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Beers with Boot - Episode 3


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I started this podcast with an idea that never came to fruition and went a complete different direction. Still some good stuff talked about here as well as answering questions. Some longer segments as I keep forgetting to drink. Make sure to count the beers as there are definitely 4 drank this episode.


Topics today were:

0:37 - Happenings in the VHL

14:18 - Skipping leagues/pay to win

27:17 - Questions

4?:?? - ???


If you have any suggestions, complaints or topics you want me to discuss, hit me up. Go here and ask questions for the podcast and earn TPE as a press conference! Cheers.



Edited by dasboot
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- Cosby Sweater great song good choice;

- " I met my fiancée on tinder, BOOM" (@BOOM and @dasboot when will I get my invite to your wedding)

- Great podcast as always highly enjoyed it

- Boot and popping beers early name a better duo

- Everyone should listen to this 

- Certainly lost touch with the common man

- As soon as you get decent net we are doing a 1.5 half aussies (YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST)

- Where is the tags for the people you mentioned

- Also I think that you just stated I am number 1 & boom number 2

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15 hours ago, Berocka said:

- Boot and popping beers early name a better duo




- you did not get picked just because you are in australia :kekw:

- thank you for the shoutout and your continued support, i appreciate your continual "you're doing great." it means a lot :)

- "if you wouldn't do it in person, then don't do it online, like, it's pretty fucking simple" mood, but also i think (like the discussion that a couple people have started in response to my podcast), it's important to remember that some people don't have the privilege to understand what is and isn't appropriate. i hope the vhl, for those folks, can be an exercise in learning what kinds of things are hurtful, and more importantly, why

- i laughed out loud when you started talking shit about the vhle and then said, "no, i need to stop, i need to stop"

- "do you think you'd be a good GM?" "yes, but also no"

- a quiet week as mod is a GOOD WEEK

- i also don't like the toronto logo

- i'm reading an epic fantasy right now and was really excited to see you liked it, i'll hit you up with it when i finish it. don't worry - your comment in the reading thread didn't and won't go unnoticed :P

- i like book talk, don't apologize for blabbing about it 😠

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1+ litres of Bailey’s? Your poor bowels…


Stick to your guns, rag on the VHLE more! Coward… 😜


Extra season =\= HOF. People make a very big deal about having a more successful career if they spend more time in the VHL, and that’s simply not true. HOF voting consistently only considers the time you spent in the VHL. My OG player had 6 seasons in the VHL and was amazing for half of them and mediocre for the rest, and he’s HOF. Sure that was 10 years ago, but you can see that with any player now too. Alex Letang was on the HOF ballot and received votes this season, he was good most his career and amazing his last season or two.


If you donate the max amount per season, you get a “whopping” 99 extra TPE over your career. And $9M too I suppose, which is a couple of depreciation fighters, which is a varied amount of TPE. Let’s call it another 151 TPE.


If anyone thinks 250 TPE is going to be a big difference maker over a 9 season career is sorely mistaken.


You’re a perfect candidate to set up a booth at an AIHL game. You can call it “Beers with Boot in Booth.”


Hey now, graphics students probably DID make our logos! What do you expect from us as a volunteer league? 😛


I love fantasy, I just don’t know how to read. Unless it’s ASOIAF, if you hate waiting for fantasy books, I definitely recommend that one.


You’re welcome for the idea, I stole it from the rules.


Granville Island Winter Ale is fucking delicious.

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Finally listened last night. As mentioned already, HTH great choice for intro. The video for it is awesome. 



I enjoy hearing your no bullshit opinions on league issues, its refreshing tbh. 


Thanks for answering my questions and enjoy the final days of your top end time and travel safe back home. 


Totally agree. No offence London but that logo is gross. 


You're also a very sneaky man.

Broken Shackles. 



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7 hours ago, Berocka said:

@Beketov what beer does Boot have to buy you for your guest podcast?

I think the bigger problem would be somehow working out a time to record it.

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