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Should I Retire Early?

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Should I Retire Early?




This week for my article, I'm going to be talking about potentially retiring early. I know this isn't the most interesting concept, but after this season, I will have two seasons left with my player until I must retire regardless. I think I'll play one more season for sure, but I'm debating if I want to recreate at the TDL next season, or just play out my full career. At this point, I can't really get much better as I have to battle depreciation and bank my TPE, so it's not like I'll have a crazy season or something. I won a cup with London last season and I also ended up winning an award with my player, so I don't really know what more there is to do. I could continue with Siyan and just float around for two seasons and try to contend, but I really don't know to be honest. Does anyone know what the pros and cons would be? I would assume it's just having a longer career and potentially winning more awards/cups. Creating a new player sounds fun too, as I'm still a first gen and I wouldn't mind going to my second player.


I don't really know what direction to go in, but maybe someone who's been around longer can give me some insight? Specifically someone who's maybe retired early and also played out an entire career, that would be very helpful. Otherwise, maybe I'll ask around and get some opinions. We'll see.


I appreciate it. Thanks!

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41 minutes ago, badcolethetitan said:

Does anyone know what the pros and cons would be? I would assume it's just having a longer career and potentially winning more awards/cups.


Yeah, accumulating more stats/awards would be the motive for sticking around longer with this player. I'd say it really depends on what your goals are- is your player on pace to break any franchise records that would be fun to have? Do you think he could take home more awards and make a push for the hall of fame? Would you be on some cup-contending rosters that would boost your total cups as a member of the site?


Or, if you don't have anything particular you'd like to accomplish, does the idea of starting fresh sound a lot more fun? Picking a new name, coming up with a new backstory, etc are all really exciting parts of recreating, and sometimes it's really nice to just shake things up and start anew.


I hate to end it with "only you can decide," but it does ring true in this situation. If you're not specifically chasing after something, recreating at the TDL sounds like it would be the most fun option. Totally depends on what your own personal goals reflect, though.

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I say take it all the way to the end!  You never know what will happen with your next player and you are so close to going all the way with this one.  You might not get the chance with your next player.  Life can get real busy, real fast!

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Coming from someone who retired early as a first gen… lots of people told me my second player’s draft stock would suck, my HOF ballet is thrown out the window, blah blah blah. Don’t care I was tired of that player and I didn’t want to keep him as a chore just for my GM’s benefit. I was earning welfare each week and had no motivation.


I recreated Bobandy, won a VHLE cup and was 2nd in my draft class TPE by draft day I think. Went 4th overall because I wanted to play in Seattle. Now I’m in my third season with the Bears, I’m top 10 in assists and I still have 6 seasons left. It doesn’t feel like 6 seasons is far away at all because I’ve done everything “perfect” with this player and I’m fully enjoying him.


The carry over TPE and just VHL knowledge is awesome and it makes controlling your player a lot more fun. You don’t need to play all 9 seasons if you don’t want to and you shouldn’t let anyone tell you that you have to play them all. It’s your player so whatever makes you happy and whatever will make you enjoy the league the most is what you should do :)

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Yeah on a more serious note, AJW is very right imo. It is your player so it is your call. If you think you achieved everything you can and that this player has run their course, by all means retire him. If that makes you stick around for longer in the VHL, the better. 

If you think the next two seasons could make your player from Gustav's infamous 'Hall of not Bad' into the 'Hall of Fame', I personally think you should give your player the chance to get it.


I motivated myself by looking at the Wranglers all-time leaders and set small goals to overtake the next one on the list. 


But as mentioned before, it is your call ultimately and I doubt that your draft stock will suffer too much.

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Retire early, but don't recreate.


Let's face it, champ, the only way you will reach the next level is if you donate every season. If you are not willing to do that, one career from now, you are going to be in this exact same position - asking whether you should retire early or not.  If you decide to donate for example 80 dollars during a player's career, that money could be used on a lot of things instead of VHL. You could buy books with that money or donate the money to some worthy charity. Sure, when you don't donate to VHL, you will not get to feel the warm sensation that comes when you help the Blues and their beer fund, but that is trivial in comparison to what 80 dollars could do in so many places outside of VHL.


When you already considering retiring, I know it might not be easy, but it is time to take a good and hard look at the ol' plow horse, hit them on the behind and yell: "Run Bessy, be free. I am selling the farm, I am going to the big city to sell AI solutions".


Then you never look back.

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