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Ilike this alot. it's a simple graphic but it stands out alot and is very crisp. having the graphic being mostly grey with cutouts with actual colour is very unique and makes this graphic very interesting. The font also matches with the graphic very well being its also pretty simple. 10/10

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Good looking graphic. You design is solid and I like the overall appeal of this project. I think your formatting could be better, not to say it is bad but I think the render on the left side looking into the canvas would look more balanced with the text on the right. Good effects. Great job.


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On 6/13/2021 at 7:28 PM, Frank said:




Hello Frank, we meet again! TI really don't have much to critique here, your render looks hella clean. and I like that you used yellow in such a big way here.  The play with the colour blocking and texture is really cool. It plays even better with the fade out text  that  honestly looks pressed into this graphic. Over all this things is clean and punchy, if it was mine I would be showing it off to all my friends.


9/10 Literally the only thing i don't like about this is that it is better than my graphics by a landslide ;)

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This is one of my favorites from you. You carry distorted/oversaturated/wavey style into every sig and make it look nice. The placement of the render is perfect and the blurryness on the text is a nice touch that gives the sig a lot of depth. I would never be able to put these random yellow blobs on a sig and make them look nice - but you somehow have. 10/10 from me (also plz make me a sig) 

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Review: This looks like a simple graphic, but when you dig into it, it's very complex. The logo swap looks so good it almost seems like there wasn't a swap, showing the skill put into this graphic. Other than that it is simpler, with just some changes between color and black and white, while done well, nothing to write home about. A very cool graphic, 8/10.

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