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Waldron Considering Retirement Question Mark


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The VHL season is winding down, and with it goes a truly forgettable campaign by the Quebec City Meute.  With 28 points in the standings, the Meute are neck-and-neck with the Toronto Legion for the title of worst team in the league and front-runner for the first pick in the vaunted Season 40 Entry Draft.

While the draft has some players and fans excited, goaltender Brock Waldron isn't one of them.

"I can't stand losing.  I don't care who the hell we get to draft, losing sucks.  I doubt we're going to be a whole lot better next season...I don't know if I can deal with another year of this shit."

Waldron clarified his remarks after the press took the statement to be a veiled allusion to his possible early retirement.

"Fuck yes it is."

Needless to say, the Quebec media is in a frenzy, and Frank Chadwick has been relentlessly trying to get his young goaltender to backtrack on his statement.  His refusal to do so could signify many things, such as a true frustration with losing, a desire to secure a larger contract, or a need to get his 590 in the neighborhood of 200 words.  Only time will tell what the point of all of this was.

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