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Streetlight to make alteration to career stats spreadsheets


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The all-time stat spreadsheets are going to be losing a column.


Rather than continue on with separate columns for first and last name, VHL's junior historian Streetlight has decided to concatenate the two. There isn't much lost by this, but it does mean that the player name tab will now be sorted by first name rather than last name.


There really isn't much to gain, either, but it's a change that Streetlight believes will make things ever so slightly easier for him: "One part of the process of updating stats is to copy each player's name to a new row when I combine their previous stats with those that they accumulated in the current season. Now I'll only have to copy one. This saves about 1.6 seconds of my time."


Additionally, it reduces the potential for a mistake to be made. "When I sort players by name in order to position the rows of each current player next to their previous stats, because of shared names, they aren't always next to their own. For example, if I sort by surname, Niklas Valiq's row of S39 stats might not end up adjacent to his career stats up to that point. It's possible, however very unlikely, that I might accidentally combine those stats to the incorrect player if I'm not being careful. This will also save me some time, as I don't have to re-order any row that isn't where I need it to be."


The change being made is one that would be able to be undone should there be an enormous amount of public backlash. It is unexpected, but we can never be too sure.

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