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5 hours ago, omgitshim said:


Throw Ultra Balls at the Litwick.


Give Magnemite an Oran Berry


Start with Alakazam against Mimikyu. It should live through the first hit and use Future Sight. If it continues to live use Psychic on turn 2, then switch to Magnemite on Turn 3.


Magnemite uses Gyro Ball on Mimikyu, then Spark on Abra.


If I screwed something up and Magnemite lost somehow, have Pidgey use Gust.

Litwick 26
Mimikyu 24
Abra 23


Takes 2 throws to catch Litwick


Mimikyu uses Shadow Claw and Alakazam has 0.3 HP left!

Alakazam does fall though, so Magnemite takes out Mimikyu

It doesn't have much HP though and Abra takes it out. So Pidgey comes in for the Abra cleanup


Magnemite gains 4 levels

Pidgey gains 3 levels and evolves into Pidgeotto!


You gain $243

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4 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

"THAT WASN'T SO NICE, WAS IT NOW BRYCE!?" Jessie boards her freshly sewn Weezing Balloon that she had done before her extremely elaborate and impressive entrance, in what was a very detailed chain of events.


She floats her balloon all the way to Battle Tower, as she knows her chain of Gym Leader victories is at its end.


Action 6.1: Battle Tower (Level 44)

At the Battle Tower, you face Pokemon Trainer Kash Etchum


 lv 44

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2 hours ago, Gustav said:

Buy one more Focus Band.


A2: Challenge Koga


Quick Claw on Gardevoir; Focus Band on Poliwrath and Flareon.


Lead with Gardevoir/Psychic.


Poliwrath/Hydro Pump comes second.


Flareon/Fire Blast third.

You use the bands to hid your burglar eyes and challenge Koga. He appreciates your ninja-esque attire.


Gardevoir takes out Arbok in 2 hits, then falls to Weezing

Poliwrath's Focus Band doesn't proc and Weezing takes it out. Weezing ate a Rowap Berry, so it is able to use its strongest attack Belch.

You press your cheat code button and send out Flareon to clean up the rest.

It takes out Weezing, but can it take out Venusaur with a move disadvantage?


It cannot...

2 Sludge Bombs take Flareon out, and Focus Band does not proc.


Gardevoir gains 3 levels

Flareon gains 1 level


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36 minutes ago, OrbitingDeath said:

A6.2: Work 


Buy Quick Claw


A6.3: Challenge Will

Charizard (with Quick Claw) leads with Fire Blast 
Steelix (with Leftovers) will use Iron Tail
Aegislash-Sword (with focus sash) uses Iron Head

You play Town of Pallet at work and earn $938.


Against Will..

A sitrus berry is not enough to save Exeggutor from Charizard's Fire Blast. Charizard then falls to Jynx

Steelix uses Iron tail to whittle down Jynx. A sitrus berry helps Jynx to get off 1 more attack on Steelix though, and Steelix falls to Gardevoir.

Aegislash slashes HARD at the Gardevoir, and it goes down in 2 hits


You've defeated Will!

Charizard gains 4 levels

Steelix gains 4 levels

Aegislash gains 4 levels

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Versus Koga2

Steelix /w Quick Claw uses Dig versus Weezing, Iron Tail vs Venusaur
Charizard /w Leftovers uses Fire Blasts vs Venusaur/Gengar
Aegislash-Sword /w Focus Sash uses Night Slash versus Gengar.

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6.4: challenge Morty


 lead with Fraxure and use Crunch on anything.


 When Fraxure dies, send out Steelix and use Crunch on everything except chandelure use Earthquake 


if necessary send out Vikavolt and use Thunder Bolt

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4 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

It kind of goes against the spirit of the game to wait until after you find a legendary to buy a master ball. I've been kind of lenient when people say they accidentally forgot to buy pokeballs or great balls before exploring. But this seems a little over the top... I don't think buying a master ball at this point will work.


Would you like to cancel the trade we had planned in light of this?

Nope keep trade as is. Let all the Pokémon flee.


Work with my remaining actions 

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5 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

At the Battle Tower, you face Pokemon Trainer Kash Etchum



 lv 44

Dang! I’ll need some favourable RNG here 😬


Let’s lead with Magnezone. It will start with Quick Attack against anything but Gengar, otherwise will spam Zap Cannon. If Zone faints against:

- Charizard: Send Blastoise

- Gengar or Raichu: Send Weavile


- Blastoise will use Hydro Pump against all. If there’s a scenario where it’s going to faint on the opponent’s next attack, it can use Hydro Cannon instead.


- Weavile can use Ice Beam against Raichu and Charizard, and Dark Pulse against Gengar.


- There’s a scenario where Magnezone and Gengar lead, and Magnezone dies to a Destiny Bond. I don’t know how that’s treated, but assuming I have to send out my Pokémon first, I guess I’ll go with Blastoise.

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6 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

You use the bands to hid your burglar eyes and challenge Koga. He appreciates your ninja-esque attire.


Gardevoir takes out Arbok in 2 hits, then falls to Weezing

Poliwrath's Focus Band doesn't proc and Weezing takes it out. Weezing ate a Rowap Berry, so it is able to use its strongest attack Belch.

You press your cheat code button and send out Flareon to clean up the rest.

It takes out Weezing, but can it take out Venusaur with a move disadvantage?

  Hide contents

It cannot...

2 Sludge Bombs take Flareon out, and Focus Band does not proc.


Gardevoir gains 3 levels

Flareon gains 1 level



Well, you know what they say about insanity...


Do the exact same thing again, because if Weezing doesn't roll high on the item I think I win:



A3: Challenge Koga
Quick Claw on Gardevoir; Focus Band on Poliwrath and Flareon.
Lead with Gardevoir/Psychic.
Poliwrath/Hydro Pump comes second.
Flareon/Fire Blast third.


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3 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

Nope keep trade as is. Let all the Pokémon flee.


Work with my remaining actions 

Actually let’s use Pupitar to battle all three and then use ivysaur if he faints.


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1 minute ago, Ricer13 said:

Actually let’s use Pupitar to battle all three and then use ivysaur if he faints.


Just to quickly clarify, the Lugia will be Level 30. Is there an order in which you'd like to do the murders, and perhaps a third Pokemon to come out if needed?

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6.2 Challenge LT Surge


Start Ivysaur against surge with Rayzor leaf. 

Once Ivysaur faints then use Pupitar and earthquake.


If somehow he gets by both then use Arcanine and flamethrower to seal the deal.

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3 minutes ago, JardyB10 said:

Just to quickly clarify, the Lugia will be Level 30. Is there an order in which you'd like to do the murders, and perhaps a third Pokemon to come out if needed?

Pupitar to start off against Lugia. 
Then Ivysaur

Then Elekid 


thank you 😊 

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4 hours ago, Alex said:

6.4: challenge Morty


 lead with Fraxure and use Crunch on anything.


 When Fraxure dies, send out Steelix and use Crunch on everything except chandelure use Earthquake 


if necessary send out Vikavolt and use Thunder Bolt


"Morty...*belch*...it's time to battle Morty..." you say as you send out Fraxure. 


You use Crunch, and Gourgeist, holding an Oran Berry, counters with Shadow Ball. Another Crunch, and Gourgeist stays up--thanks to the berry! Fraxure has to take another attack as a result.


Fraxure survives and deals another Crunch. You've scored the first knockout of the match!


Koga brings in Gengar, who will knock out Fraxure with one hit. We've got ourselves a game so far.


Looks like Steelix doesn't know Crunch, and neither does Onix--so I'll default Steelix's move to Dig here as it's the most effective. 


Gengar takes a powerful hit and responds with Destiny Bond, which does nothing other than heal it a bit...


...but it also comes with a very powerful condition! If Gengar is knocked out on the next move, then so is Steelix!


Unaware of this, you give Steelix the command to use Dig once again. You get a knockout, but you also get knocked out, and you and Koga are down to your last.


Vikavolt uses Thunder Bolt, bringing Chandelure down to below half HP.


Chandelure responds with Overheat...



...Vikavolt stays up and goes for Thunder Bolt again!






Will it work?



NO! Vikavolt finishes off the fight.




Fraxure, Steelix, and Vikavolt each gain 1 level.






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7 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:



Versus Koga2

Steelix /w Quick Claw uses Dig versus Weezing, Iron Tail vs Venusaur
Charizard /w Leftovers uses Fire Blasts vs Venusaur/Gengar
Aegislash-Sword /w Focus Sash uses Night Slash versus Gengar.

The rough and tumble Steel Worker approaches Koga of the Elite Four. He looks exhausted, almost as though he just arrived from his gym in Kanto.


"*pant pant* A ninja is never late, despite the scheduling conflicts. Maybe I should get my daughter to take over the gym...no matter! Observe my dEadLy Sk1llzzz!" Koga says. He sends out his Weezing.


You send out Steelix. Weezing makes to launch the first attack, but Steelix's Quick Claw allows him to Dig the Weezing before it gets the chance! Weezing only uses Assurance for little damage. Its Focus Sash is also no help in this match, and Weezing eventually falls.


Next out is Venusaur, who also matches up quite poorly with Steelix. It begins with a hard-hitting Frenzy Plant, and tanks a softened Iron Tail thanks to an Enigma Berry. Steelix gets another Iron Tail off, and Venusaur takes the opportunity to heal! More Iron Tails later, Venusaur is eventually able to take out Steelix after charging a Solar Beam.


Your Charizard then enters and ends Venusaur immediately.


Finally, Koga's ace Gengar comes out. It hits Charizard with a nasty Poison Jab! Charizard retaliates with an Enigma Berry weakened Fire Blast before falling to another Poison Jab.


Koga seems pleased at the tides of battle beginning to even out, but his pleasure ends swiftly as Aegislash comes out and Night Slashes it to death. Well, it was already a Ghost, so to further death?


Steelix gains 3 levels (52)

Charizard gains 4 levels (52.5)

Aegislash gains 4 levels (52)


What a sequence of power leveling!

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9 hours ago, McWolf said:

A2 Challenge Giovanni


Mewtwo Aura Sphere

Gourgeist Leech Seed turn 1 then Synthesis on even turns, Leaf Blade on odd turns

Victreebel Leaf Blade 

Mewtwo 1 shots Persian and 2 shots Pupitar before going down

Gourgeist easily handles Rhydon


You've defeated Giovanni! 

Mewtwo gains 5 levels 

Gourgeist gains 2 levels


Edit: nvm you already beat him on day 5.


Edited by Ptyrell
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5 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

Dang! I’ll need some favourable RNG here 😬


Let’s lead with Magnezone. It will start with Quick Attack against anything but Gengar, otherwise will spam Zap Cannon. If Zone faints against:

- Charizard: Send Blastoise

- Gengar or Raichu: Send Weavile


- Blastoise will use Hydro Pump against all. If there’s a scenario where it’s going to faint on the opponent’s next attack, it can use Hydro Cannon instead.


- Weavile can use Ice Beam against Raichu and Charizard, and Dark Pulse against Gengar.


- There’s a scenario where Magnezone and Gengar lead, and Magnezone dies to a Destiny Bond. I don’t know how that’s treated, but assuming I have to send out my Pokémon first, I guess I’ll go with Blastoise.

Pokemon Trainer Kash Etchum



 lv 44


You send The Zone against Charizard. You sneak off a quick strike, but Charizard goes for the 1 hit KO with Blast Burn!

Blastoise comes out next and uses Hydro Puml twice while the Charizard recovers.

Kash sends out Raichu with a nasty Thunder combination on Blastoise. Blastoise hits it with Hydro Cannon first though

Weavile finishes off Raichu but falls to Gengar. Gengar had just 6 HP left!



Blastoise gains 3 levels

Weavile gains 3 levels


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16 hours ago, Ptyrell said:

A2:  Challenge Bruno


Lead with Gyarados who uses Hydro Pump


Venusaur next hold Leftovers and alternates Sludge Bomb and Synthesis against Poliwrath. Against Machamp use Frenzy Plant


Aegislash-Sword last uses Retaliate 2, and then Iron Head 


Bruno gets the first move, and it's with a Shell Bell-equipped Steelix. It's fairly effective, but Gyarados comes back with Hydro Pump, and that's even more so. Steelix gets another Stone Edge off, and you manage to pick up your first knockout on the next move. 


Following that up with Poliwrath, Bruno takes out Gyarados and returns the favor.


You bring in Venusaur and alternate attacking and healing...and it's super, super effective! Venusaur gets out of the battle in five moves with zero net damage.


That said, it's no match for Machamp. Two rounds of Close Combat, and Venusaur is out and you bring in Aegislash. 


And Retaliate 2 is no joke!




Gyarados and Venusaur gain 3 levels, and Aegislash gains 4 levels.

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