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   Next season will mark my eighth season in the VHL/VHLM. I started my journey not knowing how it would turn out or even how long I would last in the league. Over these eight seasons, I have learned so much from so many different people and have even slotted into an administrative role in the VHLM with Miami. This message is mostly just going to be a trip through my career as well as sort of a thank you to some of the people who taught me the most and got me motivated to continue playing. The end of this after I talk about my player and their career will have some extra stuff such as my future player as well as some jobs I am looking to get. Enjoy :)  


   I’d like to start from the beginning. I first entered free agency mid-season seventy-two. I was brand new to literally everything and had no idea what I was doing. I was soon approached by the general manager of the San Diego Marlins and they asked me if I would like to join the team. I of course said absolutely because who wouldn't want to get signed to a team and play some games when you are just entering the league! I didn’t actually get to play any games with San Diego but just being in the locker room and learning the basics was enough for me.


   After season seventy-two ended I was put into the VHLM draft. I don’t think anyone really saw me as having any potential, to be honest, and I do not blame them in the slightest. This showed since I was drafted seventy-third overall in the season seventy-three draft. I think that’s pretty neat that my draft number was the same as the season but that’s probably just me. I was drafted to the Las Vegas Aces and before I even had time to look at the team I was traded to Mexico City. Despite searching for the exact trade and the details I couldn’t actually find it. Anyways this is where I met the two people who have had with no doubt the greatest impact on my career. Those two are Hylands and Rory I really hope I remember to put their @ here when I fully post this. They were my general manager and assistant general manager while I was in Mexico City. They taught me everything I need to know to become a top player and without them, it’s very possible I don’t make it this far to even be writing this article. Now to get into my stats for this season since I actually say ice time. When I say saw ice time I am not lying but I did only play in four games and some of those I didn’t even start but came in later when we were getting blown out. In those four games, I had a .894 save percentage with 4.47 goals against average and totaled 188 minutes played. I also had a record of 0-2-0. This was mostly a learning season for me so again this didn’t bother me.


   Now for season seventy-four. I actually became the starter this season and the team was decent in front of me. Thinking back this is about when I started really putting in the work to become the best possible player I could and it started paying off. I ended up playing in sixty total games this season which still blows my mind how I went from four games to sixty in the matter of one off-season. I played infinitely better as well having a .900 save percentage with 2.84 goals against average and playing a total of 3,635 minutes. I also had a record of 28-25-7. We also happened to make the playoffs this season and I was of course the starter. It did not go well at all though since we went one in four and we were knocked out in the first round. Again this season was a really fun experience and I started getting tons of playing time and even some playoff experience!


   Season seventy-five would be my last season in the VHLM. The team we had built for this season was a serious cup contender and the locker room was buzzing each and every day. It to this day is the most active I have ever seen in a locker room and some of the most fun I’ve had in the league. I was still the starter and I was also named the captain of the team. I played a few more games this season than last as well. I had a VHLM career-best .902 save percentage, 2.49 goals against average, and 1,874 minutes played. I also had a record of 47-12-5 which was incredible. Since this team was so well put together we had a very very deep playoff run. We made it through the first round with ease and then made it past the semi-finals. We made it all the way to the cup finals and well of course we lost but hey we did amazing. Only missed winning the cup by two games. I’d say that’s something to be proud of.


   Season seventy-six was my first season in the VHL. I know realized I had completely forgotten to mention my VHL draft in the previous season so why not talk about it now. I was still at this point, not a top-level prospect that people were dying to have on their team. I ended up sliding down to fifty-seventh overall in the VHL draft by the Vancouver Wolves. Now back to this season. I was the backup goalie at this point since there was an absolute legend in the net for them. The previous season the Wolves actually won the cup so while I was busy losing the cup in the VHLM the team that drafted me was busy winning the cup in the VHL. I did start a decent amount of games this season which I was okay with and to be honest I did much better than expected. I managed a .919 save percentage with 2.62 goals against average playing 915 minutes as well as having a 12-2-2 record. Now, these stats seem hall of fame level but to be honest I only player the really bad teams while our team was still elite. 


   Season Seventy-seven was a weird season. I was not the backup goalie but I wasn’t necessarily the starter either. I ended up splitting time with my partner goalie almost evenly but I did get all the harder teams which did sort of bum me out some. The team was also on the decline at this point so the starts aren't the greatest. The team was still good enough to stay competitive though which is always great. This season was overall pretty un-eventful so my stats were. A .914 save percentage, 3.32 goals against average, played 1,822 minutes, and had a record of 14-13-5. Overall this season could’ve been better but we did manage to make the playoffs. We got knocked out in round one sadly but it was nice to make it in the first place.


   Season Seventy-eight was when I got the go-to be full-time. The team was in full rebuild mode and the record shows. I don’t think anyone had any real explications for us and I don’t think even our players did either. I played sixty-seven games in total but since the team wasn’t the best in front of me it was a long painful season. I had a .914 save percentage, 3.84 goals against average, played 3,879 minutes, and had a record of 23-34-7. That record is actually ten times better than what it could’ve been since near the end of the season we went on a bit of a hot streak winning a lot of games. We obviously didn’t make the playoffs this season considering the record but we were in good shape to get some great picks in the draft. Definitely, a write-off season for everyone on the team including the managers. We would all like to forget this season.


   Season seventy-nine is actually the season that I’m writing this in. It’s still early but the team is already doing so much better and I believe we can make the playoffs this season. We might not necessarily be a cup contender but crazy things can happen in the playoffs. I currently have a .918 save percentage, 3.76 goals against average, 844 minutes played, and a record of 9-5-0. My personal performance is on the upswing and my goal for the end of the season is to have a .920 save percentage to boost my career stats. We are in a very good position for next season to make a deep push for the cup


   Season eighty...I haven’t actually played this season yet but The expectations are for me to have a career season and for us to win the cup. There’s not much left to say here so let’s go to the reason for writing this.


   Now I am switching out of my player’s sort of point of view and switching to real-life me. I am writing this because season eighty will be my last season with this player. I know I technically have one more season which is season eighty-one available to me but I am really wanting to move on from this player once my contract is up with Vancouver next season. It’s been so much fun but I am so excited for the future. I made so many mistakes with this player which caused my potential to be cut down and I couldn’t become the player I wanted to be because of it. The things I messed up the most were mostly at the beginning not knowing what a points task fully was or being too embarrassed to write something for a virtual hockey simulator. Going in next time I will know everything I need to know from the start and can make this player the greatest of all time. And some tips for new guys is to find a point tasks you enjoy and roll with it. You don’t need to be the best at it but just putting in the effort of trying will be enough to get you those sweet tpe. And speaking of this new player I already know they won’t be a goalie again. I am really stuck between a Winger or a Defensemen. If I go winger I want to be the greatest setup man to ever live and if I go for a defenseman I want to break the shot blocks records and plus-minus records. I have plenty of time to decide though. I also have not given up on this player and will still be updating them continuously throughout the season up until they retire. I will also do an article once he’s retired going over season eighty as well as the career stats.


   The last thing I want to touch on is the administrative side of things. I’ve just recently become an assistant general manager in the VHLM for the Miami Marauders. So far it’s been fun and I think I plan on being the assistant general manager there until my player retires and then trying my hand at a general manager job if one opens in the VHLM. Things look very bright for the future and I wish everyone good luck in their careers. P.S. someone on the updaters job please retire so I can apply and become one. I eventually want to be an updater and a general manager so I can do fewer point tasks per week so I can avoid burnout as much as possible. So please retire or I might just have to hunt you down and for early retirement on you.


Goalie Vancouver Wolves

Markus Emerson Jr.


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On 8/1/2021 at 8:26 AM, Xflexz said:

And some tips for new guys is to find a point tasks you enjoy and roll with it. You don’t need to be the best at it but just putting in the effort of trying will be enough to get you those sweet tpe.

Preaaaaaach. You won’t last long if you’re not doing something you actually like doing. 

Congrats on the AGM gig! Don’t forget to apply for the WJC GM job this year, it’s a great addition to every resume. 

oh and

On 8/1/2021 at 8:26 AM, Xflexz said:

this is where I met the two people who have had with no doubt the greatest impact on my career. Those two are Hylands and Rory I really hope I remember to put their @ here when I fully post this. They were my general manager and assistant general manager while I was in Mexico City.

Atta be @rory

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