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BUT, I have discussed with various members (Victor counts as 2) in the Victory Hockey League about what's possible down the road in terms of member involvement, particularly ones of the veteran status.  That means kind of me, Squinty, some old bronamaths and maybe scotty.  Maybe.  


It is no secret that the VHL, now in its 40th season and over 5 years old (idk), has (to a degree) been a function of its efforts and abilities to find new members and attain them for long periods of time.  While there still remains a large amount of player-agents who continually recreate year after year, there also remains a considerable group of player-agents who no longer wish to do such.  I'm not opposed to someone no longer putting forth any additional effort, (considering I've written a handful of PT's and own a position in the VHL, neither of which I have claimed since I retired), but I would surely like to see these members stick around as they are definitely valuable to the league.  Finding a way to do so definitely feasible with the league currently in a very strong position, and I'm surely not the only member who values the contributions others have made only to see them leave.




Similar to our current welfare set-up, I would like to propose the idea of adding on an extension that allows members who have achieved 3 or more (perhaps 4+ if you want to be stricter on it) players with 400+ TPE to re-create a player with a hard cap that allows you to allocate a specific amount of points at the beginning of every season, without being able to update.  Logically named the VHL Pension Plan III, this would provide tenured members with the option to be somewhat involved with the league, however with a player that would be modest at best.


Three different deviations of this I could think of (four actually):


1a). Allow a higher cap (say 400) that scales at the beginning of every season for 8 years.  This would be a hard 50 points every year, and you would not be able to re-create or retire until that player has completed said years.


1b). Similar to 1a, however your scaling would be done with pre-set array of multipliers that you would identify when you create your players.  IE., SK+4, PH+3, PA+3, etc...  The only real difference is that you're allowed to adjust how your player is built every year as opposed to a constant that you don't change.  Either work in my opinion.


2). Allow the player to re-create whenever he wants, but provide a smaller cap (say 40 TPE per year) that would scale similarly to point 1 on an season-to-season business.


3). Allow the player-agent to create someone at 200 TPE right away, thus eligible for the VHL immediately.  They would then only be able to update on a scaled basis through the 5th season, and the remaining 3 seasons (depreciation) would be void from adding any TPE.  The scaled amount would also be dependent on whether the player-agent declares to play for a full 8 or not (ie., 50 or 40TPE/season).  This would come out to similar totals in the end.



Now go talk about it in your BoG.


Nike says just do it.

Edited by frescoelmo
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>tl;drs longer than rest of post

>fuck bitches get money

I like the idea though. Would definitely have to be restrictive but if it helps member retention then it's worth looking into.

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>tl;drs longer than rest of post

>fuck bitches get money

I like the idea though. Would definitely have to be restrictive but if it helps member retention then it's worth looking into.


That's mainly what I'm shooting for, a reason to have members sticking around.  You could also make it a player-agent TPE cap, if that helps.  Expanding on the James Platt idea I think makes the most sense though.

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