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That is an amazing graphic man! If I were a random hockey guy surfing the internet I would definitely click on advertise to see what is going on here, on VHL.com. The colour selection looks great,different types of fonts show how creative you are. Not gonna lie, logo swap is a bit messy 'cause you didn't use blurring effects on the NYA one. However, I am sure you put a lot of effort to make this nice poster and this is worth inviting you in the recruitment team. The project needs new blood and I believe you might bring it over here. 

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10 hours ago, STZ said:






Well I'd vote for your reinstatement to the recruitment team, based solely on this. What a beaut. The double render is used to good effect here, and the text work while simple, is all that's needed to spread the point of the graphic in the first place. Coloring catches the eye, and the render work is pretty nice and blends well between the two renders as well. Excellent work STZ...9/10

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