretty happy! Only 1 day left!

VHL Entry draft.png



Wow... There's a lot I can say about this graphic, but I'll try and be positive and highlight what I think is good:


- How you changed the team logos to incorporate the VHL logos. That's good. 




The rest of it is pretty mediocre and, like, grade-school level, in terms of graphic design. I think this graphic could easily be mocked up in MS Paint which is not the best sign for a quality graphic.



Here are some basic pointers I can give for this specific graphic:


1) Instead of putting white squares behind logos like LA Stars, to hide the existing NHL logos, you can use a CLONE STAMP TOOL to clone the portions of the blue 'mountain' pattern over the existing NHL logos. Then, you'd be able to just paste the transparent LA Stars logo on, and have it look better.  Youtube 'clone stamp tool tutorial' for more info.



2) The VHL logo on the runway/rug needs to have it's skew/perspective changed. This is part of most 'transform' tools in graphic editing programs. Youtube 'Transform tool tutorial' for more info.



3) The white square behind the 'VHL DRAFT IS COMING!' text is so shockingly bad and amateur. You can avoid this by maybe colouring the text a colour that makes it stand out above the 'crowd' behind it. It would obviously blend in pretty bad if you left it black, thus, changing the font color would let you avoid having to  shoehorn in that gross white square.




There's plenty more wrong here, but these are some basic pointers. Overall, for doing graphics regularly on VHL and expecting to be approved for the tpe, you should obtain an image editing program like PHOTOSHOP (good) or GIMP (free and bad but still way better than MS Paint).







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So even though you say you aren't the best i do really love this, it is super creative and i love the idea for it!, you did a good job incorporating all the right logos and placement of them. I haven't seen a graphic like this since joining so for creativity/effort you get a 10/10, for skills it would be a 4/10, but keep working it and focusing on things like blending and you will do great! good stuff 👊

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