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Draft Rankings - VHLM - Top 10


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We will be discussing and briefly going over the top 10 prospects eligible for the VHLM draft. This list is entirely my opinion, it is very possible that you may or may not agree with this list.


1. Yun Chiang - Yun has been reliable and consistent in his progression, he is a solid choice whoever ends up drafting him. Only concerns with Yun is that he isn't employed outside his player, if he does manage to find a job his weekly TPE could increase significantly.


2. Sergey Preobrazhensky - Like Yun, he has showed incredible consistency, he is ought to be one of the best future prospects in the VHL, especially if he can get employed outside of his character.


3. George Sanderson - George is also consistent, however, he is not quite as consistent as Sergey or Yun. He is a fantastic player and is a sure lock for the future but he has not progressed as quickly as some of his peers previously listed.


4. Tadhg Byrne - Byrne has developed impressively compared to his peers, it is entirely possible he is picked higher than George. Bryne's development has been strong consistent and hard to beat.


5. Juha Jarvinen - Juha is a all-round great pick, he is sure to be in the league for years to come and shows no sign of stopping. He is being out developed by Tadhg, he just hasn't been passed by him yet. 


6. Connor Johnson - Connor maybe 14 points below Ragnar, however, Connor has played a third of the games. Due to this it's clear to see that his development is beginning to outpace some of the best in the league, and likely the next on the list.


7. Nagy AL - Nagy has an incredible job that provides him an incredible source of TPE, additionally this shows GM's that he is essentially a guarantee to stay in the league, something GM's all ask when they are drafting. Another huge thing about Nagy is that he could be making so much more per week, he isn't even maximizing his weekly gain and even then he outpaces most people on this list, incredible. It is entirely possible that he is drafted in the top 3.


8. Tavish DeGroot - Similarly to Nagy, Tavish has secondary TPE income that greatly assists his development, unlike Nagy however, Tavish is closer to maximizing his weekly TPE gain. Nonetheless Tavish could be a top 3 pick like Nagy due to the guarantee of development by being employed in the league.


9. Vasile Lamb - Just like Tavish and Nagy, Vasile is employed in the league which massively increases his value as a prospect, guaranteeing his progression as a player. Vasile, similarly to Tavish, is much closer to maximizing his development. Nagy, Tavish, and Vasile, should and will be picked higher than there respective positions in the draft, all of which have the potential to be top 3 picks.


10. Ragnar Hagstrom -  Ragnar is a consistent player, especially with his development, however, given how many games he has played, he should have be higher on this list if he maximized his development. Additionally he doesn't have the TPE potential that the previous 3 have, therefor I can't put him higher. 


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5 hours ago, MrMonkey said:

Another huge thing about Nagy is that he could be making so much more per week, he isn't even maximizing his weekly gain

I always max-earn to the cap, but this is bulletin board material to motivate me to go harder. I’ll show you!



5 hours ago, MrMonkey said:

7 - Nagy AL

8 - Tavish DeGroot

9 -  Vasile Lamb

That sounds like a fair ranked order for the The Big Three eh. @rory  @dlamb

Good stuff Monkey Man. One tip to

make this good article great is to tag the players you’re in. I cruise the “new posts” feed and found it by luck, but I would come right here if I got pinged. People want to know when others are excited for their player!

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2 hours ago, dlamb said:

You had your time, Al. Be nice, and pass it on.


2 hours ago, rory said:


One of you gets 1OA VHLE and one gets VHL. If I get drafted ahead of you two I'm holding out.

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