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  On 1/7/2023 at 6:37 PM, woog said:

As a rookie player who chose the same path a couple nights earlier… how tempted we’re you to remember arsonist?


if things went to plan yesterday i was going to for the meme

i was also going to remember amnesiac because it gets you an achievement in the real game

but i was also just going to stay as an amne but I don't think they can actually win without remembering

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  On 1/7/2023 at 8:49 PM, jacobcarson877 said:

if things went to plan yesterday i was going to for the meme

i was also going to remember amnesiac because it gets you an achievement in the real game

but i was also just going to stay as an amne but I don't think they can actually win without remembering


Dang that would have been a guaranteed win

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The same 3 people are doused right now: Doom, Ricer, and Adrest. Spartan must have sent me into one of those 3 or had me visit myself. So the 3 people doused are 2 SKs and 1 GF.


If you let me ignite tonight, then all survivors and @Lemorse7 will win. Simple as that. I haven't visited any of the rest of you, and you all know you haven't visited me.


Unvote me and we'll have an arso, survivor, witch victory.


Vote for me and we probably will have a SK victory just based on numbers. 


What do you think? @jacobcarson877 @woog @BarzalGoat @Lemorse7

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If you kill me tonight, SKs will probably kill off the remaining survivors and witch so that their relative number advantage grows.


8 alive now.

7 if I die. Up to 3 people die at night.

SKs have 2 of the remaining 4-6 votes. Pretty much can't be stopped unless people team up with the GF which seems unlikely.


So that's why I say decide now if you want a SK victory or an arso victory. The odds of survivors and witch living to the end are for sure the highest with an arso victory.

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