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My Honest Trade Reaction

der meister

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I wasn't exactly expecting to be traded. Had the thought crossed my mind before it happened? Yes, it had. The media spot I wrote on Monday during my lunch break alluded to the possibility, but I had no previous knowledge of the negotiations that had been going on for a week at that point. To be blunt, my relationship with the Toronto Legion went from really solid to nonexistent once Doomsday stepped down. I never heard from the new General Manager, nor did I even know Doomsday had stepped down until a few weeks (?) after it happened. It was a strange experience, going from feeling like part of the team to feeling like I was the only member of the team. I guess I'm bringing this up because I want to once again lament the prevalence of Discord in this community. Doomsday's resignation was done on Discord. The new GM, presumably, is only using Discord, so I never heard from him. The segmenting of the VHL across multiple lines of communication is unfortunate, and I think was a big reason that my player was traded. Otherwise, how could one justify moving the youngest and most developed defenseman from a rebuilding team? It doesn't actually make any sense. Please note this isn't me shitting on the users I mentioned - it's merely an anecdote about how Discord is ruining the VHL experience for me.

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