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5.3 Challenge Misty


Give Elekid an Oran Berry

Give Ivysaur an Oran Berry


Start with Elekid using thunder punch until he dies.

Then let’s go with some water on water violence and have Wartortle follow up with Hyrdo Pump and Bite.

Lastly bring out Ivysaur who will Razorleaf them into oblivion!

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9 hours ago, omgitshim said:


Gonna take that middle set.


Master Ball on Celebi.


Machop uses Mach Punch on the Swinub, then on the Rhyhorn. If Machop faints, have Squirtle use Water Gun.

You catch Celebi! Congratulations!


Your Machop attacks first and uses Mach Punch! Swinub counters with Bulldoze, after a lengthy exchange Machop comes out on top!


Machop then attacks Rhyhorn first using mach punch, Rhyhorn counters with rock slide, Rhyhorn defeats Machop and is left with 18.1 hp.


Squirtle defeats Rhyhorn with one water gun.


Machop gains 2 levels.

Squirtle gains 3 levels and evolves into Wartortle!


 You find $222

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8 hours ago, Gustav said:

Actions 1 and 2 - Work x2. Buy EXP share.




You fix @eaglesfan0366 car and he pays you $1634. You buy an Exp share with the money that he's probably trying to launder for the Mafia.


8 hours ago, Gustav said:

Action 3 - Challenge Brock.


EXP share on Poliwag. This should pull off the evolution.


You put the Exp Share on Poliwag, knowing something is going to screw this plan up.


8 hours ago, Gustav said:

Lead with Poliwag and Water Gun.

Follow with Gardevoir and Psychic.


Finish with Flareon/Fire Blast on everything. I think I've got a Poliwhirl and a gym badge at the end of this (unless I missed something).


Poliwag starts out against Rhyhorn, but it's not a pretty sight. It gets off one Water Gun before it gets Drilled into the ground. Was this a bad challenge?




Gardevoir says no! The previous chip damage from Water Gun was enough that Rhyhorn goes down with one Psychic.


But wait!


It's wearing a Focus Band!


The Rhyhorn...



Stays down!




Graveler comes out and lays out Gardevoir with a Rock Slide! It... doesn't do all that much. Psychic take a number out of it, and it uses another Rock Slide. A 2nd Psychic finishes it off.


Or does it?


It's got a Focus Band too!



And it gets back up!


And it Self Destructs!!!!


And both pokemon go down!!!


Burglar stares at Brock. Brock stares back.




They both send out their final pokemon!





Flareon leads things off with a Fire Blast. Onix staggers, but the effects of its Enigma Berry soften the blow. It counters with Dig... SUPER EFFECTIVE!


Flareon unleashes another Fire Blast. Thanks to the Enigma Berry before, Onix manages to hang on! One more Dig comes out... Is it enough?!



Flareon hangs on! A final Fire Blast comes out and Onix goes down!!




Burgler gains a Bolder Badge!


Poliwag gains 5 levels.

Gardevoir gains .75 levels.

Flareon gains .25 levels.


Poliwag does a dance.




And it becomes Poliwhirl!






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5.1 Challenge Whitney


EXP Share on Koffing


Jessie will plow through the roof of the gym in Goldenrod City.


"Prepare for trouble, BITCH! I hear you're trying to make PINK hair a thing. We all know Magenta coloured hair, or whatever I have going on, is the true way to go. I'm willing to fight you to prove it!"


Jessie will lead with Magnezoney M, who will spam Zap Cannon.

- If Zoney goes down while its opponent has 50% hp or less, send out Wartortle. Otherwise, send out Weavile.


Weavile spams Ice Beam

Wartortle spams Body Slam.


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8 hours ago, Spartan said:

Pokeballs until success on Abra


Magnemite Spark on Pidgey

Ekans Acid on Magnemite until Ekans gets KO'd, then sub in Arcanine and use Flamethrower


You throw a Pokeball at Abra, but it Teleports to another location. It does this a couple times, then you psyche it out and throw the Pokeball randomly elsewhere and it Teleports into it! In all it takes 4 Pokeballs to catch.


Pidgey tries to Quick Attack your Magnemite, but Spark overwhelms it in the end.


Ekans continuously sprays Acid at the Magnemite, not realizing that it's Steel typing makes it immune. Eventually Ekans falls and Flareon just melts it with a single Flamethrower.



Magnemite gains 3 levels.

Arcanine gains 3 levels.

$256 burnt money is found.

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9 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


You throw a Pokeball at Abra, but it Teleports to another location. It does this a couple times, then you psyche it out and throw the Pokeball randomly elsewhere and it Teleports into it! In all it takes 4 Pokeballs to catch.


Pidgey tries to Quick Attack your Magnemite, but Spark overwhelms it in the end.


Ekans continuously sprays Acid at the Magnemite, not realizing that it's Steel typing makes it immune. Eventually Ekans falls and Flareon just melts it with a single Flamethrower.



Magnemite gains 3 levels.

Arcanine gains 3 levels.

$256 burnt money is found.

Just to clarify, I should have an EXP share on Charjabug so it should level up and evolve.

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7 hours ago, Alex said:

Action 5.4: level 34 battle tower


Nurse Joy enters the Battle Tower but is shocked to see her opponent. It's none other than Team Rocket Leader Giovanni!




"Keep this on the DL, don't need my grunts thinking I'm practicing behind their backs!"


Battle Tower
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9 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

Catch Magikarp and Dratini 

Fight Grubbin with ponyta flamethrower


Fight Horsea and Squirtle with jolteon thunder 
Fight Poliwag with Lucario close combat

You easily catch Magikarp with one of your Great Balls.


You somewhat less easily catch the Dratini as well, on your second throw.


Ponyta torches the poor lil Grubby bug and gains 1 level. ($121)


Jolteon then decides to speed up the fishing process by electrocuting the water to bring up some fishies that way. The Poliwag managed to survive, so your Lucario punches its helpless beached body until it stops moving.


Jolteon gains 2 levels to reach 32!

Lucario gains 1 to reach 26!


You sell all your catches on the market for a collective $407!

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1 minute ago, Spartan said:

Just to clarify, I should have an EXP share on Charjabug so it should level up and evolve.


Please include that in your posts going forward for clarity!


Revised to Magnemite and Arcanine only gaining 1.5 levels each.

Charjabug gains 3.5 levels and starts to spark wildly out of control.




It becomes a Vikavolt!

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7 hours ago, Dom said:

Action 5.1 cerulean cave shouting mewtwo’s name trying to piss him off



Suddenly in the distance you see a figure. You can't quite tell what it is, but it looks humanoid! Could this be the legendary pokemon!?


As the figure approaches, you realize it is not a Pokemon at all, but a young boy. You recognize him as Gary Oak.


"Hey loser!" Gary says, "I hear you're looking for Mewtwo! Well looks like you're even slower than Ash, because I already caught it!" He pulls out a Master Ball and summons the powerful cat-like science experiment. "I expect it will serve me well in the Pokemon League. Anyway, good luck with fucking Clefairies or whatever it is that you do. Smell ya later!" He struts off, with his bluetooth speaker echoing his theme song through the cavern.


"What an insufferable little shit," you think, dejected by the fact that Mewtwo has already been captured.


Within the cave, a couple of baby former hate crimes approach you to try to kiss your feelings better. A larval rock monster stands nearby awkwardly while this happens.


Smoochum 21
Larvitar 21
Smoochum 24


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6 hours ago, McWolf said:

for some reason, I thought Charmeleon would do it easily, oh well. Let's finish it with Umbreon, I guess. Dark Pulse on both


Umbreon handles with no issue and gains 1 level. You gain $300


6 hours ago, McWolf said:

Action 2. Challenge Koga.


Mewtwo @Oran Berry.

Psystrike every turn


Victreebel @no item

Knock Off vs Weezing

Knock Off on the first turn vs Venusaur then Poison Jab.


Gourgeist @no item

Shadow Ball every turn




"You wish to challenge me? So be it. It's your funeral."





Arbok vs. Mewtwo leads things off. Arbok unleashes a vicious Crunch, but Mewtwo's Oran Berry mitigates the damage. Mewtwo counters with a Psystrike and Arbok's Leftovers can't mitigate a one-shot! Down it goes. Koga remains expressionless and sends out Weezing.




Sludge Bomb does a number on Mewtwo, but it hangs on. Mewtwo counters with another Psystrike, but Weezing's tanky body withstands the blow. It eats a bit of its Leftovers and finishes Mewtwo off with Assurance. Gary accepts this and sends out his next pokemon.




A single Knock Off is enough to finish off the Weezing. Here comes Koga's final pokemon!




Scary. It unleashes a Sludge Bomb that does a number on Victreebel. Victreebel counters with Knock Off, which makes Venusaur drop the Enigma Berry it was holding! Venusaur is not happy and Sludge Bombs Victreebel out of consciousness. Gary sends out his final pokemon...




Gourgeist comes in ripping Shadow Balls. It hits Venusaur hard, but Venusaur stands strong. It counters with a Sludge Bomb, which also hits the Gourgeist hard. Will another Shadow Ball do it?



Venusaur stumbles, from the hit and falls down!



...but it gets back up, having just 0.02 HP left. It has just enough strength to get a Sludge Bomb off. Gourgeist takes the hit!



Gourgeist stumbles to the ground. Can it get back up??





Cannot! The second Sludge Bomb took it to exactly 0 HP!


Koga wins!




"What a thrilling match! Come back again, I'd love to show you the door!"


Mewtwo gains 4 levels!

Victreebel gains 3 levels!









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5 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

A4: Giovanni


Aegislash-Shield starts, holding leftovers and using Sacred Sword.

Venusaur next uses earthquake on Pupitar, Frenzy Plant on Rhydon

Gyarados last uses Hydro Pump

Entering Giovanni's gym in Viridian City, he greets you with mild amusement.


"Ahh, why if it isn't one of my, uhh... star pupils," Giovanni says. "How's the construction of the hideout beneath the Celadon Game Corner progressing? Also, have you been making an effort to stop any tweens that might try to stop our EVIL plans? Wait, you came here for my BADGE!? What is this, James?? Don't you have more productive things you can be doing? Actually, this might be a good time to teach you a sharp lesson in following orders!"


He sends out his majestic Persian. You counter with a blocky block sword boi. Giovanni's Persian is quick like a cat, and gets the jump on Aegislash and begins gnawing on it. Despite the weakness, Aegislash tanks it well, and keeps bludgeoning the cat over the head with its SACRED SWORD. It's an awful lot of back and forth, but eventually it looks like Aegislash will get the final blow... that is, of course if that pesky little FOCUS BAND cutely affixed to Persian's neck doesn't proc!



It doesn't. Aegislash defeats Persian with just 2.1 hp remaining.


"Hmph! Impressive enough. But let's see how you handle my pupi little guy HERE!"


Sending out Pupitar, who happens to be wearing some very stylish WISE-LOOKING glasses, it immediately and effortlessly knocks out Aegislash with an Earthquake.


"And make it double!" you quip as you send out Venusaur to return the Earthquake.


"And make it double double!" Gio quips back, launching let another Earthquake.


"And make it double double double!" you double quip, commanding Venusaur to let loose one final Earthquake, knocking the Pupi-face unconscious.


"Hmm, you have me backed into a corner. Alright Rhydon, show this kid who's boss! Literally."


The beastly Rhydon escapes from Giovanni's pokeball. "And make it double double double double!" Rhydon lets loose the most powerful Earthquake against Venusaur we've seen yet!



But this tanky prehistoric plant refuses to go down, with just 17.5 hp left now! It charges up one final attack.


"And make it dou- uh, um, SINGLE!" you say, as Venusaur SMASHES Rhydon with a Frenzy Plant!


AND RHYDON GETS OHKO'd! Dealing 324.2 damage, it never even had a chance for its Sitrus Berry to proc.


"I...can't believe it!" Giovanni says, stupefied. "You and Jessie are nothing but Grunts! Blundering around the world, getting your asses handed to you by plucky young boys. And now you've just utterly destroyed my Pokemon, along with my self-esteem. I don't know what to say." He turns and looks out a window, now shattered due to the 5 straight rounds of earthquakes that hit the gym. He ponders to himself for some time, before turning back toward you. "I'm proud of you James. Here, take this Earth Badge. It does nothing in particular, really. With your skills, you could win the entire Pokemon Final Tournament. Do that!"


With that, he blasts off, until his next challenger.


Aegislash gains 3 levels

Venusaur gain 7 levels 😱


You have earned the Earth Badge, the 8th and final one! Only the Elite Four awaits you now.





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2 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

5.3 Challenge Misty


Give Elekid an Oran Berry

Give Ivysaur an Oran Berry


Start with Elekid using thunder punch until he dies.

Then let’s go with some water on water violence and have Wartortle follow up with Hyrdo Pump and Bite.

Lastly bring out Ivysaur who will Razorleaf them into oblivion!

"Oh, hi there Ash," Misty greets you as you enter. "I've gotta say, it's been YEARS, and you STILL haven't replaced the bicycle that you STOLE from met then TOTALED!" She looks down and notices the Elekid. "Also, THIS is not a Pikachu! You go through all that effort to save your Pokemon, and then you just REPLACE it with this weird little spark plug? I'm honestly not even sure why I'm friends with you!"


Fired up into a rage, she attacks with her Horsea. It unleashes a beam of bubbles at your wannabe Pikachu, and it gets struck hard! Elekid doesn't go down though, so it pops a berry in its mouth to recover some health, and punches the Horsea right in its dumb horse face. This leaves Horsea battered, so it hits with another Bubblebeam! But thanks to the Oran Berry, it isn't enough, and Elekid is able to dispatch the Horsea despite a 9 level difference.


"Oh, well I kind of understand why you decided to abandon Pikachu now," Misty says as she sends out her Vaporeon to obliterate the Elekid with an Aurora Beam.


"Not cool, Misty! This means WAR...tortle," you say as you send out your Wartortle. You quickly realize that it doesn't actually know Hydro Pump, so it just uses Surf instead. Vaporeon bodies it doubly well due to resistance and its Enigma Berry.


Vaporeon, conversely, DOES know Hydro Pump, and uses it to splash your turtle. Wartortle realizes this is going to be a brawl so it BITES the mer-creature. Vaporeon is then able to use Last Resort to bonk Wartortle for its strongest attack yet. Your turtle claps back with a Body Slam, because why not? This is an absolute slug fest! Misty gets the last laugh though, as Vaporeon gets one final Hydro Pump off to end your Wartortle once and for all.


"Isn't this boy THICC?? Give up already Ash, it's 2 on 1! What could you possibly bring out now to defeat me?"


You believe the answer to that question is Ivysaur. The medium-sized plant enters and cuts through the Vaporeon with its leaves, much like a razor would! Vaporeon goes down.


"You fucker!" Misty exclaims. "I guess it's time to bring out my own Pokemon from Oak's lab!" She send out Wartortle.


It answers back with a Body Slam, which squishes Oran Berry juice into Ivysaur's mouth. Yummy! Ivysaur Razor Leafs it in return, which does some solid damage. Another Body Slam to Ivysaur though, and it's starting to look hurt. Ivysaur uses Razor Leaf again...


And Wartortle survives once again! This hero in half shell gets up now, and it's about to slam Ivysaur AGAIN...


Which it also survives, going down to roughly 10% of its health! Your Ivysaur charge up one last Razor Leaf. This has to be enough to beat the Wartortle right? This thing isn't wearing a Focus Band, right!?


Right. Wartortle is as naked as its nameday, and this Razor Leaf is finally able to bring it down.


Elekid gains 4 levels (to 22)

Ivysaur gains 6 levels (to 33)


You have defeated Misty and earned the Cascade Badge!




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1 hour ago, omgitshim said:

Purchase 1 Ultra Ball


Action 5.2: Lake of RAGE

Hearing of rumours of a red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage, you come prepared with an Ultra Ball, and decide to explore the place.


You do not find the fabled fish, but you do encounter a gaggle of Pokemon that would have pleased Day 1 Jessie very much indeed.


Wooloo 22
Heracross 26
Sneasel 23


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1 hour ago, JardyB10 said:



5.1 Challenge Whitney


EXP Share on Koffing


Jessie will plow through the roof of the gym in Goldenrod City.


"Prepare for trouble, BITCH! I hear you're trying to make PINK hair a thing. We all know Magenta coloured hair, or whatever I have going on, is the true way to go. I'm willing to fight you to prove it!"


Jessie will lead with Magnezoney M, who will spam Zap Cannon.

- If Zoney goes down while its opponent has 50% hp or less, send out Wartortle. Otherwise, send out Weavile.


Weavile spams Ice Beam

Wartortle spams Body Slam.




Whitney is already distressed over Jessie's harsh words. Let's just get right on into this.


Magnezone does a number on Persian with Zap Cannon. It tries to Bite, and it tries to eat Leftovers, but it can't do much to Zap Cannon. Whitney begins to cry.




Dubwool comes out slinging Double Kicks at the Magnezone. It's a tough fight, but in the end Magnezone prevails!




Pidgeot comes in next, and pulls off the rare feat of knocking out an Electric type. Jessie doesn't care, she throws out her next pokemon.




Ice Beam nearly one shots the Pidgeot. It hangs on, and it uses Hurricane, knocking Weavile under half health. Another Ice Beam finishes the job!


Jessie wins the Plain Badge!




Magnezone gains 3 levels!

Weavile gains 2 levels!




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11 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Hearing of rumours of a red Gyarados at the Lake of Rage, you come prepared with an Ultra Ball, and decide to explore the place.


You do not find the fabled fish, but you do encounter a gaggle of Pokemon that would have pleased Day 1 Jessie very much indeed.



Wooloo 22
Heracross 26
Sneasel 23



Throw Ultra Balls at the Heracross, then the Sneasel.


Machop Mach Punches the Wooloo.


If Sneasel isn't caught, continue to Mach Punch, then switch to Cutiefly for Draining Kiss when Machop faints. If Cutiefly faints, then finish it with Meowth using Scratch.


If Cutiefly did not faint but we need to fight Heracross, then have Celebi come in after Cutiefly faints and use Psychic on Heracross.



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14 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

Magnezone gains 3 levels!

Weavile gains 2 levels!


A quick reminder that Koffing had the EXP Share ;)


5.2 Challenge Morty


EXP Share on Wartortle


After her victory, Jessie blasts off north to Ecruteak Town, and smashes through the gym roof there to challenge the leader, Morty.


“Boo!” she says.


Weavile will lead against the Gourd and spam Ice Beam. It can use Dark Pulse against everything else should it get a chance.

- When it goes down, Magnezone can enter next. It will spam Zap Cannon on everything.

- Charizard will enter last. It will spam Air Slash on Chandelure and Fire Blast on anything else.

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Just now, JardyB10 said:

A quick reminder that Koffing had the EXP Share ;)


Shh (I even wrote that down...)


Magnezone only gains 1.5 levels.

Weavile only gains 1 level.

Koffing gains 4 levels.


A second Koffing flies in out of nowhere.




They crash into each other and become Weezing!


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2 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


Throw Ultra Balls at the Heracross, then the Sneasel.


Machop Mach Punches the Wooloo.


If Sneasel isn't caught, continue to Mach Punch, then switch to Cutiefly for Draining Kiss when Machop faints. If Cutiefly faints, then finish it with Meowth using Scratch.


If Cutiefly did not faint but we need to fight Heracross, then have Celebi come in after Cutiefly faints and use Psychic on Heracross.



You catch the Heracross with your first hera-toss!


Two more nets you the Sneasel.


Machop takes out some of its childhood trauma out on the Wooloo, punching it beyond an appropriate amount of time. The experience was transcending. So much so that your Machop gains a level and evolves into a Machoke!




You got $118 too.


I gotta pass out now

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Attempting to steal Pokemon from gym leaders has been hard work. Fortunately, James feels as though he has learned a lot from trying. Or perhaps more importantly, his Pokemon have learned a lot from trying. Giovanni's words echoed in his mind as he prepared for sleep...

1 hour ago, JardyB10 said:

With your skills, you could win the entire Pokemon Final Tournament. Do that!

Could he really do that? And could he really take on the Elite 4? Why if he could, then all this other Rocket business wouldn't be necessary. Surely being the Pokemon Champion means unlimited fame and riches right?!


With that thought, James hopped out of bed in his pajamas, took the Meowth hot air balloon to Victory Road, and challenged Lorelei to a battle.


Venusaur will start off and use Sludge Bomb first and then Frenzy Plant against Weavile

Gyarados 2nd holds Leftovers and uses Hydro Pump against Mamoswine, and then Hyper Beam against Lapras

Aegislash-Sword is last and uses Sacred Sword

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Action 4: Work. Buy an evo stone for Poliwhirl and use it!


Action 5: Challenge Lt. Surge


Focus Band on Poliwrath.


Lead with Gardevoir, who will use Moonblast on Jolteon/Psychic on Magneton/Moonblast on Raichu.


Follow with Poliwrath, who will use Hydro Pump on Jolteon/Dynamic Punch on Magneton/Hydro Pump on Raichu.


Close off with Flareon if and when necessary and Fire Blast everything.

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53 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

5.2 Challenge Morty


EXP Share on Wartortle


After her victory, Jessie blasts off north to Ecruteak Town, and smashes through the gym roof there to challenge the leader, Morty.


“Boo!” she says.


Weavile will lead against the Gourd and spam Ice Beam. It can use Dark Pulse against everything else should it get a chance.

- When it goes down, Magnezone can enter next. It will spam Zap Cannon on everything.

- Charizard will enter last. It will spam Air Slash on Chandelure and Fire Blast on anything else.

Morty looks at Jessie blankly. "You cannot frighten me, because I knew you were coming. I saw it in a vision two days ago, and I saw your defeat as well. In fact we already booked the someone for tomorrow to come repair the hole in the roof."


Annoyed, Jessie continues her taunting as she prepares her Pokemon. "I hope you're ready to see the mortician, Morty! What kind of name is Morty anyway? Don't answer that. In fact, don't say another word!"


With that, you send out Weavile and Morty sends out Gourgeist.

Morty's Gourgeist looks bigger than any Gourgeist you've seen!


"Hope you have a deep freeze at home, because you're gonna need extra storage once Weavile is through!" Jessie shouts.


Morty says nothing as Weavile takes out Gourgeist in 2 blasts. Next he summons Gengar!

Gengar poison jabs Weavile and Weavile goes down.


"You think that Gengar is tough?" Jessie continues to taunt. "How about some Zone Defense!"


Magnezone starts Zap Cannoning Gengar.

"Gengar," Morty says nonchalantly. "You know what is coming next. You know what you must do."

Gengar gets a sly grin on its face and grabs on tight to its Focus Band!


"Magnezone, wai-" Jessie begins, but Magnezone is too in the zone to stop Zap Cannoning! Does Gengar hold on?



Gengar blasts Magnezone with Shadow Ball...


Magnezone survives with 8 HP left!

It uses 1 last Zap Cannon and Gengar goes down.


Lastly Morty sends out Chandelure who takes out Magnezone with Overheat, but has to take 45 damage to do so!


"Ha! You think that decorative piece is a flame? Check THIS flame out!" Jessie sends out Charizard!


Charizard begins to rear up a giant fire ball...

But it was a feint! Charizard instead goes for the Air Slash!

Chandelure retaliates with Shadow Ball, but it is too weak!

1 more air slash ends it!


🎉You've defeated Morty!🎉


Morty looks unphased.


"Nice vision!" Jessie continues to taunt.


"I might have been thinking of the person who is coming after you," he explains.


"Yeah, sure!" As Jessie turns to leave the gym, an explosion in the opposite corner of the gym is heard and someone with red hair flies through the opening and lands across from Morty. Not wanting to be blamed for the further destruction, Jessie quickly runs out of the gym. As the doors close, she hears a distant "Boo!" from inside somewhere.


Weavile gains 0.5 levels

Magnezone gains 1 level

Charizard gains 1.5 levels


Wartortle gains 6 levels










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