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Theme Week - Gratitude

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Time to give some props to some of the users who I'm grateful for and those who have made my time in VHL really fantastic so far....:


I would be remiss if I didn't start with the user who picked me up as a free agent when I was brand new to the league - @Ledge.  I knew absolutely nothing about this sim league, how updates worked, when the sims were, or any of the mechanics at all and ledge answered every single one of my billion questions without hesitation.  I think it's safe to say that my time in the league would've gone much worse if I didn't have such a great experience in Miami as a Marauder.  It was a truly great locker room and I appreciate everything Ledge did for me in South Beach.  I'm honestly not sure what made me pick Miami among my other FA offers, but I am so glad that I did.  Great locker room, great users, great team!


Next person I want to give a shoutout to is the user who's had the biggest impact on me so far and the user I'm most grateful for... @Shindigs During the pre-draft process, Shindigs and I spoke at length and I knew it would be a great fit for a new user if I were to end up in Las Vegas.  Lo and behold, I'm an Ace!  And to say that Shindigs has been a fantastic GM is the understatement of the century.  On top of all the stats, sim updates, and leaderboards that are always posted, Shindigs always does a great job of making sure our locker room is interactive, enjoyable, and just a great place to hang out.  And that's not even mentioning the great squad he's put together in Vegas.  It seems like all of us gel really well together and that certainly adds to the camaraderie in the locker room.  Lastly, and definitely most importantly, has been Shindigs' willingness to help out anyone in the locker room who asks for help, whether it be from a build perspective or otherwise.  We spoke at length about potential builds for my player and it never once felt like a chore to pick his brain about attributes, TPE opportunities, or anything at all for that matter.  Just can't say enough!


I've had a lot of GMs in my time across the various sim leagues and Shindigs and Ledge are most certainly among the best of the best as GMs and as users.


Lastly, I want to throw out some rapid fire shoutouts to @Lemorse7 for our ever increasing joint locker rooms across the sim leagues, @OrbitingDeath for helping out whenever I bug you with a question, @Spartanfor all the advice and question-answering you've done for me, @samxfor the great time we've has in Vegas, @dylanjj37for instilling a hatred of bots, @Xflexzfor laying the boom on our opponents on a regular basis, @MMFLEXfor being an all around baller, @rory and @Doomsdayfor being really welcoming when I joined the server, and last but not least, I officially want to thank whichever mod approves the graphics that I post from time to time. While they might not always end up great, I always spend a lot of time to try and make 'em look at least passable.


I know I'm forgetting a ton of people who have helped me along the way.  If we've interacted at all in VHL so far, just know that it's appreciated and all of you have all made my VHL experience fantastic so far.  I never once felt out of place and I cannot express my gratitude enough for how y'all have treated me and welcomed me into the league as a brand new user.



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Thanks for all the kind words, it's been great having you in Vegas. And hopefully we can end the season right.


You instantly jumped out at me as the most dominant 1st gen in the draft class, and after having the best draft interview by far, I knew I just had to draft you to Vegas. You know it's a good interview when you forget it's a interview and just start talking about sim league experiences and what have you for a couple hours.😅 And you've been every bit as good as I had hoped for us, always on top of the TPE earning. With your player putting up an impressive two-way game to lead the 1st line and you adding some nice hype in the LR on top.


The only gripe I have is that your player in the SBA passed mine on TPE before the draft, since I missed the ASG TPE like a noob.🤣 But looking forward to our players eventually duelling it out at the top of the leaderboards in the SBA, just like they did in the SBDL.

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You're the brightest first gen I've had since Shindigs himself, which is certainly saying something. Keep up the great work, you're a star in the making

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