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Commissioner for a Day. Viva la Socialism.


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With a quick google search Socialism is defined as "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."


Without educating myself more on the term socialism I'm going to dive deep into this media spot with the changes I would make that would allow for more community involvement in decision making. As it stands someone makes a suggestion and it usually dies in the BOG or is forgotten about entirely. Currently the only league wide vote that occurs seasonally is the Brett Slobodzian trophy voting which is imperfect in itself but at least the community as a whole has a voice. 




League Wide Award Voting


This system would be greatly improved by a larger data pool and transparency in the voting process. Step one involve everyone from the regular welfare earner to the blue team. Get the BOG to come up with a list of however many nominees for each award and put it into a google forms and allow the whole community to select their winners (allowing write in options). The community poll will be one of 3 tiers of voting, yes we've gone from socialism to tieranny. Tier 1 will be the community vote, tier 2 will be the BOG vote and tier 3 will be a vote among GM/AGMs/Blue Team. Then the winners will be based off who won the most tiers of each vote (allowing for 3 should kill any tie breakers) but tie breakers if necessary would be held as a 4th vote in the BOG. Someone would have to run the league wide vote but that seems like a relatively easy hire @Spartan  does everything already so he can do it. 





Job Pay for AGM's


This one would be a long time coming. AGM's are an integral part of the VHL/M/E and they put in a lot of time and effort interacting with players on discord and helping the GM. I think the league would be wise to allow at very least 1 tpe a week job pay to be an AGM. @Gaikoku-hito has been a god send as AGM of Vancouver and the effort he's put into his press conferences and interaction with the team deserves much more then 1 tpe a week but baby steps I guess. Most of us have busy lives outside the VHL and having an AGM motivated with pay each week would go along way in assisting the GM's who want to keep their team engaged. 




Expanding the BOG


One of my biggest issues with the BOG is it's almost a retirement for users who were once very active but now have less invested in the league. This is speaking from experience. Quite often members end up going inactive once they join the BOG. I know there have been additions over the past handful of seasons. But I think including the GM's of all 3 leagues in BOG discussions would help current players voices be heard more as well as make things more transparent. It would allow for better means of communication between the BOG and current GM's. That way if there's a clear issue that a lot of players are having it can easily be discussed among decision makers. Instead I have to look up the BOG member in the phone book and his phone's disconnected. The expansion wouldn't have to stop at GM's but it seems like the most logical first step. 



If you've made it this far thank you for taking the time to read this poorly written and constructed article. Here's another gif to make it all worth it. 

Cat Working GIF


words 619 ish



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12 minutes ago, Frank said:

League Wide Award Voting

Any sort of public vote ends up leaning towards brigading or favoritism. We've seen it with all-star votes and cup banner votes, even Slobo ends up with groups forming to advocate for specific candidates. However, we try to get pretty diverse representation in BoG like your next point:


16 minutes ago, Frank said:

Expanding the BOG

So I think we do have a fairly wide range of folks in there. We try to get voices from each league in there, I think the only slacking league right now would be the E since they turned over a lot recently and hired mostly newer/unproven GMs. But we still have Thad and Eno in there anyways. But I think voting has been generally fine there, and with the BoG, we're usually cleaning up and bringing in new folks when we feel like our active voices are quieting down a bit.


17 minutes ago, Frank said:

Job Pay for AGM's

No. #Gaiko4GM.

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4 minutes ago, Spartan said:

So I think we do have a fairly wide range of folks in there. We try to get voices from each league in there, I think the only slacking league right now would be the E since they turned over a lot recently and hired mostly newer/unproven GMs. But we still have Thad and Eno in there anyways. But I think voting has been generally fine there, and with the BoG, we're usually cleaning up and bringing in new folks when we feel like our active voices are quieting down a bit.

Thank you for advocating for RoryBoG, I decline.

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Just now, rory said:

Thank you for advocating for RoryBoG, I decline.

Yeah I don't think your name has ever come up for discussion to be added, nor do I think it ever will be lol. No stress there!

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5 hours ago, Spartan said:

No. #Gaiko4GM.

Sadly a Mac users so cannot interface with STHS. I guess I could fire up the old untrustworthy computer I have somewhere in a pinch or if I feel like becoming an GM.


5 hours ago, Frank said:

Job Pay for AGM's


This one would be a long time coming. AGM's are an integral part of the VHL/M/E and they put in a lot of time and effort interacting with players on discord and helping the GM. I think the league would be wise to allow at very least 1 tpe a week job pay to be an AGM. @Gaikoku-hito has been a god send as AGM of Vancouver and the effort he's put into his press conferences and interaction with the team deserves much more then 1 tpe a week but baby steps I guess. Most of us have busy lives outside the VHL and having an AGM motivated with pay each week would go along way in assisting the GM's who want to keep their team engaged. 

AGM are already paid since we get paid 2 TPE a week for Press Conferences and depending on activity based articles we can increase our pay to 6 TPE for multi-claims when writing Announcements ie.. Captains, Awards etc.... 


I start off every season with at least 6 TPE due to Captain announcements and my off-season is usually covered by Awards with an easy 4wk claim so I have five of the ten weeks seasons usually covered by Team related material.

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