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Turn it Up (Keyboard Warriors Social Club) - NOVELISTS


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I feel like it's been a hot minute since I wrote a vhl.com article. It's been fairly busy in life, traveled to Vegas for a bit between some busy work weeks. Now I head off to HQ for work, then have a birthday celebration for my mom to organize next weekend. Then after that I'm fucking off across the world for a bit more than a couple weeks. Then I return to some weddings and stuff in November along with other stuff. Will be a pretty busy next few weeks in life and in the VHL. After all, within 2-3 weeks we'll be in the offseason which is the busiest time of the season for admins/commissioners, and as a GM to manage the draft, FA and future planning process. I'll manage somehow, with lots of help from Brandon and the advisors!


Moscow missed the playoffs, as we expected/hoped. Malmo also missing the playoffs gives us two total lottery picks. We'll see how that goes in a couple weeks, but fingers crossed that one of our picks makes a fun jump up, just to make things more interesting for us. Otherwise, we'll be selecting 4th and 5th overall if all goes as expected. However, with a couple other lotto teams blatantly skirting bot goalie utilization rules, maybe there'll be a curveball to lotto odds to bump up the 4 other lotto teams who followed rules. Something to keep an eye on and keep our fingers crossed for.


Draft wise, I'm quite excited to begin speaking to prospects in the next few weeks. I mentioned that we have picks 4 and 5 pending the lotto, but we'll also have pick 15 from TOR (if they make finals as the NA representative, if playoffs go as per season standings) and then also pick 18 from NYA and I think like a pick between 20-22 from HSK. There's a lot of familiar names in this class, especially deeper in the first round range. At the top though, there's some very good people in @FrostBeard, @Renomitsu and @McWolf, any of whom I'd be overjoyed to bring to Moscow. @Zetterberg is already a familiar face in the LR as well, and despite our penchant to butt heads, he'd also be a solid addition to our blue line. It'll be fun to talk to the prospects and GMs about any potential moves to make. Excited for the offseason as it'll be an interesting way to manage it this time.

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2 minutes ago, FrostBeard said:

I have told you multiple times, I don't want to play for you @Spartan - the same way as I don't want your babies and yet you keep asking... 

Yeah but you keep making me make babies, so we don't always get what we want. Enjoy the gulag, comrade.

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