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a tale of two Brothers // marching on

Daniel Janser

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Swiss Central Gazzette (goalscorer/assistant)


Since last we reported from the Janser brothers a lot of news trundled in.

Apparently Marcel @Morcar80 is on an overseas reconnaisance mission together with @Will3 to evaluate potential candidates for an expansion of the league into the Australian continent. From the hockeyside of things we learned from well informed sources that @Alex_J32 received trade offers for the younger Janser, but rejected them as he considers Marcel and Jp @WhiskyJack as the staples in the Reapers' defence for the next season.

Daniel has been informed that he is nominated for the World Cup, representing Team Western Europe, a great honour for the young Swiss. And of course hockey was played as well in the WJC, where the Trans European express was slowed down a tad by Canada and surprisingly in the match against Team World.


This was also the first match up, which went 5-3 to World. They started strong and took a 2-0 lead in the first period, followed by an other goal at the beginning of the second. However, Europe countered with two consecutive goals scored by Decimus (Brozik, Remy) and Ablar (Kotkakoivu, Nano) before the intermission. However, only 8 seconds into the last period, Team World reinstated the two goal lead. Europe managed to pull one back, when Kotkakoivu (Nano, Eightnine) scored. With time running out, Leblanc @Horcrux pulled the goalkeeper. As it is often the case, this act of desperation was punished by an empty net goal for the final score 5-3.  The three stars went to Blloyoiderson (1g/2a), Ixazaluoh (0g/3a) and Colors (1g/0). Lindbergh could not hold on to his stellar saving rate of the past three games and was outshone by Davis (.892 vs .933). The power play was sub par (0/2) and penalty kill was good (4/5).

Daniel recorded 0g, 0a and +1


The second game was against Team Asia and ended 4-2. Eager to erase the blemish caused by their previous loss, Team Europe scored two unanswered goals in the first period. Both goals were scored by Karjalainen, the first one was assisted by Chara and Nano, the second one by Godlander and Mulds. Pearce (Eightnine, Nano) scored on the power play halfway into the second to make it 3-0.  Team Asia pulled one back, before Kotkakoivu (Pearce) reinstated the three goal lead. Team Asia did not give up though and reduced the lead to two goals only. However, for the last period the Europeans shut the shop and defended cleverly, not allowing any further goals against. The three stars went to Karjalainen (2g/0a), Trenton (1g/1a) and Pearce (1g/1a). Lindbergh made an outstanding performance with .957 save rate against the equally talented Chiester (.918). Europe's penalty kill was top notch (7/8) while the power play was a bit lack luster (1/8).

Daniel had 0g, 0a and +0 to his name


The third encounter was against one of the favourites of this years WJC, Canada. The Maple Leafs were able to win this match 3-1. The Canadians installed a 2-0 lead before Europe went on the score board when Chara (Karjalainen, Lindbergh) scored his first goal of the tournament. Unfortunately, this was not enough to make the North American team break it in sweat, and they nursed their lead, and even increased it by one, until the final horn rang. The game was coined by the almost impeccable performances of both netminders Lindbergh (.944) and Protagonist (.968). The power play was inexistant (0/3) while the penalty kill was flawless (7/7). The three stars went to Kitson (1g/1a), Protagonist (30 saves) and Peace (1g/0a).

Daniel was noted with 0g, 0a and +1


the forth match was against the USA and was won by Team Europe with 5-2. The US started strong and were first on the score board. However, Europe replied with five consecutive goals by Ablar (Kotkakoivu, Pearce), Remy (Godlander, Chara), Godlander (Chara, Remy), Karjalainen (Chara, Mulds) and Kotkakoivu (Nano) before the Yankees scored the final goal of the match to make it 5-2. Lindbergh (.920) was outperformed by Booberry (.932), however the latter was blasted with shots (74 in total) while the former had a comparably quiet evening (25 shots). Team Europe's power play had room for improvement (2/13), the penalty kill was once more impeccable (2/2). The three stars were awarded to Remy (1g/1a), Chara (0g/3a) and Karjalainen (1g/0a).

Daniel achieved 0g, 0a and +0


Stay tuned for further updates on our two hockey exports. Please find related articles linked below.













Edited by Daniel Janser
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