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Sportsboy57's Story Throughout This League

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So, this is basically a journey of me throughout the league. Maybe this is self-centered, but I have nothing else to write about.
So, I'm in a discord league, the Rock Paper Scissors one, where someone tells me about a cool hockey league. I accept this new invite because why not. So I ask him a bajillion questions about starting up, doing PTs, whatever. I then make my player (spend some TPE on fighting because I'm stupid), and get drafted by the Philadelphia Reapers, and end up winning the cup the first season. My first season was very uneventful, as I was pretty inactive, and just went along for the chip ride. Next season, a lot of our players graduated, and we are left with a solid young squad that can be good in the future. In my second year with the Reapers, I had an inactive streak of just over 2 weeks, and almost got dropped. We lost early in the playoffs, and I was sad, probably because I'm overly competitive and not repeating is a little sad, no matter what team you are. Right after my third season in the VHLM, DMax, my GM, asked if it was ok to trade me to a title contender. I reluctantly said yes, but it was sad leaving my original team that took a chance on me. 
Now, I want to take a break and talk about DMax. He is an amazing person that really helped me get where I am today. One of the channels in his discord, is a building guide, and tells you where you need to be to become a good, solid VHLM player. I mainly based my build around that in the early days, and DMax got me motivated when I was down, brought the good times to even better times. When I had my over 2 weeks of inactivity, not even clicking two buttons to claim practice and welfare, we just calmly asked for me to do those, as I would have to get dropped otherwise. He didn't get mad, just asked for me to do it. I want to say thank you Dmax, for all you have done for me and other player who were on the VHLM Reapers.


Now, my one season in Miami. Wow, this was a crazy season. I come into Miami, a team that is well suited for a deep playoff run. In the middle of the season, the sims were just not going our way. We often lost by one or in OT or SO. Those were the bad times. Rockstar and Tina, the GM and AGM were very positive throughout this time, and I later realized that Rockstar's wife was in the later stages of pregnancy this entire season, and I thank Rockstar for helping managing a team while going through this. We re-adjusted the lines, but the main game changer early in the season for me was a junior review of all of the VHL team's VHLM players. Going into S3 of my VHLM career, I was pretty bad TPE wise, and MattyIce said, "Sportsboy57 is progressing slowly, so he could be called up to the VHL in S79." This for some reason set me off, and I became determined to grind TPE, and get called up as fast as I could. I then did Trivia and PCs every week as well as practice and welfare. (not much but an upgrade for me) After our bad luck, we went on an absolute TEAR. At this time, we were best in the league, putting up W10s and W8s for streaks often. By then end of the season, we had over 100 points. We had a playoff opening series game 7, where I had a 3 assist breakout game to help us win. After that, we steamrolled everyone else, including the regular season best team Mississauga. It happened, we really won, but my story isn't done here, no no no. After this season, I got on the WJC USA team. A big shock for me, but I knew then and there I was a good prospect. The WJC went ok for USA. We weren't supposed to be good, but we got 4th, so close for getting that bronze.
Here I would like to say thank you to Rockstar and Tina for the wonderful season I had in Miami. You guys were really great, posting the PCs, and staying with us when it was getting tough. I was with you guys just under a season, and I can tell you guys are really great people and GMs.
Now, finally we are near the present, getting called up to the VHL. It was a happy experience, to know that my time in the little leagues are done, time to aim for the big prize now. So far, I am on a thriving Chicago Phoenix team, with funny people and a good GM. The transition is very hard though. I went from having the most TPE possible to almost the least, and having people with 1k TPE on my team is great, but it just shows how the challenge will be ahead of me. No one will really see this so this is more like a time capsule for myself, to remind myself of the VHLM days and the early challenges of VHL. I hope I continue my pace, and become an asset for any team, but for now. GOOOOO PHOENIX.
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