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At last Collier returns after being given up for nothing. Is too late? Was it ever... possible?

In hindsight, yes, he was traded for nothing, but hindsight is 20/20. I traded him because of the virus on the old site, which made him feel extremely uneay about his future, and he said he would likely be semi-active at best. When Kendrick approached me about turning the conditional first I would possibly receive into a guaranteed 2nd, I took the offer because Collier wasn't really close to the TPE level he had to be at for me to get the first. But thanks to the VHL's birthday and some bonus TPE, collier reached the level of TPE he would have to be at for Vasteras to get Cologne's 1st (Edwin Encarnacion). A player with a lot of doubts about his future in the league was not was Vasteras needed at that time. If I could go back and change it, I would.

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It was the end of a very complex story actually which I highlighted in a 590 once. If I recall, it went something like this:

Reikkinen to NY for Athera + 1st (Spud)

Athera + Heiskanen for 1st (Collier)

Spud himself was traded during S32 (essentially) back to NY

Collier went through the story you just profiled. So NY got Heiskanen and a cup and gave Vasteras a major headache. #themoreyouknow #cursed

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Yeah it was just a very unfortunate situation back then and you can't really fault the Vasteras management for that. With how things went back then I would have never thought that I would become that active again, Kendrick made some really shrewd moves as a GM during that whole ordeal and managed to turn the situation around for me personally, but for a while it did indeed seem like I may be a lost cause.

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