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The Presser with Bobbus Dingus

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Hi there! Welcome to a new segment I've created called "The Presser" with me! Bobbus Dingus! I get to sit down with some of the best players in each of the leagues and pick their brains! We will start with this week's episode, ending 28 July 2024.


1. Welcome to the show and thank you for taking time out of your busy day to do this! The draft is right around the corner for each of the leagues. If you're already in the VHL, are there any prospects in the pool you're hoping your team drafts? If you're a future prospect, have teams started reaching out to you yet and are there any teams you're wanting to play for most?


2. Following the drafts will be the Training Camp! For those in the VHL or about to play their first season, who are you looking forward to training with and do you have any new tricks you want to work on?


3. How good or terrible does your team look as far as being able to compete in next season's playoffs?


4. Do you have any vacation plans this summer, and if not then what projects are you working on?


5. What would you imagine your team's mascot would look like? No bonus points if you give it a name, but puns and play-on-words are totally welcome here!


6. How many teams will Manuel Ceson play for in the Minors before playing in the E?


That's all for this week! Thank you once again for your time and I'll see you next week!

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1 minute ago, Tetricide said:


Hi there! Welcome to a new segment I've created called "The Presser" with me! Bobbus Dingus! I get to sit down with some of the best players in each of the leagues and pick their brains! We will start with this week's episode, ending 28 July 2024.


1. Welcome to the show and thank you for taking time out of your busy day to do this! The draft is right around the corner for each of the leagues. If you're already in the VHL, are there any prospects in the pool you're hoping your team drafts? If you're a future prospect, have teams started reaching out to you yet and are there any teams you're wanting to play for most?


2. Following the drafts will be the Training Camp! For those in the VHL or about to play their first season, who are you looking forward to training with and do you have any new tricks you want to work on?


3. How good or terrible does your team look as far as being able to compete in next season's playoffs?


4. Do you have any vacation plans this summer, and if not then what projects are you working on?


5. What would you imagine your team's mascot would look like? No bonus points if you give it a name, but puns and play-on-words are totally welcome here!


6. How many teams will Manuel Ceson play for in the Minors before playing in the E?


That's all for this week! Thank you once again for your time and I'll see you next week!

Just for funsies!

1. There's some really fun players in this draft, and with Moscow always circling around a high pick who knows who we may end up with! I've enjoyed my time around @Greg_Di, @der meister makes wonderful content, and is never afraid to try something new and wacky. @Aimee  has been my AGM whether in title or in practice since I started being active basically, and it will be weird not sharing an LR this season. @Phil and @Ricer13 make any LR popping, and they always have something fun to bring to the day. @CaptainSB would be fitting to go to Moscow as we pick last I'd assume, and that's where they belong! @Anthique @Ozzy Batty and @RileyL all remind me of my favourite era of the VHL, that mid 80s stretch, and I always love seeing them around! @Arce is a Moscow legend, a Marlins legend, and a great guy to hang around, so would love to have him make a magical return for real this time for Moscow!

2. God I have so much TPE to apply, and I haven't come up with a plan for it yet at all. Hoping to bring some slick offensive play to the mix, have the puck a lot and not lose it ideally. Not sure whether I'll lean into passing or not, I'm skeptical and it scares me, but we'll see what happens. Lots of DF left to build to put off that decision.

3. I mean Moscow won, and while they lost some big pieces, @leandrofg and I are definitely the members you want to replenish some lost TPE. We'll be rocking 800ish TPE for the playoffs, and with some killer builds to match.

4. I am not going anywhere this summer, trying to get myself in peak working order for school starting in September. I've missed a lot of opportunity over the last few years from some health concerns I never knew were sapping the life out of me, so I've spent the summer learning how to be a real functional adult. I'm trying to read ahead on my textbooks, work on a website, work my new part-time sales job, continue to make up for the years of terrible metabolism from unknown health issues, and get back into things that make me feel good! I have more energy in a day now than I used to have in a month, and there's just so many things to do!

5. Spartan. I'm not going to lie, the image of Spartan in my head does not match the details I know to be true about him, which I think is very funny. Now I just think about the Michigan State logo.

6. I'll say 2. But that's also a trick question, because he won't play in the E. And not only because I'm going to abolish it!

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The Presser

Week Ending 4 August 2024


1. Welcome to the next episode of the Presser! This week we had the VHL and VHLE drafts! A.) Was your player drafted, or B.) Did you participate in either of the draft streams?


2. What's the best part of being selected in the VHL draft?


3. Is your player in any of the off-season tournaments?


4. Which animal is your player's favorite?


5. How would you feel about VHL Olympic Games every 4 seasons?


6. Is there anything in the Olympics you usually watch?



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