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The Elmebeck Stories


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The Elmebeck Stories


I am sure all of you are aware of the top member award that is handed out each season/every 2nd season now is called the Elmebeck award. Elmebeck was a member of the community who passed away, he was quite active and was always very helpful. He was one of the members in my Cricket sim when I started that I use to sim the games and occasionally commentate over them, without fault he would always be in the chat asking questions. Even when I wouldn’t commentate he would have a list of questions for me about the game. There were countless I remember chatting to him, whether it be through text or voice. So many times I would put on a stream of a test match that would go for about 8 hours and I would wake up in the morning to timestamped questions. I remember going back through the stream and finding out everything he asked and trying to give the best answer I could whilst trying to get ready for work.


It was a shock to me when it got announced what happened, someone I only sort of knew had passed and as much as I didn’t know him, there was a connection there, when you spend hours with someone connecting through a mutual love there is definitely an attachment. Then there were the people who said that he faked his own death to get some attention in the VHL and that cut deep as he didn’t seem like that sort of person. Although without knowing anything there is no way of knowing one way or the other.


So now when the season awards come around every season and the nominations come in and we decide on who gets this award. It always makes me think back on the times we spent chatting about cricket early in the morning to late in the night, it was always a crazy hour of the day for one of us. It is honestly one of my best memories from the VHL and will remember it fondly.


I don’t know what made me think of writing this media spot but I thought why not, it is league related. I just wanted to add on that the Elmebeck award is for the top member but I think we can all chip in to being a top member especially over the holiday period. Let us all be nicer to each other and to listen to and respect our fellow members, as without members we won’t have a sim. Just remember that the person at the other end of the keyboard or simulation is also a person. Let us all be friendly and cheerful, sure we can still have fun and be competitive but let us make sure that we all leave this holiday period happy and healthy.


If anyone is struggling please reach out and I would love to have a chat and if you are really struggling please reach out to the professionals they are there to help!


Have a great holiday season everyone!


@Elmebeck for Elmebeck!

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I wasn't aware of the full history behind the Elmebeck award! Thank you for sharing. I still feel like a rookie in the league so I appreciated you sharing some history behind awards and the people in it. Elmebeck seemed like an awesome dude 🍻

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