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  On 1/6/2023 at 5:29 PM, Spartan said:

Just a matter of safety and assurance. I think regardless, it'll come down to a matter of how survivors and witches vote tomorrow unless Adrest 50/50's which maf is GF and which is Mafioso



If you're going to witch me, at least do something more useful than try to attack someone I've already targeted. I've done well enough on my own in that regard. 

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  On 1/6/2023 at 5:33 PM, Doomsday said:


If you're going to witch me, at least do something more useful than try to attack someone I've already targeted. I've done well enough on my own in that regard. 


I'll leave that up to Lemorse to figure out. He can do as he pleases, was just spitballing some idea to keep it fair without excessive witch influence to determine the winner. 

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  On 1/6/2023 at 5:33 PM, Doomsday said:


If you're going to witch me, at least do something more useful than try to attack someone I've already targeted. I've done well enough on my own in that regard. 


who do you want to visit 


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  On 1/6/2023 at 5:32 PM, woog said:

Seems the plan is send me to someone tonight to either have me harm them, get harmed by them, or… have neither happen if I’m incapable of visiting others or both me and the person I get forced to visit are peaceful types. 

I’m down with that. 
I choose to trust Ricer that he’s mafia for now, because it’s low-cost trust at this point. UNVOTE RICER

Seems opinions are divided on whether I’m veteran, arsonist, or amnesiac-survivor. But those who think I’m not the veteran are voting for ptyrell, with some thinking he IS the veteran. Veteran staying around is the nicest night defence against killers, so I’m absolutely not joining a vote against him before we ID an arsonist and/or (second?) serial killer. 

my vote has to search for those roles. 




Arso needs to be priority over Veteran. If Arso ignites tonight especially with all this pressure then we are f*cked

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  On 1/6/2023 at 5:42 PM, Ricer13 said:

Arso needs to be priority over Veteran. If Arso ignites tonight especially with all this pressure then we are f*cked


Arso is absolutely the top priority. 

Based on numbers, witches will identify the veteran tonight if he isn’t lynched first. I want the veteran alive tonight, as an extra measure of arso/SK protection should we not lynch the arso. 

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  On 1/6/2023 at 5:35 PM, Lemorse7 said:

who do you want to visit 



Hear me out here witches @Spartan


Spartan has already been hit, which means Mafia can take him out. SKs are not going to target a witch, since they can win together. I personally would use Mafia to try to find Arso instead of using SKs since you can't trust Mafia to not attack witches, especially one that's already been attacked and is vulnerable. 

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  On 1/6/2023 at 5:48 PM, Doomsday said:

Hear me out here witches @Spartan


Spartan has already been hit, which means Mafia can take him out. SKs are not going to target a witch, since they can win together. I personally would use Mafia to try to find Arso instead of using SKs since you can't trust Mafia to not attack witches, especially one that's already been attacked and is vulnerable. 


Couple reasons.


1. If a mafia member attacks a witch, they have guaranteed their loss. I would imagine the survivors are quite happy with the witches today taking over the game and ensuring their victory. I'd expect the surviving witch, survivors and SKs to then force the mafia loss. So I really don't think Mafia are going to come after either me or lemorse tonight, would be pretty dumb for them.


2. My amusement really to see how the day phase goes once arso is voted out tomorrow. Then it'd be 2 maf vs 2 sk with 2 surv and 2 witches on the sideline, assuming the non-witched SK doesn't 50/50 the janitor. Of course, one of the SK/GF could find a surv who doesn't vest! Plenty of chaos left, but it's more amusing for me.


  On 1/6/2023 at 5:48 PM, woog said:

Arso is absolutely the top priority. 

Based on numbers, witches will identify the veteran tonight if he isn’t lynched first. I want the veteran alive tonight, as an extra measure of arso/SK protection should we not lynch the arso. 


You see, the issue is that the veteran wants witches dead too. We can't witch the veteran out of an alert, if we walk into him, we die. So it's safer for us to lynch the veteran today and then have witches control the remaining 1 (or 2 including doom) arso suspect(s) and vote out the confirmed arso based on witch results tomorrow. Then SK and Maf can play the carousel of who doesn't have protection and who will vote for whom.

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  On 1/6/2023 at 6:16 PM, Ricer13 said:

Arso is going to ignite and kill us all tonight if we go the vet route but let’s listen to the witches


How? Who aren't we covering?

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  On 1/6/2023 at 6:45 PM, Ricer13 said:

Can’t the Arso simply ignite? You’re not roleblocking anyone.


We control them. If we send the two arso candidates to other people, they can't ignite....

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  On 1/6/2023 at 6:46 PM, Spartan said:

We control them. If we send the two arso candidates to other people, they can't ignite....


You’re sure you have it down to two candidates? If I see two or more, and others see me as a candidate, either I’m missing something or at least one arsonist candidate won’t be controlled tonight. 

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  On 1/6/2023 at 6:58 PM, woog said:

You’re sure you have it down to two candidates? If I see two or more, and others see me as a candidate, either I’m missing something or at least one arsonist candidate won’t be controlled tonight. 


Who do you think we're missing? Ptyrell gets lynched today, that leaves you as the main target afterwards. Potentially Doom in case the final SK isn't who we think it is. Mafia as well is fairly confirmed since they haven't counterclaimed each other. Lemorse and I control Doom and you.


Jacob is confirmed amne turned surv from lemorse's results, I have barzal confirmed survivor.

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