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This article, which by the way is going to be worth 2 TPE, is two-fold.  First, an admission of guilt and apologies to all the updaters who have had to send me messages every time I mess up with my submissions for TPE, and second to provide some simple easy help for those newbies (newer than me)  looking to get TPE. 


Let’s start with the first topic.  Over the course of season 82, I proudly submitted reviews, articles, bulk claims, donation claims, heck even a couple graphics.  In the beginning it was really rough trying to figure out how to put a link into the submission, only to find out that the link was wrong.  It didn’t take long to get the first bit of advice from experienced members.  A special thanks go out to Beketov, Spartan, and Zach right off the bat as they were the first three to offer assistance and also fix my erroring ways!  Enorama, OrbitingDeath, and Rory were the next three to have to deal with my continued “F” ups.  Josh, Dil, and Beroka also got in on correcting me.  OMG, as I write this I realize what a dipshit I am to have all these people have to correct my mistakes, offer suggestions, and take time to get me on the right path!  I thought I had things down as I might have gone a whole 2 weeks without a denial but NOOOOO,   Wham!  Another screw up today.  But, it was all fixed with little effort on my part and more effort on the updater’s part.  So once again I thank you all very much and I hope that as my time in the league continues and my experience improves, you will each have to send “notice of TPE denial” messages less frequently!!  I wish I could blame Scurvy for his assistance or Shindigs for his input, but I cannot.  They are not to blame, I am.


The second part, simple instructions for new members looking to get TPE accepted the first time:


1). Learn where to write articles quickly and don’t just input them anywhere in the forums.

2) Graphics belong in the graphics forum.

3) Getting TPE for donations requires a transaction code in the donation forum.

4) After submitting a topic, immediately find the three dots … and click “share” then copy the link to paste in the TPE link.

5) And the most important of all… Reviewing an article or graphic is 1 TPE, not 2.


To the nine people mentioned thanks again for putting up with my wrong inputs and fixing things.  You all make this game enjoyable.  I look forward to a bright future in the league with fewer errors.


*Notice, no graphic or signature attached because I haven’t figured that out yet!!!  But someday I will.


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4 minutes ago, Thunder said:

*Notice, no graphic or signature attached because I haven’t figured that out yet!!!

Account Settings (which can be found in the dropdown in the top right of whatever device or page you're viewing) > Signature > Put whatever you want in the signature editing box, including an embedded graphic.


It's an honour to be the JardyB10th person to help you. :P

Edited by JardyB10
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