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How Many Of Our Recruits Surpass 200/400 TPE?


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So you might remember that I've done a couple of articles in the past about how many players who surpass 200 go on to surpass 400 TPE  and how many of our first-gens go on to recreate. Today I'm going to use the facts from that first article to look at how many players surpass 200 and 400 TPE milestones in comparison to the amount of players that create for each draft.  


I used the same data pool as I usually do (S63 Draft Class to S85 Draft Class) for the same reasons (S63 was where our current focus on recruitment started) and haven't included Season 86 because there's still actives below 200 TPE whereas all the S85 players below 200 TPE that I could see were league-definition of inactive.


For acquiring the number of draftees, this was a bit of an odd task as there's no real perfect way to go about it, as players who were 30 TPE between S63 and S68 were wiped from the portal entirely and there are many cases of players creating a player only to retire it and immediately create another one. There's also a bug that sometimes happens with player creation where a player can get created without a user attached to the player and 0 TPE (I'm presuming they get logged out at some point during creation). While I avoided that by using the forum search to find player threads with the corresponding seasons in their title, I think sometimes players who delete their forum account remove their old topics, so those may not be available. I've just gone with that way though as there won't be too many differences to the actual count outside of that and the occasional player who retires their player immediately and makes a new one when they realise they don't like their name. 


So here are the numbers:



So on average, we get 24.1% of our draftees over 200 TPE and 15.4% over 400 TPE. There are some pretty interesting seasons in here though, with Season 78 Draft Class particularly standing out with 39.9% surpassing 200 TPE. Season 80 also has a large 200 TPE conversion rate with 35.3%, but I think that's more down to it being the weakest recruiting year and a pretty strong recreate season (75% of the players who surpassed 200 TPE from the S80 class were recreates). I was also surprised that a class as big as the Season 75 class converted more players over 200 TPE than the average class. 

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This is really awesome! One thing I found interesting is that regardless of the number of creates, the number of 200s and 400s are pretty stable, obviously the bigger recruitment years push through a few more but not by that much.


Also nice to see the VHLE stabilizing after the 82 recruitment.

I know I'm really proud of how well the VHLM has been pushing through players since 84 at least and its nice to see the numbers back that up.

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