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Good car handling is important when the game itself is about, y'know, racing. ;)


I didn't get around to playing Shadow of Mordor, but it seems like everyone I talk to who has is singing the game's praises.

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Then they add it all back later as NEW features!

I hope they fire Rammer. They had 2 years and literally made a shell of the former game when FiFa, madden already are on their second releases on the xbone. #fial

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Fire the dev team? The they had two years excuse is silly. They were upgrading to new hardware. Plus they still shipped a game last year. Nearly every single EA sports game had awful issues first time out on the new hardware.

I promise you devs have no interest in releasing an unfinished or broken product. EA should ditch the stupid one year cycle and let these devs experiment with making something crazy awesome for a sports game.

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The "two years" excuse is one the devs used themselves last year, it's on them that it's backfiring now. Higgins said to fire Rammer, not the whole team. That moron is too busy brown-nosing NHLers than actually working on the game. I don't care what the devs want to do, they're releasing 40% of a game for full price. Fuck that.

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Rammer has been side stepping questions for the past year now and has lied in past interviews about next gen NHL. Clearly HUT is pushed by EA suits as it was the most complete part of the game. Rammer deserves to be fired and get a fresh face to take EA NHL in a better direction.

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I'm not denying the garbage that EA spews. But have you guys actually seen devs talk about some of the shit that goes on there? The devs don't want to release 40 percent of a game at full price. But the executives at EA know that it'll still sell. Just like Battlefield did despite the fact that the online was flat out fucking broken. Just like all the sports games last year that were getting patched in graphics and other features because they weren't ready to be released.


EA Corporate is awful at this shit. My point stands, these franchises don't fucking need to come out every single year. Unless you employ like a retarded number of devs it will constantly not be a "complete" package. Even the previous NHL games were not a "full" game. Literally look at all the features that got added to the last generation of NHL games, specifically since like 10. If you go from like 09 to 14 you see this massive improvement. That is what a REAL video game sequel is. Take 3 years, and make an entirely new fucking thing with all your ideas. Not roll out one or two new ideas each year provided you have the time and if not? Ship a product, that is all that matters to EA. 

NHL10 to NHL11 was the biggest improvement imo, the new skating engine was great and has only been tweaked and things added to it.

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Why EA is releasing every year a new game ? A lot of people only plays for NHL on their console, and since it's the only hockey game, they will buy the new game each year. 70$ a year isn't that much.


Personally, I'm not riding EA's dick and I always found the game awful. I've paid 20 bucks for NHL13 since EA wanted to boost their sells and I received NHL14 for free.  If it wasn't about that, I was boycotting the NHL series since NHL 12.

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$69.99 + taxes = $79.09 for a new game in BC. That's a hefty fucking price tag, and with the amount of competition in games coming out in the next 6-8 months there's no reason at all to buy NHL 15. Kick back while Professor Sandro lists off your potential purchases with the money you would've spent on NHL 15.



Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Alien: Isolation


The Evil Within

Sunset Overdrive

Halo: Master Chief Collection

Forza Horizon 2

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

LittleBigPlanet 3

Assassin's Creed Unity AND/OR Rogue

Far Cry 4


The Order: 1886

The Witcher III

Mortal Kombat X


Batman: Arkham Knight

Dead Island 2


Those games are all confirmed to launch by Spring 2015. Sure, some of them won't be amazing, but there's some really fucking awesome looking games in there along with some potential sleeper hits.

Edited by Sandro
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$69.99 + taxes = $79.09 for a new game in BC. That's a hefty fucking price tag, and with the amount of competition in games coming out in the next 6-8 months there's no reason at all to buy NHL 15. Kick back while Professor Sandro lists off your potential purchases with the money you would've spent on NHL 15.


I get it for exactly 70 bucks because #Native.

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Racist? You're the one that started flaunting around that you don't have to pay taxes, dumbass. You opened yourself up to the mockery. Hell, I don't give a shit what your racial background is. I try not to think in those terms.

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