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A Study Into The Personal and Historical Implications of "diacope"


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Today we will be dissecting the artist known as 'diacope'. I think this is a very interesting lesson that everybody in the victory hockey league will understand and appreciate. I have some leading theories into the username and what it represents on a local and global level! Come with me, vhl scholars, as we delve into this beautiful tapestry laid upon us.


Explanation for 'cope': I think "cope" has become a regular enough word in the online space (specifically with generation z users such as myself) as a way to tell people to keeping making excuses to hide themselves from the truth. Was the artist trying to explain to us that they have coped with their past in a that they have healed and are ready to contribute in a meaningful manner once more? Some scholars would say this is actually an antagonistic username, suggesting users, such as their historic rival Spartan, to start taking copium because of their return to the league following a once permanent ban. Either way, from this suffix being in the username, I believe the user is communicating that the interpretation of 'dia' is the only true way to understand what they personally, or we as a VHL community will be coping with.


Explanation for dia: #1 short for diamond. Diamonds are known as one of the worlds most precious minerals, known for their sparkleyness and for massive human rights violations. This could mean their intentions all along were to abuse our human rights. On the same vein (get it lol like minecraft), you could interpret this to be about the massive propaganda campaign that made diamonds the go-to gem for engagements. The scholars that argue either of these explanations are pretty stupid, however, because I do not believe the creativity the artist originally used to be this intense and introspective. If we look at other uses of the word "diamond" in popular culture, we can narrow into uses like in popular online video games, such as "League of Legends", or "Rocket League", where diamond is a rank achievable through playing other users. Usually diamond is an above average player that is not quite the top of their craft. Could this be the artist explaining to us that they are slightly above average? When relating this to the suffix 'cope' are they telling us they have slightly coped with their previous experiences in the Victory Hockey League, revealing to us that their past will bubble over into their future?


#2 - spanish word for 'day'. I know not if the artist is of Spanish and/or Latin American origin, or if they can even speak the language! However, as educated peoples, we must investigate every single lead and it is my belief that some scholars may take a liking to this theory! We will be investigating the entirety of this theory as if we have confirmed the suffix 'cope' to mean what I have previously laid out it to mean. In the abstract of Association between daily coping and end-of-day mood by Stone et al., they claim that "Use of distraction, acceptance, and relaxation were associated with increased positive affect". Thus, we can infer that coping every day has a generally positive affect on people. Was the username diacope, or coping day, meant to tell us members that they were using the VHL as a method of distraction, acceptance, and relaxation? If they were using the VHL as a way to increase their mood it could explain why they used a negative approach when interacting with members. I am vaguely aware that spreading misinformation and trolling online may bring joy to certain people (although I have ZERO personal experience with this), so mayhaps the artist was using their art as a form of this.


Now to move on to other theories into what the name could perhaps tell us of the story of diacope, we move into the weird and wacky section (which is a term linguists use all the time ask fishy).


ANAGRAMS: The two anagrams I came up are "idea cop", perhaps a reference to the popular online creator iDubbbz YouTube series Content Cop, and "coped AI", which is a very likely option as the use of artificial intelligence has been a very hot topic in the Victory Hockey League in the past six months. If we are discussing the likelihood of the anagram theory, I believe we should lean into idea cop as the more likely option. Mayhaps the artist was seeing themselves as the league's version of Content Cop, which keen scholars will remember has happened before. When one of the leagues greatest artists, Kachur, was exiled from the league but returned as Horcrux, they saw themselves as a certain Content Cop, changing the way the VHL thinks about many things, and introducing the highly argued Code of Conduct (CoC). Did diacope see themselves as a second coming of Horcrux, looking to test the CoC? Or perhaps to strengthen the grip the CoC has on the league?


ACRONYM: If we break up the letters D I A C O P E, we can highlight key words or sentences that have been hiding in plain sight. The first sentence I came up with is Developing Innovative Approaches, Creative Organizations Propel Excellence. This could circle back into the anagram theory, with the artist perhaps intending both of these meanings to be found in their username. In this theory, it is believed that the user was trying to develop a stronger, more innovate CoC, to propel excellence, or at least their vision of excellence, throughout the VHL. Keeping this related to the HOCKEY part of the VHL, we could come up with "During Intense, Aggressive Contests, Our Players Excel". As a general manager, I love to play an aggressive style of hockey because it wears out the opposition, and forces mistakes from them. I theorize that diacope was on the attack during their return to the league because of this reason, attempting to force mistakes from both the moderation team and the general userbase (educate yourself of the forum threads "OrbitingDeath's Signatures: <request yours here>", Matty's graphics and sigs, and Jason's Sig Requests). This theory does fail in one section - the endless possibilities that the acronym could mean. Especially if we're considering the fact that the artist is known to throw in Spanish words (see explanation for dia #2), the possibilities for the acronym are near infinite.


IT'S LITERALLY A WORD: yeah diacope "is a rhetorical term meaning repetition of a word or phrase that is broken up by a single intervening word, or a small number of intervening words" (Wikipedia, 2024). A great example is" "Bond. James Bond." — James Bond (also stolen from wikipedia, 2024). This theory I believe relies on a more figurative meaning then the use in literary devices. The artist had two stints in the victory hockey league, broken up by a single permanent ban. diacope, BANNED, diacope.


In conclusion, I have laid out many different reasons onto the username of the artist known as "diacope", and I will allow you, Victory Hockey League scholars, to come to your own conclusions. Fuck you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so out of the loop lol. I know they're like super controversial member, I know they were banned and that's it. I've only had like two interactions with them and can't say anything negative. I guess I should be more active, other than earning lol

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