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The Beast Awakens


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Last season, amidst the dark halls of the San Diego Marlins arena, a quiet hum gathered among the players and staff. It filled the hallways and took over every crack in the wall and line of grout. It grew louder during the season, though the calls grew quiet when the playoffs were in full swing. Simon, praise be to him, had abandoned them in their time of need. They had been deemed unworthy to win, bringing them to the pinnacle before dropping them off the perch. Like a mother bird unceremoniously pushing its baby from the nest. Fly or perish. Perhaps they were not ready to receive his full blessing. Perhaps not yet. But maybe soon.


Praise Be to Simon


But now, with renewed vigor and fresh sacrifices, the Marlin’s arena once again hummed. A hum that reached further in its advance. Fans began to join in unknowingly. Their prayers to Simon, praise be to him, bringing them back game after game. Even away fans would join in the hum, bringing power to their team. A domination of the league and of their competitors. Enemies upon the ice who did not stand a chance against the prayers and sacrifices to Simon, praise be to him. It was not paint or water that made the ice surface, but the blood, sweat and tears of the players and staff. 


Praise Be to Simon


For you see, dear reader, sacrifices must be made for the good of Simon, praise be to him. Bodies and minds given willingly; though some would say otherwise. But those voices are quickly silenced as they themselves became the sacrifice. Sacrifices which fuel Simon, praise be to him, and the San Diego Marlins on their quest for glory and the cup. For Simon, praise be to him, must be fed before each victory. A victory also born in bloodshed as the Marlins clawed their way through their enemies and stood atop the mountain. Where they still stand today. Simon, praise be to him, has gifted the Marlins in a way he did not think worthy last season. He has imbued them with strength, courage, fortitude, and just a little bit of luck. For there is nothing like when you have the beast on your side.


Praise Be to Simon


Deep in the dark corridors is a room from which the central hum emanates. From which only those loyal enough emerge to see another glorious fight. Players first give over their sticks and pucks from the previous game, shedding the old and embracing the new blessing cast upon them, bathed in a red glow. Their bodies and minds become stronger as they give themselves over to Simon, praise be to him. The sacrifices they make are physical, material, emotional, and spiritual. They give themselves unto him and he gives them his blessing once more. The Marlins file out of the room, eyes bright with the fire of their overlord. His name hung high on banners and lofted amongst the rafters.


P̶̗̙̩͑̒͛r̸͉͆̆̋a̸͕͇̼͊i̵̡̙̿͊̿̐̚s̷̞̝̿̿̑̀̽e̶̹̪̯̊ ̶̣̌̾B̶̪̏͐ĕ̶̞̼̈̇ ̶̹͍͌͋͛̅̕ţ̶͉̘͓͝o̵̰̠̳̘̒̏́ ̶͙̦͖̈̑̿S̵̢̛͖̐̇͠ĭ̷͈̈́m̷̮̖͛̈͒ó̵̰̝͕n̵͍̙̋̄̿͂ 


504 words for week ending 11/27/2022

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17 minutes ago, Spartan said:

Simon can go fuck himself.

T̸͓͉̪̭̝̿͝h̶̙̊ȇ̴̳̼́͘ ̴͕̫̺̮͆̀͊͝͠s̵̈̈̈́̆͜͝ą̶̳̼̤̯́̑c̷̖̝̙̹̀̈̈͜r̴̮͍̀ī̸̱̇̈́f̸̯͙͑̈́̒̐͊ị̷̺͙́̕c̴̻̜̙̙̗̆̈e̵̩͑̀͜͝ ̵̬̞̣͎̮̽̂̒̐͝i̶̡̝̯̤̳̋͋̂s̸̘̟̩̑̏̅ ̸̗̞̾̈́c̸͎͉̯̘͖͊h̴̢̛̝̑o̸̻̖̹͋͝s̸̹̟͋͜e̶̱̳͋͜n̷̛̗̯̭̈́̂̽͝ 

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Just now, aimkin said:

T̸͓͉̪̭̝̿͝h̶̙̊ȇ̴̳̼́͘ ̴͕̫̺̮͆̀͊͝͠s̵̈̈̈́̆͜͝ą̶̳̼̤̯́̑c̷̖̝̙̹̀̈̈͜r̴̮͍̀ī̸̱̇̈́f̸̯͙͑̈́̒̐͊ị̷̺͙́̕c̴̻̜̙̙̗̆̈e̵̩͑̀͜͝ ̵̬̞̣͎̮̽̂̒̐͝i̶̡̝̯̤̳̋͋̂s̸̘̟̩̑̏̅ ̸̗̞̾̈́c̸͎͉̯̘͖͊h̴̢̛̝̑o̸̻̖̹͋͝s̸̹̟͋͜e̶̱̳͋͜n̷̛̗̯̭̈́̂̽͝ 

Ok Cam Newton

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