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What’s going on in LA ? And a look into the future


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I couldn’t really think of anything to write so I’m gonna write about LA’s disappointingly unlucky season they’ve had . 

While on paper the Stars look like they should be a relatively competitive team . This season has been the complete opposite whether it’s bad bounces or poor sim luck the Stars Can’t catch a break or get anything going consistently. 

On the backend LA has one of the better defence cores in the VHL with 3 players early into their career’s . Callum Murray @Berocka Scoish Velociraptor Maloish @youloser1337 and Brain Kowalski @Wheaties (each of whom earn at a very good rate ) and Poopy Peepants @JardyB10who rounds out the d core although he will be retiring at the end of this season . With these 4 defenders on the roster LA the Stars have managed put together a solid top 4 for this season and seasons to come . Give it some time and this will be one of the best defence cores I’d not the best defence core in the VHL . 

Much like on the Backend the Stars have one of the best up and coming goalies in Art Vandalay @Gustav . He’s an exceptional goalie and will be one of the best for a long time to come , this season has just been a nightmare all around for him and the Stars in general.


On offence the Stars lack firepower other then Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems @FrostBeardthey really don’t have any big name forwards . Yes they have some up and coming guys that will be big pieces moving forward but for the time being they will have to solely rely on Miglaskems to shoulder majority of the offensive load . DB lll and rookie Todd Cooke have both had some success in stretches this season but like most of the team they’ve struggled to stay consistent all year around . Give them some time and DB and Cooke along with the other young guns will help Miglaskems lead the offence and hopefully turn LA into an offensive powerhouse in the future .

Now while I think this season was largely underwhelming considering how close the Stars were to making the playoffs last season . I do think there’s a lot of positives and things to look forward too in the coming seasons . First off the Season 84 draft class is shaping up to be very important in shaping the future of this team as each core piece is developing extremely well . Also a few Rookies have gotten games this season and a taste of what it takes to play in the VHL . @InstantRockstarhas done a lot to try to claw and dig out of this predicament and I wholeheartedly believe that if there’s one person that can turn it around for the Stars it’s him . The pieces are there it’ll just take a few more in the right places and some fine tuning to get there . Coming into the fold next season Alexander Minion @UnknownMinionSunglasses Joyo @JetsGoalie101 And Sebastian Dokis @Sebastienjust to name a few are the next crop of young guns looking help this team take the next step . 

In closing yes it’s been a disappointing season for the Stars but they have the pieces on their roster and coming up in the next few seasons to build a competitive roster that I truly believe will compete for championships for seasons to come . It’s just going to take a little bit of patience and faith from everyone in the organization . One way or another they will get there !


Im happy to be in LA and I look forward to us being a top team for seasons to come the future is bright here!

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