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#TeamClue is at it again with another 100% factually correct ad campaign.


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i like the general concept of the graphic and your persistence with the name. truly, you started the bit, and you're sticking with it, and i can only give you props for that

the placement of the text feels off to me. my eyes aren't sure whether to read top to bottom or left to right. i'd move your top right text to the top left, and vice versa with the bottom text.




otherwise imo you have a don't dead open inside vibe going on


other than that it's a 7/10. great touch with the "clue" in the background

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Nice graphic! You did a good job picking a render that matched the overall scheme well and I think the quotes are hilarious. I definitely agree that the position of it could certainly use some work, and I would like to see more use of effects on the picture, just a touch to make it your own. Overall, though, not bad! 7/10

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A very creative idea and decently executed. I have similar concerns like vice and fishy about the placing of the text. Also for me the Jersey colour with the U of Clue 'bites' but I guess that cannot be helped. 8/10

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On 12/11/2021 at 4:05 AM, fishy said:

my eyes aren't sure whether to read top to bottom or left to right. i'd move your top right text to the top left, and vice versa with the bottom text.

I guess I've been reading too much weeb stuff lately and gotten used to the top right to bottom left reading.😅 Didn't even consider it when I made it. But yeah it makes sense. Mostly I think it just came out of me having the text in the previous corporate sellout gig be top right. So I initially started with all the text going top to bottom on the right hand side, but there was just no way to make it fit/still be readable. So I ended up splitting it and putting it in the only other spot that was barely large enough, which was the bottom left. I should have just flipped the Text to top left/bottom right instead. But I was kind of on auto-pilot at that point, so didn't consider it.


Overall I should have spent more time on it to be reasonably happy with the result. But it was one of those days where the creativity just wasn't flowing, and as a result things took too long. Leading to me simply running out of time.

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As i can see, throughout the last week the Clue theme is hyped a lot. I like your concept, it sounds like a perfect advertisement for the hockey shop. The font is kinda average, but it fits so i can't complain about it. I would like to see more renders, probably a logo related to VHL , but it's not so crucial. Overall, that is cool and unusual graphic with the nice concept and realisation. 8/10

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6 hours ago, Shindigs said:

But I was kind of on auto-pilot at that point, so didn't consider it.


Overall I should have spent more time on it to be reasonably happy with the result. But it was one of those days where the creativity just wasn't flowing, and as a result things took too long. Leading to me simply running out of time

Hey dude, don’t stress or feel bad about it or feel like you have to make an excuse. There’s lots of other things in the world to fret about, go worry about those things. It’s still a sick graphic, a 7/10 is still a pass. The point of constructive feedback here is that next time you remember not to make your gfx look like “weeb shit”. Make art that you’re proud of, and if you aren’t proud of this because you couldn’t spend as much time as you wanted to, then fair enough. But no one here is trying to shame you or poke holes in your stuff, you’re doing great with the Clue theme, and there are people here who want to help you get even better :)

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29 minutes ago, bigAL said:

Hey dude, don’t stress or feel bad about it or feel like you have to make an excuse. There’s lots of other things in the world to fret about, go worry about those things. It’s still a sick graphic, a 7/10 is still a pass. The point of constructive feedback here is that next time you remember not to make your gfx look like “weeb shit”. Make art that you’re proud of, and if you aren’t proud of this because you couldn’t spend as much time as you wanted to, then fair enough. But no one here is trying to shame you or poke holes in your stuff, you’re doing great with the Clue theme, and there are people here who want to help you get even better :)


yep, throwing a ditto on this


i'm out here just saying shit for 1 tpe. i've made some absolutely rancid graphics, one of which someone literally reviewed at a 0.5/10. like al said, make things that you're happy with. if that standard changes, cool, my standard for myself varies depending on how i'm feeling, how much time i've given myself, etc. it doesn't matter whether i think the text on your graphic should be in a different place because it's not my art


right on with the clue theme, it's fun and makes you easily identifiable. keep at it, you're making things that i couldn't unless i devoted hours to figuring out how

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10 hours ago, fishy said:


yep, throwing a ditto on this


i'm out here just saying shit for 1 tpe. i've made some absolutely rancid graphics, one of which someone literally reviewed at a 0.5/10. like al said, make things that you're happy with. if that standard changes, cool, my standard for myself varies depending on how i'm feeling, how much time i've given myself, etc. it doesn't matter whether i think the text on your graphic should be in a different place because it's not my art


right on with the clue theme, it's fun and makes you easily identifiable. keep at it, you're making things that i couldn't unless i devoted hours to figuring out how

No worries at all, I just like interacting with the reviews that make me consider something that I didn't. For me there are some graphics that I make with the intent to make it look as good as I can within the style of choice. My first one ever here and my sig comes to mind. Then there are ones that are just straight up memes. This one was mostly made to have a Clue sellout add to go with all the references I made to putting Clue Glue™ on Bo's stick that week. But I like holding myself to high standards, even when it isn't necessarily reasonable to do so. So I still want to make not just my serious, but also my meme graphics better.


Also @bigAL but quoting both would just wall-o-text to the extreme.

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