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1 hour ago, JardyB10 said:

5.5 Challenge Pryce


Oran Berry on Magnezone


Lead with Weavile, spam Dark Pulse on Jynx.


Next is Charizard, spam Fire Blast on all.


Last is Magnezone, spam Zap Cannon on all.


"Pryce? More like..." you say as you struggle to come up with a way to finish the sentence. No matter; it's time to finish Pryce.


Pryce gets the first move with Jynx, and it will be Blizzard. You come back with Dark Pulse--twice--and Jynx faints for your first knockout.


Pryce sends out Glaceon, who uses Blizzard. Will it finally work out?



It will! Weavile goes down, and you bring out Charizard.


...which will use its most powerful move...



...in Fire Blast. Glaceon survives and is able to hit back with Blizzard--again!--but Charizard survives that one as well and you score your second knockout with another Fire Blast.


Pryce brings in Lapras, who's holding a pair of Wise Glasses, and hits you hard. Charizard is out, and you're down to Magnezone, who you give an Oran Berry to and hope for the best. 


Will the healing power of the berry be enough to counter the extra attack given by the glasses?



Magnezone gets the first move and will use Zap Cannon, which Lapras will respond to with Hydro Pump.



Magnezone survives and goes for Zap Cannon again...



...and that will do it!




Weavile gains 2 levels, Charizard gains 3 levels, and Magnezone gains 4 levels.




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3 hours ago, Alex said:

Catch everything, (use greatballs first).


The Horsea also considers you special and is caught in one Great Ball!

Sneasel puts up more of a fight, slashing away the first couple of tosses before the third Great Ball snags it!

The final Great Ball snags the Wooloo no problem!

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2 hours ago, McWolf said:





Gourgeist @no item

Leech Seed on first turn, then Synthesis on even turns / Leaf Blade on odd turns vs every Pokemon


Mewtwo @no item



Victreebel @no item
Leaf Blade


We don't talk about Bruno.





"You think you can take me? I know you have that punk legendary on you, but you're still no match for the Elite Four!"





And we start of with Gourgeist against Steelix. Steelix starts things off with an Iron Tail that does modest damage. Gourgeist gets cheeky and shoots out a Leech Seed. Steelix was prepared for it though with an Enigma Berry, weakening it's effect! It keeps using Iron Tail, but Gourgeist decides to use Synthesis to restore its health. More Iron Tail, then Gourgeist goes on the offensive with a Leaf Blade. This continues for awhile and eventually Gourgeist comes out ahead after spending 3 Synthesis, ending with 135.2 HP. Bruno is not pleased.




And sends out a questionable choice to combat a Ghost/Grass type. It heads with Hydro Pump, which does a good amount of damage thanks to a pair of Wise Glasses. Gourgeist spits out a Leech Seed, one that's much more effective thanks to hitting weakness and not dealing with that Enigma Seed. Unfortunately those Wise Glasses prove to be a difference maker as a 2nd Hydro Pump just barely finishes off Gourgeist! Brock jumps in to support his idol!




Gary is displeased. As is his Nidoqueen cheerleader.







And we get a Mewtwo sighting! Psystrike hits hard, hits fast, and with help from the previous Leech Seed Poliwrath goes down like a sack of bricks.





Machamp comes flying in, styling on a couple of other mons in the process. Knock Off does some damage to Mewtwo, but here comes another Psystrike!



Machamp stumbles...



...but survives. A 2nd Knock Off sends Mewtwo spinning...



And Mewtwo falls! Machamp recovers a bit with its Shell Bell.





And here comes Victreebel! Can a Leaf Blade finish things off?



Yes it can! Machamp goes down! Bruno is defeated!




Gourgeist gains 4 levels.
Mewtwo gains 4 levels.
Victreebel gains 4 levels.








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1 hour ago, omgitshim said:


You explore the darker areas of the Bell Tower and sense some strange creatures following you in the shadows...



Pokemon Level
Mimikyu 27
Sneasel 28
Honedge 25

Fight Mimikyu with Lucario Meteor mash.

Fight Sneasel with Jolteon Thunder. 

Fight Honedge with Ponyta flamethrower 

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3 hours ago, Gustav said:

Buy a Quick Claw.


A1: Challenge Erika


Focus Band on Poliwrath; Oran Berry on Flareon.


Lead with Gardevoir and Psychic.


Follow with Poliwrath and Dynamic Punch.


Finish with Flareon/Fire Blast.






Erika wastes no time, it's Gardevoir vs. Victreebel! Gardevoir leads with Psychic and Victreebel can barely handle it! It hangs on long enough to shoot out a Poison Jab, which Gardevoir does not enjoy. Another Psychic seals the deal. Erika quickly sends out Leafeon.




And Leaf Blade knocks out Gardevoir. Burglar comes back with... Poliwrath?




I'm not sure why there's now a trend of sending Poliwrath out against grass pokemon, but it rushes in with a Dynamic Punch. It's...not all that dynamic and Leafeon takes it no problem, especially with its Oran Berry. It shoots out a Leaf Blade and nearly defeats Poliwrath. It holds strong though and delivers another punch. Leafeon looks weakened, but it smirks. It comes back with Giga Drain, negating most of the Dynamic Punch damage and knocking Poliwrath down!



But it gets up again! Cuz you're never gonna keep a Focus Band down!



But it doesn't mean much since a Dynamic Punch into Giga Drain ultimately ends us up with nearly the same results. Will that extra net 3 damage matter?




Not really as Flareon likes its salads toasted. Both are now down to their final pokemon!




Psychic comes out from Exeggcutor, and it does a number on Flareon. Flareon eats an Oran Berry, then unleashes a Fire Blast. Exeggcutor is in pain! But it barely survives. Will a 2nd Psychic be enough to end the battle?!?



NO! That Oran Berry comes in clutch and Flareon just barely survives. Fire Blast comes out from Flareon and that knocks out Exeggcutor!



Or does it? Is that... a Focus Band?!






BUT EXEGGCUTOR STAYS DOWN! Erika concedes. As she goes to give out her Rainbow badge, she is surprised to find that it has gone missing! Turns out Burglar stole it during the fight and left like 10 minutes ago.


Gardevoir gains 2 levels.

Flareon gains 2 levels.








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19 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


You encounter Ace Trainer Cecilia in the Tower.


Level 41:


Battle Tower

Lead with Steelix use earthquake and pray for some RNG on moves for the other trainer


if Steelix dies to:

 Golem: send out Fraxure and use Dragon Pulse

Persian: send out Fraxure and use Dragon Pulse 

Victoreebell: send out Vikavolt and use X-scissor 


In the Event of the following matchups:

Golem vs. Vikavolt: use X-scissor 

Persian vs. Vikavolt: use Thunderbolt

Victoreebell vs. Fraxure: use Dragon Pulse

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7 hours ago, omgitshim said:

Action 6.1: Work

3 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

Will make purchases after my Work is processed but in the meanwhile...


6.2 Explore the Bell Tower


While working as a Miltank farm employee you earn $949


When leaving work you wank passed the Bell Tower and run into several pokemon:

Litwick 26
Mimikyu 24
Abra 23
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19 minutes ago, Alex said:


While working as a Miltank farm employee you earn $949


When leaving work you wank passed the Bell Tower and run into several pokemon:


Litwick 26
Mimikyu 24
Abra 23


Throw Ultra Balls at the Litwick.


Give Magnemite an Oran Berry


Start with Alakazam against Mimikyu. It should live through the first hit and use Future Sight. If it continues to live use Psychic on turn 2, then switch to Magnemite on Turn 3.


Magnemite uses Gyro Ball on Mimikyu, then Spark on Abra.


If I screwed something up and Magnemite lost somehow, have Pidgey use Gust.

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5 hours ago, Gustav said:


"Pryce? More like..." you say as you struggle to come up with a way to finish the sentence. No matter; it's time to finish Pryce.


Pryce gets the first move with Jynx, and it will be Blizzard. You come back with Dark Pulse--twice--and Jynx faints for your first knockout.


Pryce sends out Glaceon, who uses Blizzard. Will it finally work out?


  Reveal hidden contents

It will! Weavile goes down, and you bring out Charizard.


...which will use its most powerful move...


  Reveal hidden contents

...in Fire Blast. Glaceon survives and is able to hit back with Blizzard--again!--but Charizard survives that one as well and you score your second knockout with another Fire Blast.


Pryce brings in Lapras, who's holding a pair of Wise Glasses, and hits you hard. Charizard is out, and you're down to Magnezone, who you give an Oran Berry to and hope for the best. 


Will the healing power of the berry be enough to counter the extra attack given by the glasses?


  Reveal hidden contents

Magnezone gets the first move and will use Zap Cannon, which Lapras will respond to with Hydro Pump.


  Reveal hidden contents

Magnezone survives and goes for Zap Cannon again...


  Reveal hidden contents

...and that will do it!




Weavile gains 2 levels, Charizard gains 3 levels, and Magnezone gains 4 levels.




"THAT WASN'T SO NICE, WAS IT NOW BRYCE!?" Jessie boards her freshly sewn Weezing Balloon that she had done before her extremely elaborate and impressive entrance, in what was a very detailed chain of events.


She floats her balloon all the way to Battle Tower, as she knows her chain of Gym Leader victories is at its end.


Action 6.1: Battle Tower (Level 44)

Edited by JardyB10
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Team Rocket did indeed strike last night! And they attacked the rivals @Ricer13 and @McWolf!


Both players put up a fight, but ultimately Jessie @JardyB10 stole Ash's Ralts and James @Ptyrell stole Gary's Steelix. No items were used.

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A2:  Challenge Bruno


Lead with Gyarados who uses Hydro Pump


Venusaur next hold Leftovers and alternates Sludge Bomb and Synthesis against Poliwrath. Against Machamp use Frenzy Plant


Aegislash-Sword last uses Retaliate 2, and then Iron Head 

Edited by Ptyrell
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7 hours ago, Gustav said:


Set 2:


Horsea lv 26

Lugia lv 27

Poliwag lv 25

Buy a Masterball and please to the VHL gods, catch Lugia with it!!!!!

use Elekid to finish your gf horsea and poliwag 


if Elekid dies then use ivysaur



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Buy one more Focus Band.


A2: Challenge Koga


Quick Claw on Gardevoir; Focus Band on Poliwrath and Flareon.


Lead with Gardevoir/Psychic.


Poliwrath/Hydro Pump comes second.


Flareon/Fire Blast third.

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A6.2: Work 


Buy Quick Claw


A6.3: Challenge Will

Charizard (with Quick Claw) leads with Fire Blast 
Steelix (with Leftovers) will use Iron Tail
Aegislash-Sword (with focus sash) uses Iron Head

Edited by OrbitingDeath
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2 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Buy a Masterball and please to the VHL gods, catch Lugia with it!!!!!

use Elekid to finish your gf horsea and poliwag 


if Elekid dies then use ivysaur



It kind of goes against the spirit of the game to wait until after you find a legendary to buy a master ball. I've been kind of lenient when people say they accidentally forgot to buy pokeballs or great balls before exploring. But this seems a little over the top... I don't think buying a master ball at this point will work.


Would you like to cancel the trade we had planned in light of this?

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5 hours ago, Alex said:

Lead with Steelix use earthquake and pray for some RNG on moves for the other trainer


if Steelix dies to:

 Golem: send out Fraxure and use Dragon Pulse

Persian: send out Fraxure and use Dragon Pulse 

Victoreebell: send out Vikavolt and use X-scissor 


In the Event of the following matchups:

Golem vs. Vikavolt: use X-scissor 

Persian vs. Vikavolt: use Thunderbolt

Victoreebell vs. Fraxure: use Dragon Pulse


lv 41


You start off with Steelix vs Persian. Pretty easy matchup for Steelix and Persian goes down after biting a few times.

Victreebel comes next so you send out Vikavolt for X-Scissor. Victreebel hits hard, but Vikavolt barely wins!

Last is Golem. Golem hits pretty hard and Fraxure is unable to chew through it.


Ace Trainer Cecilia wins!


Steelix gains 4 levels

Vikavolt gains 3 levels

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