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Replace welfare with AI?


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Prof. Zach Enron listed the benefits of AI.  What really caught my attention was point 5: Dynamic Content Creation and how AI could be used to attract new members and to encourage existing users to remain active.  As well know, VHL never has too many active users that post interesting content to the forums. In my opinion, the golden eggs of VHL, the welfare users, should from now on be required to post some kind of point task using AI to claim welfare. VHL could open a specific section for the AI Content. I think the main benefit for the league is increased activity around the forum. Even if a large portion of the content is generic and not that interesting, we would still get a gem here and there; a controversial graphic, or a fun article that gets people talking.  From a promotional point of view, I am sure you could use some of the AI content made by the welfare users to promote VHL, especially the graphics, to capture the attention and get people to come over to the VHL site.


The AI-Welfare plan should also be seen as some kind of rehabilitation program that aims to help welfare users. Perhaps some of the busy welfare earners realize through AI content creation that creating content is not that bad after all, so they try to be productive users in the VHL by doing the real points tasks, at least occasionally.  Saving even one user from the dark caves of welfare is worth it. Considering how simple and easy it is to create basic content with AI, I think the total amount of welfare you can claim needs to be dropped by 1 TPE. On the flip side the users would get likes for their posts and maybe even some comments, which might sound bad when you read it like this, but as we all know, likes and comments are as good reason as any other to post something to the internet. Looking at my previous point about welfare users realizing the "benefits" of creating content: the likes and comments play a big part in that.


You could also organize educational activities around the forum. You could have users post actual content they made to the AI section and the other way around. So in the sea of AI content, you would have few real articles and graphics. In the sea of real content, you have a few AI-made articles and graphics. The goal is to educate the good people of VHL about AI and show how to spot the work done with AI and also show what makes graphics and text created by a real person so special. This type of activity goes beyond just earning TPE in a hockey league as VHL could actually teach valuable skills to the good people of VHL they can use in their work, school, and other hobbies.


As you stop to think what you just read, listen the following, the thread theme song is made with AI and speaks to pretty much everybody in VHL:  https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/erlantz-jokinen/episodes/Moscow-Menace-e2o9edc


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Only read the title but it’s not a bad idea. Content > button pushing and nothing else. Member would have to put that it’s “welfare by ai” and claim it for whatever bracket of welfare they’re at. 

Edited by Banackock
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Ah, the AI-Welfare plan—finally, a way to combine our love of pixels on a screen with the subtle pressure to do something more than spam the welfare button! I mean, who wouldn't want to roll out of bed, groggily claim their TPE, and in exchange, produce a thrilling AI-generated article on the cultural significance of the Zamboni? Pure genius. The dynamic content would definitely bring in new members, because nothing screams "join our community" quite like a paragraph of robot-generated text about why your Virtual Hockey League avatar prefers oatmeal over cereal.

And hey, imagine the thrill of waking up to likes and even comments! Forget that promotion at work or compliments from your family—no, the true dopamine rush is when your AI-crafted graphic of a penguin in hockey gear gets a few hearty thumbs up from fellow welfare warriors. That’s the dream, right? Rehab through artificial creativity!

But let's not stop at AI content! We could create an AI-based "Welfare Olympics," where each week, users battle it out to see who can generate the most unintentionally hilarious AI post. Sure, half the content might read like a refrigerator manual, but occasionally we’ll stumble upon a masterpiece—like an AI deciding the best hockey strategy is to have all players form a conga line during faceoffs.

And don’t get me started on the educational value—VHL will be the Harvard of hockey leagues. We’ll be so good at spotting AI content, we’ll never be fooled by a machine pretending to be a human ever again! We’ll walk into job interviews and drop this knowledge: “Oh, I can tell that report was written by ChatGPT. Give me the promotion now.”

In conclusion: The AI-Welfare plan will be the best thing to happen to VHL since we discovered people will argue over goalie pads for days. Let the robo-creativity revolution begin!

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So is the proposal to remove welfare clicking altogether in favor of AI?  Would the AI content have to be specifically VHL related or just hockey related?  And how would it be evaluated— is it a thing where as long as you post something you can claim welfare, or does the content need to meet some criteria to qualify?  

IMO not all AI content is equal and someone could use AI to produce something worthwhile, but it could also be used very lazily where it might become nothing more than forum spam, especially for those like myself who like scrolling through the “browse new content” tab.  I don’t know how much patience I’d have for sorting through super generic AI articles about sim hockey that don’t connect to the sim results or process in any meaningful way.  

There’s a way this could work I think, but I’d be hesitant to support completely replacing welfare clicking with AI posting without certain guidelines that make the content somewhat meaningful.

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I understand the push towards integrating AI-created content into the VHL's hockey simulation league, but I have to say I'm not on board with replacing the free "TPE" system with AI-generated content. Here’s why:

Firstly, the core of the VHL experience has always been about player involvement and personal growth. The free "TPE" system allows players to actively engage with their own development and invest time and effort into their characters. It creates a sense of ownership and accomplishment that AI content simply can’t replicate. By replacing this system with AI-generated content, we risk diluting the personal connection and investment players have in their virtual athletes.

Secondly, AI, while impressive, often lacks the nuance and context that human-driven systems can provide. The dynamic nature of player interactions, strategies, and decisions in the VHL are shaped by human creativity and decision-making. AI-generated content might not capture the subtle intricacies of these interactions, potentially leading to a less engaging and less authentic simulation experience.

Lastly, there’s the issue of fairness and consistency. AI can be unpredictable, and relying on it for creating content could introduce inconsistencies and unintended biases. The current system of free "TPE" offers a level playing field where players can advance based on their own efforts, rather than being subject to the whims of an algorithm.

In summary, while AI can certainly enhance various aspects of the VHL, replacing the free "TPE" system with AI-generated content undermines the foundational elements of player engagement and personal achievement. It’s crucial to preserve the aspects of the league that foster genuine involvement and connection, rather than shifting entirely to automated solutions.

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