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1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

Use Riolu Double kick on both Meowth finish with Jolteon using Thunder if dead switch to Jolteon for Mimikyu

Meowth 17
Mimikyu 22
Meowth 18


Riolu takes out both Meowths!

It falls to Mimikyu, but Jolteon takes it out.


Riolu gains 3 levels and Jolteon gains 2 levels.


Riolu evolves into Lucario!


pokemon tem GIF


You gain $363

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1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

Catch Sneasel with Great balls 

Fight Meowth with Riolu using double kick switch to Axew using Dragon claw on Gastly 

Gastly 20
Sneasel 21
Meowth 17

You catch Sneasel on the first try!

Lucario 1 shots the Meowth and gains 1 level

Your level 13 Axew surprises me and takes out the level 20 Gastly! Axew gains 4 levels. You gain $208

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1 hour ago, JardyB10 said:

I’m a horrible person with no regard for people’s time, SO…


Action 2.4 Battle Tower (Level 26)


But to make up for that,


Day 3:


Actions 1-3: Work

In the battle tower you face schoolgirl Wendy with a lineup of



Then you travel forward in time and steal $2083 from the bank.

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6 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

In the battle tower you face schoolgirl Wendy with a lineup of




Then you travel forward in time and steal $2083 from the bank.

I’ll lead Magnemite, then Koffing, then Weavile.


Magnemite will always use Spark

Koffing will always use Sludge, though if it falls to 20 or less hp it can use Self Destruct.

Weavile can use Dark Pulse on Horsea, Ice Beam on everything else

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2 hours ago, Gustav said:


Sorry for the lack of modding today but I'm on-and-off writing an article.


Great Balls on Litwick.


If I catch:


Poliwag with Water Gun/Ralts with Confusion/Flareon with Bite in that order on both Onix; I don't care which one goes first.


If I don't:


Same thing but start against Litwick



Action 3: Route 1

Onix 21
Onix 18
Litwick 22


You catch Litwick on the 2nd throw


Poliwag loses to Onix lv 18, but Ralts takes it out and gains 2 levels


Onix lv 21 requires some Flareon action to be disposed of. Flareon gains 0.5 levels.


You gain $224


Ralts evolves into Kirlia!


Why Ralts? | Pokémon Amino


On route 1 you find


Bellsprout 21
Ralts 21
Bellsprout 19
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1 hour ago, Ricer13 said:

Action 3.1 Work

Buy 10 great balls


Action 3.2 Explore MT Moon

You teach a Pokemon fitness class and earn $787.

Workout Pokemon GIF - Workout Pokemon Pikachu - Discover & Share GIFs


You use your muscles to carry the big bag of greatballs.


In Mt Moon you find

Gastly 18
Gastly 20
Larvitar 20
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6 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

You head to the grocery store to buy some milk. On the way, you are suddenly assaulted!



Magnemite 18
Axew 21
Magnemite 20

Steelix uses dig on magnetite (18) and then magnetite (20)


 Axew uses Dragon Claw on Axew


 while still in the city use rare candy on Charjabug to increase level

Edited by Alex
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5 hours ago, Ptyrell said:
Pokemon Level
Ekans 19
Larvitar 21
Larvitar 21


You catch Larvitar in 1 throw! Nice aim!


Wartortle takes out Larvitar but Ekans barely survives. Who do you want to finish it off?


Wartortle gains 3 levels and you gain $282.

Growlithe will finish it

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8 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

Action 4 challenge Falkner


using Jolteon Thunder on Hawlucha and then Togekiss and finally Pidegeotto until dead. 
To finish off Togekiss use Ekekid with Thunder punch and continue on Pidgeyotto if dead use Axew dragon claw 

I mess up the order Ekekid and Thunder Punch continue on Togekiss if dead use Jolteon Thunder continue on Hawlucka of dead use Ponyta Flamethrower 



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We have a trade to announce


@ctotssends his onix + metal coat 


@OrbitingDeathsends his mimikyu + amulet coin + 200 in cash (which i should have again after killing something from the pending actions)


Ctots to confirm 



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7 minutes ago, OrbitingDeath said:

We have a trade to announce


@ctotssends his onix + metal coat 


@OrbitingDeathsends his mimikyu + amulet coin + 200 in cash (which i should have again after killing something from the pending actions)


Ctots to confirm 



Confirm! Nurse Joy is almost certain that this Mimikyu is actually just a sickly Pikachu who needs some special care. Nurse Joy is basically an idiot. 😂

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6 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

You teach a Pokemon fitness class and earn $787.

Workout Pokemon GIF - Workout Pokemon Pikachu - Discover & Share GIFs


You use your muscles to carry the big bag of greatballs.


In Mt Moon you find


Gastly 18
Gastly 20
Larvitar 20

Use Greatballs to catch Larvitar and Lvl 20 Gastly.


Use Squirtle to take down Lvl 18 Gastly. If Squirtle dies then finish off with Dratini using water pulse.

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6 hours ago, Ptyrell said:
Bellsprout 21
Ralts 21
Bellsprout 19


Kirlia will use Psybeam on Bellsprout lv 21, Draining Kiss on Ralts, and back to Psybeam for the other Bellsprout in that order.


Backups, in order:

-Poliwag with Tackle against either Bellsprout or Water Gun against Ralts

-The usual Flareon/Fire Blast business


Action 4: Buy 2 Great Balls and go back to Mt. Moon.

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8 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

@JardyB10 is trading me his lv 22 Honedge and I am trading him my lv 22 Wartortle


8 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

I agree.


@Ptyrell receives a weird sentient sword thingy. @JardyB10 receives a very cool turtle.

Easy to see who won this trade.

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8 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

I’ll lead Magnemite, then Koffing, then Weavile.


Magnemite will always use Spark

Koffing will always use Sludge, though if it falls to 20 or less hp it can use Self Destruct.

Weavile can use Dark Pulse on Horsea, Ice Beam on everything else


Exeggcute 26
Pikachu 26
Horsea 26


Schoolgirl Wendy leads off with her trustworthy Horsea. Terrible, terrible decision. It manages to use Bubble Beam once, but your Magnemite's Sparks are too strong and it goes down in two hits.


Wendy then sends her Pikachu, in a battle of O.G. electric monsters. It quickly disposes of your Magnemite with two uses of Thunderbolt. Magnemite managed to drop its HP to 40.5


Your next Pokémon is Koffing, and it only needs to use Sludge twice to assert dominance over the quirky mouse.


Wendy sends her last Pokémon, her Exeggcute. It uses Confusion, dropping your Koffing to 24.6 HP. It answers with another round of Sludge, but goes down to the next Confusion.


But Weavile doesn't waste anytime, and for the first time of this whole battle, one Pokémon kills on its very first attack.


Each of your Pokémon managed to kill one of Wendy's Pokémons.

Magnemite grows from Lv.28 to Lv.30 and evolves into a Magneton!

Koffing grows from Lv.24 to Lv.27

Weavile grows from Lv.29 to Lv.30


Best Magneton GIFs | Gfycat

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9 hours ago, Ptyrell said:
Elekid 17
Mimikyu 17
Eevee 21


You catch Mimikyu on the 2nd ball

Honedge takes out Elekid and gains 2 levels. You gain $117

Eevee beats Magnemite with just 4 HP left! Who do you want to finish the job?

Honedge fury cuts it

If it dies scizor cleans it up

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8 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Action 1: Work


You work as a security guard during @JardyB10's Battle Tower fight. They doubled down on security because of his past endeavors. You make $605.


8 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Buy Surf and teach to Honedge


You apply some special grease on the sword and it's theoretically supposed to be able to float that way. You have $507 left.


8 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

Action 2: Challenge Brock


Honedge starts and holds an oran berry. Honedge only uses Surf.

Gyarados comes next and uses Hydro Pump

Ivysaur if needed uses Razor Leaf


Lv.24 Rhyhorn @Oran Berry vs Lv.22 Honedge w/ Surf @Oran Berry

Rhyhorn hits your Honedge hard with super effective Drill Runs, three of them to be exact. It's down to 20.8 HP after the two Surfs and after its own Oran Berry proc'd, but it manages to beat your Honedge.


Lv.27 Gyarados vs Lv.24 Rhyhorn

All it takes is one Hydro Pump.


Lv.26 Graveler vs Lv.27 Gyarados

Graveler jumps in the arena and immediately opts to Self Destruct. It takes Gyarados down to 57.0 HP, but it mostly drops itself down to low HP, which lets Gyarados finish it with a single Hydro Pump.


Lv.28 Onix vs Lv.27 Gyarados

In a fight of giant mystical sneks, Onix has the first move. It makes some Rocks Slide from the walls of the arena, and it hits Gyarados for just south of 50 damage. Gyarados answers with another Hydro Pump, and it's all over like that. Onix goes down and @Ptyrell is awarded the Boulder Badge.


Pokemon Gyarados GIF - Pokemon Gyarados Hyper - Discover & Share GIFs


Gyarados beat all three Pokémons, and grows from Lv.27 all the way to Lv.33.


Elijah Robertson (3DBear) — GEN 1 POKEMON BADGES (3D SPRITES) Hey! It's  been a...

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7 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

Buy 2 great balls


A2 : explore golden rod city


You wander in the city and an organized band of three Pokémons sneak on you from the alley.


Eevee 22
Elekid 20
Axew 20


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6 minutes ago, McWolf said:


You wander in the city and an organized band of three Pokémons sneak on you from the alley.



Eevee 22
Elekid 20
Axew 20


Honedge fury cutter on Eevee

Continues on Axew

Magnemite takes over when faints and gyro balls until death



Steelix (which we should have now) continues killing with dig



If he also dies Eevee attacks what is left and evolves into an Umbreon


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