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Some might remember me as rk17 back on cdc a few years back but I've taken a long break at graphics and finally getting back into it (i suck). CDC has turned into a joke now and I can't bother posting any of my work on that forum anymore lol.. So I'd like to join the VHL, I was asked to join by eQuilibrium, not sure if he/she goes by that name on this site. I can try to stay as active as I can, not sure if you guys have a rule on how active you should be or if theres a minimum activity level but back on cdc I would make a sig a week but can do more based on how I like it here :). If someone would like to give me a quick run on how to get things started here that would be great !

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If you make a sig a week here you'll be golden, especially as you improve.  PM me with any questions you will definitely have because this place can be confusing as shit at first.  Or you can post them here if I'm not around.  Or you can PM almost anybody else and they'll be happy to help.  Except Boom.  He'll help, but he won't be happy about it.

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If you make a sig a week here you'll be golden, especially as you improve.  PM me with any questions you will definitely have because this place can be confusing as shit at first.  Or you can post them here if I'm not around.  Or you can PM almost anybody else and they'll be happy to help.  Except Boom.  He'll help, but he won't be happy about it.




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