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Bad ASG Ideas


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This week was Theme Week so while I have been mainly taking advantage of our welfare and pension system of late, I thought I would power up my phone and type out a 500 word article to earn a little bit extra this week.  The topic of “All Star” is an interesting one…cause frankly the whole notion of All Star Events in real sports has become rather stale and I think in some ways that’s what we saw in the VHL in the past.  People didn’t really care too much about it so it ultimately went mostly unnoticed. With that being said, I have always thought it would be an interesting way to bring in some different style of content.  Therefore, this article will cover a couple of ways I think the league could bring forth the All Star Game again, but add a twist to it to bring some popularity back to it.  Disclaimer: I don’t like all of these ideas.  But some I’ve seen around and some I just feel like would be obvious ways people want to tweak it.  


Idea 1: Make it Worth TPE
This is the obvious one that people would bring up and I don’t fully dislike the idea.  Granted I would probably only want to see 1 TPE for getting nominated because any more than that just frankly just makes the rich much richer.  Most probably wouldn’t support this ultimately (or at least those in charge) but I do think TPE will always convince some people to pay a little more attention to it and obviously that is important. 


Idea 2: Visibility is Everything
This is my main focus because I am a sucker for things like career resumes and accomplishment pages full of statistics, accolades and awards.  Adding All Star Game participation would give a lot more players some things to showcase in there which incidentally is a good thing for member morale.  While not everyone cares about that stuff, as someone who does, I think it actually would be a big addition for some to make them care more. 


Idea 3: NA vs World
While unlikely, I always thought this could be a fun way to present the ASG.  Would be a tough one but I’d be curious to see how the teams differ with this format and maybe we would see some national pride involved to bring in more of a rivalry. 

Idea 4: Ways to Present The Game
The obvious way is through STHS and while we could tweak that and put a lot of work into one on a NHL game or something like that, I do think that’s a lot of work, for a one game presentation it can be a very popular way to present the games. Id also like to see a fresh take in how to present it.  Add a 1 TPE reward for anyone who shows up during the stream and partakes in the chat and maybe present it on twitch or through a different platform. Put it on the front page of the portal and showcase it everywhere and you should see an uptick in interest.

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