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Who knew? VHL has a professional disc golfer!


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Have you ever had a night when you just couldn’t sleep?  No matter how hard you try to get the badly needed rest, you just can’t, and closing your eyes does nothing.  Well, last night that was me.  And since recreational drugs is not an option for me, I could only do one thing.  I got up, went out to the family room and turned on the tele.  While channel surfing I came upon ESPN Ocho, channel 595 for those on the same satellite system as me.  On ESPN Ocho, there was a professional disc golf tournament taking place.  Now, I only recently heard about disc golf from the Oslo AGM @ctots, who by the way, is a lot more knowledgeable and skillful in the sport than he led us to believe.  In fact, ctots is a highly ranked disc golfer.  He has sponsors, a caddy, a group of followers who trailed with him for all 18 holes.  


At first, I didnt recognize ctots because of all the sponsorship apparel he was wearing and the disc golf equipment he was provided.  Ctots was sporting a Sports Neutron Tesla ball cap, Oakley sunglasses, a Black Zombie polo, Sketcher’s Disc Golf Shoes, and a Garmin GPS Disc Golf watch.  The dude was covered in coin.  He was definitely someone who looked the part and played the part.  And as the fan favorite got to every tee, ctots didnt disappoint.  He was on fire.  it was as if every throw he made was done so with such flair and precision, he could do nothing wrong.  He was on fire!  All the other pro disc golfers were in awe when ctots threw his Innova driver, out distancing them all.  The announcer, Lindsay Czarniak, was so impressed with ctots, it got a little uncomfortable for her co-announcer, Chris Berman.  Berman stumbled as he tried to do his trademark, “He could go all the way.”  


Ctots impressed the crowd with his anhyzer throws and incredible air bounces.  The highlight was on hole #17, when ctots let his driver glide and appeared to be an intentional kick off a huge cedar tree on the right side of the fairway, causing the disc to overstable from the hyper throw and then become a long roller right into the circle.  As ctots walked up to his disc, the crowd lined up along both edges of the fairway were bowing to the king of disc golf as Berman was yelling “We’re no worthy!”


Ctots decided to show off his incredible skills as he took his putter and tossed an understable a good 20 feet in the wrong direction of the hole, only to have the disc circle back and splash into the chains for another eagle.  The fans were ecstatic, Lindsay Czarniak was crying with joy, and Chris Berman was stunned by such brilliance.  


For those interested in learning more about ctots and his professional career in Disc Golf, he can be reached by clicking @ctotsor he is often found in the Oslo Storm and Bratislava locker rooms.


This article was written for the 2 tpe!

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2 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

What is Disc Golf? Sounds like throwing a frisbee into a designated target area...

Bonus points that the designated target area looks like a medieval torture device.D9B967C9-1EBC-4D5E-9E17-AB1DD7E0C5E8.webp 

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23 minutes ago, rory said:

this guy has clearly not listened to 3ppao AM I RIGHT FELLAS @hylands@.sniffuM 😿

I have not, it’s true. Sadly I don’t tend to have the free time to listen to most VHL podcasts unless I’m doing colour correction at work and don’t need the audio of the timeline but that’s rare.

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True to life disc golf achievements: I got 3rd place in the rec division of a small tournament. I won the longest drive contest at that same tournament. I got an ace exactly once. That's basically the extent of my accolades. I'll still sign autographs though.

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