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18 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You face Gardener Garvin!





Focus Sash on Kirlia; Focus Band on Poliwag.


Lead with Flareon/Fire Blast. This time I get the first move and I don't think it's against anyone who would screw me over type-wise. The bad news is...it's not good for Kirlia and that's what I want.


Follow with Kirlia/Psybeam against Ivysaur and Haunter and Draining Kiss against Exeggutor. I think this will at least get me where I want, which is a level up.


Poliwag/Water Gun on Haunter and Tackle on the others. I hope that isn't necessary.



Going to sleep now, so I'll do the following:



-Buy 2 Great Balls and a Repel, which I will use for my last action:

-Explore Saffron City and hope I can get a Growlithe to show up. 


-If I see a Growlithe, Great Balls on it and fight the others. If not, fight everything (unless a Legendary of any sort happens to come out, in which case I'll burn through my entire Great Ball stash on that one).

-Focus Band on Poliwag

-Kirlia/Gardevoir/Gallade/whoever will use Psybeam/Psychic/Psychic depending on which one it is, unless the attack does nothing in some weird type matchup--in which case I'll move to the next one on the list.

-Poliwag/Water Gun as backup

-Flareon/Fire Blast after that if necessary

Edited by Gustav
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2 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

You awake after an eventful night of stealing pokemon and meet


Wooloo 21
Wooloo 19
Grubbin 19

I’ll sick Charmander doing Ember on the Grubbin, then it can try to tangle with the level 19 wooloo. 

Wartortle can Body Slam all after that. Koffing can do any mop up necessary.


Action 2: DO IT AGAIN (Explore Lake)

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7 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

It's a mighty fine day for a stroll in the city! You find


Elekid 24
Mimikyu 21
Riolu 24

Catch Riolu greatballs 

Fight Elekid with Axew using Dragon claw 

fight Mimikyu with Jolteon Thunder

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7 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Action 4.2 - Challenge Brock


Use Ivysaur to start off using Razor Leaf.


if ivysaur falls then switch too Wartortle and she water pulse. 

if anyone survives from Brock finish them off with dratini with water pulse 

Brock welcomes your challenge and wishes you the best of luck.

Brock GIFs - Get the best gif on GIFER


Brock leads with his Rhyhorn against your Ivysaur.

Ivysaur GIFs - Get the best gif on GIFER

Ivysaur goes first and uses Razor Leaf, Rhyhorn counters with Drill Run. One more Razor leaf from Ivysaur finishes it off!


Brock sends out Graveler and uses Rockslide, Ivysaur follows with Razor leaf. Graveler takes out Ivysaur and survives with 67.9 hp.


You send out Wartortle and finish off Graveler with one water pulse!


Brock sends out his final pokemon, Onix and uses Dig! Onix and Wartortle go back and forth for some time before Onix falls to Wartortle's Water Pulse!


Elijah Robertson (3DBear) — GEN 1 POKEMON BADGES (3D SPRITES) Hey! It's  been a...

You have earned the Boulder Badge!


Ivysaur gains 2 levels

Wartortle gains 5 levels

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10 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

You buy a Master Ball, just in case


Does it pay off?

  Hide contents

It does if you were looking for one of these!


Rhyhorn 23
Elekid 19
Growlithe 21



But no Mewtwo


Catch Growlithe. Poké Balls then Ultra Balls if needed.


Send Larvitar vs Rhyhorn. Use Stomping Tantrum. Continue with Stomping Tantrum vs the Elekid. If Larvitar dies, send Charmeleon and use Surf if vs Rhyhorn, Flamethrower if vs Elekid. Finish with Pichu using Swift if needed.


Action 4. Buy Incense, and go back to Cerulean Cave

Edited by McWolf
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8 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

A4: Attack Buggsy


Steelix leads vs Vikavolt with Stone Edge,   Iron Tails on Ribombee/Scizor until it faints

Charmeleon /w focus sash continues with flamethrower


This should be succesfull, otherwise Scizor continues to air slash



Steelix leads off the battle, and Vikavolt counters with X-Scissor. It lasts a few rounds...but Steelix comes out on top.


Ribombee follows this up with Pollen Puff...and again can't make much happen against your Steelix.


Buggsy brings out Scizor, who knocks out Steelix in a couple moves...but your Charmeleon makes quick work of the last battle.





Charmeleon and Steelix both gain 3 levels.

Edited by Gustav
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8 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

buy incense $200 and 3 pokeballs then explore Golden rod city for A5


Three sets, pick one.



Mimikyu 20
Magnemite 20
Magnemite 19



Axew 24
Elekid 22
Axew 21



Axew 19
Mimikyu 20
Axew 23


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7 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

I’ll sick Charmander doing Ember on the Grubbin, then it can try to tangle with the level 19 wooloo. 

Wartortle can Body Slam all after that. Koffing can do any mop up necessary.


Action 2: DO IT AGAIN (Explore Lake)


"It's Grubbin' time", you say as you begin to grub. Charmander knocks out Grubbin and turns to Wooloo...who hits back. You have to bring out your Wartortle to compensate.


Wartortle wipes out both of the Wooloos in question.


Charmander gains 2 levels (and evolves into Charmeleon!) and Wartortle gains 2 levels. You earn $305.



At the lake again, you find:


Sneasel lv 23

Poliwag lv 23

Sneasel lv 23

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1 hour ago, Alex said:

you meet Bird keeper Chaz, he has the following pokemon:


lv 31


Ivysaur leads using Earthquake on Steelix/Koffing and Razor Leaf on Poliwhirl

(If Koffing uses Self Destruct, Ivysaur should have the next move)

If Poliwhirl first and Koffing 2nd, use earthquake then razor leaf on koffing


Honedge next uses Surf against Steelix/Koffing, Night Slash against Poliwhirl


Gyarados 3rd uses hydro pump

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1 hour ago, Gustav said:


"It's Grubbin' time", you say as you begin to grub. Charmander knocks out Grubbin and turns to Wooloo...who hits back. You have to bring out your Wartortle to compensate.


Wartortle wipes out both of the Wooloos in question.


Charmander gains 2 levels (and evolves into Charmeleon!) and Wartortle gains 2 levels. You earn $305.



At the lake again, you find:


Sneasel lv 23

Poliwag lv 23

Sneasel lv 23

Who needs Repellent with rolls like these??


Charmeleon will throw its flame at the two Sneasels.

It can try Slashing Poliwag after, but Koffing will likely be finishing the job with Sludge.


Action 3: Challenge Bugsy


 I’ll lead Charmeleon to Flamethrower Vikavolt. When Vikavolt drops, I’ll hard switch into Koffing for the Bee.


Koffing will spam Sludge against Bee until Koffing goes down. Weavile will come in to finish the job with Ice Beam.


Weavile should be able to eat a hit from Scizor and can retaliate with Revenge. When Weavile goes down, Charmeleon can come back out and (hopefully) finish it off with a Flamethrower. 

(I don’t believe my levels are updated at the moment from Action 1, so ensure that’s done before the gym challenge please!)

Edited by JardyB10
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1 hour ago, McWolf said:


Three sets, pick one.




Mimikyu 20
Magnemite 20
Magnemite 19




Axew 24
Elekid 22
Axew 21




Axew 19
Mimikyu 20
Axew 23




Great balls on both magnemites. Ultra if needed.


Charmeleon kills the radio star uhm, mimikyu with flamethrower




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11 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

You go for quality over quantity and head to the safari zone. You find



Swinub 23
Squirtle 22
Dratini 23

Throw Ultra Balls at the Squirtle.


Machop uses Mach Punch on the Swinub. Then it uses Knock Off on Dratini. When Machop faints, send in Alakazam. Use Future Sight, then Recover, then swap to Magikarp when the Future Sight hits.


If Squirtle somehow isn't caught, let Magikarp get bodied by it so Alakazam can come back in and use Psychic (use Recover if Alakazam falls under 16 HP).

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11 hours ago, Gustav said:


Focus Sash on Kirlia; Focus Band on Poliwag.


Lead with Flareon/Fire Blast. This time I get the first move and I don't think it's against anyone who would screw me over type-wise. The bad news is...it's not good for Kirlia and that's what I want.


Follow with Kirlia/Psybeam against Ivysaur and Haunter and Draining Kiss against Exeggutor. I think this will at least get me where I want, which is a level up.


Poliwag/Water Gun on Haunter and Tackle on the others. I hope that isn't necessary.



Going to sleep now, so I'll do the following:



-Buy 2 Great Balls and a Repel, which I will use for my last action:

-Explore Saffron City and hope I can get a Growlithe to show up. 


-If I see a Growlithe, Great Balls on it and fight the others. If not, fight everything (unless a Legendary of any sort happens to come out, in which case I'll burn through my entire Great Ball stash on that one).

-Focus Band on Poliwag

-Kirlia/Gardevoir/Gallade/whoever will use Psybeam/Psychic/Psychic depending on which one it is, unless the attack does nothing in some weird type matchup--in which case I'll move to the next one on the list.

-Poliwag/Water Gun as backup

-Flareon/Fire Blast after that if necessary

lv 29



Battle Tower, take 2!


You send out Flareon confident it will get the first strike.

Your opponent sends out Haunter who uses Sucker Punch to go first! Afterwards, it dies in 1 hit to fire blast.

Next up is Exeggcute. 

Exeggcute tickles Flareon with Confusion. Then it again dies in 1 hit to fire blast!


Last up is Ivysaur. Ivysaur uses Body Slam. Flareon has 45 HP remaining!

Flareon uses Fire Blast... You guessed it! 1 hit KO AGAIN.


Flareon completes the sweep and gains 3 levels. Kirlia never saw the battlefield!


You have 2 actions left. Since day 4 likely won't close for half a day, I'll let you review in case you want to change your last 2 actions. If not, I'll process those later.

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8 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

Catch Riolu greatballs 

Fight Elekid with Axew using Dragon claw 

fight Mimikyu with Jolteon Thunder

Elekid 24
Mimikyu 21
Riolu 24


You catch the Riolu on your first try! You just know you are going to be best buddies with this Riolu and never let it go. You and this Riolu are going places!


Jolteon wrecks the Mimikyu and gains 1 level, but Axew only takes Elekid to 40 HP before it loses.

You gain $128

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6 hours ago, McWolf said:

Catch Growlithe. Poké Balls then Ultra Balls if needed.


Send Larvitar vs Rhyhorn. Use Stomping Tantrum. Continue with Stomping Tantrum vs the Elekid. If Larvitar dies, send Charmeleon and use Surf if vs Rhyhorn, Flamethrower if vs Elekid. Finish with Pichu using Swift if needed.


Action 4. Buy Incense, and go back to Cerulean Cave

Rhyhorn 23
Elekid 19
Growlithe 21


You catch Growlithe on your first try! Nice!


After 2 Stomping Tantrums.. Rhyhorn has 0.1 HP remaining! It gets another attack off Larvitar before it dies. Will it make a difference?


Elekid comes out swinging with... Thunder punch???

ELEKID by Bird Milk x The 3D Hero - The Toy Chronicle

It does no damage.

Then it follows that up with Quick Attack. Not very effective.

Larvitar takes out both!


Larvitar gains 3 levels

You gain $269


But don't leave your seats folks! Now in the Caves you find...


Exeggcute 21
Growlithe 21
Pichu 23


Exeggcute 24
Exeggcute 24
Growlithe 21


Exeggcute 22
Lapras 23
Elekid 19


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5 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Buy Incense


4.3 Travel to Cerulean Cave

You walk around an extra long time before deciding where you want to set up your picnic


Lapras 19
Horsea 22
Rhyhorn 19


Larvitar 22
Elekid 24
Pichu 23


Rhyhorn 19
Exeggcute 22
Rhyhorn 21


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3 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:

You walk around an extra long time before deciding where you want to set up your picnic



Lapras 19
Horsea 22
Rhyhorn 19



Larvitar 22
Elekid 24
Pichu 23



Rhyhorn 19
Exeggcute 22
Rhyhorn 21


Buy 10 greatballs

Use them to catch Lapras, Horsea and Rhyhorn. 

If any remain standing and im out of greatballs then use Dratini to take down rhyhorn with his water pulse.

Action 4.4 Work

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5 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

Who needs Repellent with rolls like these??


Charmeleon will throw its flame at the two Sneasels.

It can try Slashing Poliwag after, but Koffing will likely be finishing the job with Sludge.


Action 3: Challenge Bugsy


 I’ll lead Charmeleon to Flamethrower Vikavolt. When Vikavolt drops, I’ll hard switch into Koffing for the Bee.


Koffing will spam Sludge against Bee until Koffing goes down. Weavile will come in to finish the job with Ice Beam.


Weavile should be able to eat a hit from Scizor and can retaliate with Revenge. When Weavile goes down, Charmeleon can come back out and (hopefully) finish it off with a Flamethrower. 

(I don’t believe my levels are updated at the moment from Action 1, so ensure that’s done before the gym challenge please!)

Sneasel lv 23

Poliwag lv 23

Sneasel lv 23



Flamethrower - Drawception


Charmander comes out instead


Just kidding, you do have a Charmeleon but the sheet wasn't updated as you said


Charmeleon uses flamethrower!

The first Sneasel goes down but the 2nd doesn't get scratched


Koffing takes the first Sneasel out with Sludge but takes heavy damage

Against Poliwag...

Poliwag takes out Koffing!

Poliwag has 20 HP left. Who do you want to get the Poliwag levels?


Charmeleon gains 3 levels

Koffing gains 1 level


You gain $328 (for all three)


Since Charmeleon didn't beat both Sneasel's and won't have first strike on Vikavolt which would cause it to lose out the gate, I'm gonna wait for your input

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5 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:



Great balls on both magnemites. Ultra if needed.


Charmeleon kills the radio star uhm, mimikyu with flamethrower




Mimikyu 20
Magnemite 20
Magnemite 19

3 throws total for 2 pokemon!

Charmeleon gains half a level for Mimikyu

You gain $108

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3 hours ago, omgitshim said:

Throw Ultra Balls at the Squirtle.


Machop uses Mach Punch on the Swinub. Then it uses Knock Off on Dratini. When Machop faints, send in Alakazam. Use Future Sight, then Recover, then swap to Magikarp when the Future Sight hits.


If Squirtle somehow isn't caught, let Magikarp get bodied by it so Alakazam can come back in and use Psychic (use Recover if Alakazam falls under 16 HP).

Swinub 23
Squirtle 22
Dratini 23


Squirtle is caught on the first throw!


Machop beats the Swinub and gains 3 levels!

You do fancy future sight tactics and Magikarp gains 4 levels. Magikarp evolves into Gyarados!

Machop gains 3 levels

You gain $396

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32 minutes ago, Ptyrell said:
Elekid 24
Mimikyu 21
Riolu 24


You catch the Riolu on your first try! You just know you are going to be best buddies with this Riolu and never let it go. You and this Riolu are going places!


Jolteon wrecks the Mimikyu and gains 1 level, but Axew only takes Elekid to 40 HP before it loses.

You gain $128

Wartortle Water pulse the rest out of Elekid

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