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S95 Tough Guy Tribute


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Were around 60 games in and It’s that time of year for a Tough Guy Tribute.  So many times we focus on the 50 goal scorer or that defensive standout who makes it into the top ten in scoring. But this article is to honor those behind the scenes that drop the mitts for their fellow teammates and throw soul stealing hits night in and night out.  Just about every team has one (or more) of these lovable brutes and while other teams players and fans might despise them at home they are valued.  So here weeeee go!





Toby Kadachi @ROOKIE745- at 606 236 this fearsome animal has been destroying fools in New York to the point I am surprised they haven’t tried to incarcerate him yet.  TK already has amassed a league leading 12 fights (yes, 12!) this year for a very talented and tough New York team.  Even more impressive is to go with his 202 minutes in PIMS is he has 315 hits already as well.  Even with his toughness and PIMs TK is no slouch offensively either. 27 goals with 7 GWG and 7 PPGs his hands are relied on more than just crushing other player’s faces.  


Keegan Gamble @Keegan Gamble- This one is an anomaly to me.  Keegan has zero points in body check, zero in Grit, and zero in fighting and yet this first gen savage has 10 fights on the year.  Even crazier is he only has 54 minutes in the box meaning he only has two minor penalties on the season.  Keegan also has 82 points on the season so not only does he defend his team but sinks the puck often.  


Tommy Sleeves @dasboot-  No tough guy list would be complete without Tommy Sleeves.  This hulking defenseman brings utter pain each and every night.  Sleeves had an insane number of hits last season with 401 and has 274 this season so far.  Added he has blocked 200 shots this season while sitting for a league leading 260 minutes in the box.  9 fights this season shows why he so beloved in Helskinki.   Added to this Sleeves has beat up my player twice since I joined the VHL. Hoping at some point to get at least a draw! 


Callum Gary Yannick Janser @Daniel Janser- an elite defenseman on a New York club that was bit by Simon this season.  Playing with Toby Kadachi, NY must be one of the toughest teams in the league.  201 PIMS and 224 hits for CGY while notching 6 PPGs with 4 game winners.  An insane earner I would imagine CGY will continue to be a massive force in the league both on defense but also in punishment.  


Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts- What can you say about ole Guntis. There are so many stories it’s hard to know what is true.  From a budding relationship with Megan Fox to the rumor he once tore a finger off a guy in a Vancouver bar following a massive bar fight.  Even weirder was that he presented the finger to teammate Logan Ninefingers as an offering to replace his missing digit.  It is well known that Guntis has his own side of the locker room and has fought nearly everyone on the Wolves team at one point including GM @Frank.  A point per game player this season with 204 hits and 198 PIMs this season with 6 fights he is beloved and feared by his teammates.  


George Richmond @badcolethetitan- A name I wouldn’t have associated with making the tough guy tribute, as skilled as he is.  The #2 pick of the S92 draft he already has a Continental Cup to his name and is on a power house club in Moscow poised for another deep run. 71 points this season so far is no surprise but what is, is the 9 fights he has on the season.  The gritty centerman has dropped the gloves frequently and has tripled his PIM high in the VHL with 93.  134 hits as well he has evolved his game into a true power forward who can hit, hurt, and score.  As if Moscow wasn’t deadly enough! 


Savaisk Tzesar @comrade cat- Another player who can hurt opposing players in several ways this left winger scored 90 points last season and is poised for close to that again.  8 fighting majors this season for Malmo and 226 hits puts him in the top ten in the league in crushing people.  The type of player all GMs want that gives the gift of grit and scoring.  


Fradin McGryer @Fradin99- Fradin’s PIMS have dropped a bit this season but he is still a force to be reckoned with in the powerful Euro conference.  The Riga defenseman has racked up 138 points and 182 hits and is a +46 with 40 assists.  In just under 6 season Fradin has racked up 1030 minutes in the penalty box and has 1273 hits putting him in one of the nastiest defenders in the league to play against.  


Andrew Skilton @ace_five_- It’s not often I would put a rookie on the TGT but my hat is off to the first gen rookie from Toronto. Pretty good numbers offensively so far with 5 goals 36 assists 41 points to help the first place Toronto team keep their winning ways.  Physically the kid has been great showing he’s not afraid of the older toughs in the league. 177 PIMs, 181 hits, and 120 blocked shots says everything you need to know about his type of game.  Is this another Guntis in the making? 


Honorable mentions:


Spanish Moon Moth @Renomitsu- An assist machine for the surging Chicago Phoenix he has taken up the mantle of middle weight brawler this year with 10 fights (3 fight wins).  


Stefan Nikolaev @Is_thatok- this journeyman forward has upped his physical game this year in Warsaw with 9 fighting majors, 103 PIMS, and 103 hits.  The 46th player drafted in S90 has found a role in the physical and intimidating European conference.  


Thanks for tuning in.  Until next week, have a great weekend everyone.   


1014 words for two week claim 15th and 22nd 




Edited by Scurvy
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