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It's been almost half of a calendar year for me as Trivia Head now, and it’s been a pretty fun job so far. While I haven’t had a huge amount of feedback on my performance, I have taken the limited feedback that I have received on Discord/the forum and intend to do my best implementing it going forward. 


The biggest point of criticism I've found is the fact that some questions are “too difficult”, which basically means that I have started to add questions that cannot be exclusively answered by information located in the Portal. I am absolutely not anti-Portal; I love the portal, and I think that it has done so much more for the league than most will ever realize, especially for people who weren’t a part of the VHL pre-portal. That being said, one of the weaknesses of the portal is that it there is so much VHL history that isn't available in the Portal. The forum Hall of Fame section (link HERE) has such a great wealth of information/knowledge about the league's history that I feel should not be forgotten.


My philosophy on trivia is that it shouldn’t be a completely free 2 TPE every single week; I feel that Trivia should serve as a way to expand the knowledge of VHL history by members who may or may not have been around to experience it first-hand, and the portal has only existed for around 30 or so seasons (I may be a little off on exact numbers there). Going forward, I still intend most of the Trivia Questions to be answerable with only information found in the Portal, but I will continue to include some questions that require a bit more research.

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Hm then I have a question for you @Corco, as I just submitted questions that are more oriented around navigating the forums. Are those still questions you'd consider? I think for a fair few folks, they'd be considered easy, but I've run across a lot of people who don't know these areas of the forums exist.

6 minutes ago, Spartan said:

Hm then I have a question for you @Corco, as I just submitted questions that are more oriented around navigating the forums. Are those still questions you'd consider? I think for a fair few folks, they'd be considered easy, but I've run across a lot of people who don't know these areas of the forums exist.

Absolutely, I definitely want to do my best to maintain an equal balance of forum Trivia and portal Trivia.

Just now, Corco said:

Absolutely, I definitely want to do my best to maintain an equal balance of forum Trivia and portal Trivia.

Sick, I submitted 4 questions so you can pick and choose a mix of proper history trivia and general forum navigation knowledge :) 

Yeah if people want to whine that they have to use the forum for something (heaven forbid), then too bad. Like it or not, it’s an awesome archive of league history in its own right and I’ve learned to appreciate lots of things I wasn’t around for in ways that I never would have if I’d just looked at the portal for everything. 

As a new user I've really enjoyed the triva questions, it has helped me learn to navigate both the forums and portal a bit so it is a huge help.  Learning about the league history is always cool too, appreciate the time put in to keep it running!

Wait, wasn't the original point of trivia that you HAD to use the forums in order to find most of the information? 99% of older trivia questions used to be answerable by knowing which spreadsheet to go find within one of the many different history sections of the forum.


The portal is wonderful, but it can't be the be-all end-all. Instant gratification generation's gotta learn how their ancestors used to get things done around here

3 hours ago, Rin said:

Wait, wasn't the original point of trivia that you HAD to use the forums in order to find most of the information? 99% of older trivia questions used to be answerable by knowing which spreadsheet to go find within one of the many different history sections of the forum.


The portal is wonderful, but it can't be the be-all end-all. Instant gratification generation's gotta learn how their ancestors used to get things done around here

Correct; perhaps a happy medium to satiating clickers could be finding a way to link to those spreadsheets on the portal itself.

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