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pre season VHL rankings


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I think I will accept the fact I can't do 2000 words anymore. Getting more busy and stuff, less energy on point tasks. Anyways I will try to predict some stuff. Barring any unexpected deals I think all teams are set for now.



:can::usa:🇲🇽NA conference :can::usa:🇲🇽


8th - :tor:Self explanatory. Their biggest win will be getting another first overall. Kyle Peace may get decent stats but other than that, another losing season.

7th - :nya:Meh. Leduc as a slight better version of Mourning and Shrimp as a younger Hockley Man. Same old shit, that's what I'd call this team. Still getting stuck with MDM and Reilly plus a heavy pass first defence is just not a good look at all.

6th - :sea:Let's have a hot take moment. But seriously, their forwards are either still underseasoned or always underachieving Florida Man. Poor Hogan. And their defence will only be good for making Dusty like million bucks again. Who the fuck is supposed to score though???

5th - :la:The most intrguing team this season. They went from overloading the defence to have two bot D's. That's quite a turnaround, but perhaps it will be for the better. Also they're hoping Detroit is gonna keep his playoffs form.

4th - :dcd:May be lower actually. The forward lineup outside of Vidot and Lamb is some doodoo juice. Ok Wolf is aight too. They won't score a lot, but good defence and Bubbles gonna be enough to hold on.

3rd - :chi:  They never truly replaced Bob which sucks imo. Good enough team to be considered for the cup, but I'm not sure if the have enough firepower to pull this off. Daniels and Bushtit are fine, just not on Bob's level.

2nd - :cal:Weaker D depth, weaker F depth. But here's a hope Lindbergh is not going to choke in the playoffs like Dahl did all the time.

1st - :que:Bouchard is gonna have a lot of work to do. His performance is going to impact Vancouver a lot. But I think their forward group is still legit with Nezuko joining in.



:eu:EU conference :eu:


8th - :hel:They're starting to assemble their youth which is cool. But the team still has lots things to do before returning into the contention. Another team that would much rather win first overall.

7th - :rig:Pretty nice defence and goaltending, but forwards need some more seasoning. I think we're not even much worse than the 6th team, just difference on forward lineup makes this placement.

6th - :mal:Hard to tell. They will fight for sure. But Godlee, their defence is still stuck on late 60's - early 70's Prague and Malmo ways. So much physics and we all know how it ended up for them last season. I'm not sure if this won't screw them this season either.

5th - :ldn:  Just above average team. Nalwa - Kovalchuk duo at D and Molly is pretty cool, but the rest of the team doesn't speak championship pedigree to me. If only Chiang was more lucky...

4th - :dav:Only put them above London cause of Boobery. Their forward depth kinda slipped, the same with defence. They do have players to pull things off, but I feel there are more teams with better firepower.

3rd - :prg:Their defence is kinda meh I have to say. I wasn't sure about Kovalchuk being as a first defenceman, but Greg is even worse option to me. And that's just to not have a bot D playing. I don't know if this is going to work. At least they're still having other strengths as last season.

2nd - :mos: Second string forwards does worry me a bit. Especially when AK will have to try to carry them. But Lavelle joining the team was a nice touch. All in all, shouldnt be much problems for Moscow to make it through the regular season.

1st - :war:Forward Lamb out, defenceman Cheese in. In theory, this should weaken them because STHS. But this may play put nicely to them since most of their forward core is still intact. I'm leaning towards the latter.



Enough words for today.


That's it and I'm out.

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What a shame for those teams that are going to finish in the playoffs and not have any chance at drafting Jacob Stone. I expect the rankings will change drastically as the season goes on and teams become desperate to tank their way to first overall.

Edited by scoop
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