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Graphic Review


After doing review of the first graphic, scrolling down to the next one to review because I got both trivia questions wrong, I saw this one and liked the detail so decided to review it.  As it turns out, it’s the same designer as first review today.  Designer definitely is talented with doing graphics.  You have skill.


I like the colors because it’s simple on the eyes but there are enough changes in colors that it identifies everything in the graphic that needs to be said.  The player is the main focus on this graphic, as the size of the player encompasses from top to bottom.  The logo is warped and distorted at the right dimensions that its impossible to tell if it is layered on the jersey.  It fits well and the shades make everything realistic.  I like the shades of blue used for the entire graphic.  The dark on the left that is behind the player and then lightens as progresses on the right side.  Added to that is some kind of blended shapes which make it all fit in.  The detail of making sure the color of the fingers on the left side of the graphic are darker and the colors of the fingers on the glove near the signature are lighter, matching the signature really adds to the graphic.  I can assume a lot of work was put into this and it was quite time consuming to make these fine tuning adjustments.  


I can now say that this graphic is consistent with the work I have seen of your graphics.  Very good graphic.


Score 10/10

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