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     The Jack Wylde Trophy is one of the most controversial trophies handed out each season during the VHL Awards. It is awarded to the “Top Defensive Defensemen” in the VHL that season. Arguably, this award is the hardest to vote on as it is fairly limited when it comes to statistical categories and we can’t actually see the players. 

     The four main statistics that go into voting for this award are Hits, Shots Blocked, Plus/Minus and for some reason points??? So as you can see it’s quite limited on what the BoG has to look at when deciding the winner of these awards. The inconsistencies in voting for this award are that people tend to value each of these categories differently. Some may find +/- is more important while others think hits are the most important (hits should not ever be the most important for this award).  I think their should be actual guidelines when the BoG votes on these awards and the importance of each attribute should be like this:


-A combination of +/- and Shots Blocked. This should be ranked at the top of anyone’s list. I know there are many variables on whether the player is on a contender or a bottom feeder and that should definitely be taken into consideration. If player A is on a contender and is a +31 with 112 SBs is up against player B who is on a bottom feeder with a -13 and 250 SBs who would get the award? Do you value +31 on a contender more or SB on a bottom feeding team more? Kind of a wash IMO so let’s move on to the next category.


-That is where hits come into play. Hits are important but they can’t be just about the number of hits. It needs to be in comparison to the PIMs the player has acquired as well. If player A has 300 hits but 250 PIMs vs Player B who has 250 hits and 100 PIMs then I am in favour of player B winning this award. A large quantity of hits with low PIMs is not hurting your team. High hits and high PIMs is detrimental to your team and therefore isn’t good defensive play.


-Lastly, Points! Points should always be the last thing considered when voting on this award. It should be used only when you’re in a bind deciding between two players who are so statistically close with their defensive numbers. Then you can say well this player got 20 more points with the same defensive numbers and that gives them the edge.


This week we have been talking about forum activity and league engagement and the awards are a massive part of that. I don’t feel enough newer members get the opportunity to win these and that discourages them. This award is perfect for newer members because it highlights statistical categories aside from points. The controversy will never end on this award but I do trust that this league will figure it out and that the BoG will vote fairly on award winners each and every off-season. 

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i'll just throw this here :P
I agree with mostly everything here. I don't like using +/- since it's such a team reliant stat and not really *that* defensive, especially compared to SB's. Big fan of looking at hit/pim ratios though, think that and shotblocks are the only real good defensive stats we had. Dil did make that giveaway/takeaway script which would also be good to use.
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Great article, I noticed some similar things while writing my recent VSN piece, I do think involving a hits/pim ratio would be great! The main issue I find with awards like this is that they aren't purely numeric (as opposed to most goals) which leaves some subjectivity. With your point about newer members almost never winning awards, with this It could make sense to add either a first gen specific award for the VHL and something similar to a ROTY for the VHLM focusing on first gen waiver specific players. All in all great job 10/10!

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This is an amazing article! You laid out your argument is a way that was A easy to read and follow and B intelligent and unbiased. All of this while also focusing on the long term success of the league. You gave examples that any great hockey mind should understand and frankly agree with. I would love to be a fly in the wall on those voting meetings. Great work 



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